#avr Logs

May 01 2019

#avr Calendar

01:10 PM jancoow: Hey. I've a small question..
01:14 PM jancoow: I've a timer running, and I've 2 compare channels
01:14 PM jancoow: However, if I set these compare channels on the same value, they are both not triggered..
01:14 PM jancoow: why is this?
01:14 PM polprog: do they trigger when you have different values set?
01:14 PM jancoow: yes
01:45 PM jancoow: Ugh okay guys; I do have some more issues with interupts now :/
01:45 PM jancoow: I guess it has something to do with priority..
01:46 PM jancoow: Sometimes when my timer interupt is just triggered before my external falling edge interupt.. the falling edge interupt gets ignored
01:46 PM jancoow: any way how I could.. work around this?
01:46 PM jancoow: I can't permit a missed interupt on that one, because it's connected to my ZC
01:46 PM jancoow: (zero cross detection)
08:35 PM Thrashbarg_ is now known as Thrashbarg
08:47 PM rue_mohr: JanC, ...
11:58 PM day__ is now known as day