#avr Logs

Apr 19 2019

#avr Calendar

12:02 AM gsi__ is now known as gsi_
02:44 AM polprog: ive got a network hub (sic!) that has some 8086 cpu in it. Might make a teardown video, someone told me they are cool
02:52 AM rue_mohr: cool
02:52 AM rue_mohr: I'm gonna see if a switched capacitor at 4.5Khz, with a 0.22uF cap is ~= 1k resistor
03:43 AM rue_mohr: cool!
03:44 AM rue_mohr: so, the 4.5Khz had to be 5.11khz to get the right results, but the siwtches have 40ohms ea
03:47 AM rue_mohr: which is 889.5R
03:48 AM rue_mohr: bringing the total to 969.5 ohms, pretty close to the 1k I was using, which I didn't measure
03:48 AM rue_mohr: its plausable that the switches were at 55 ohms
03:48 AM rue_mohr: range was 40 to 120 ohms
03:50 AM polprog: hmm, still tormenting that microwave oven?
03:51 AM polprog: i wish i had this clock VFD, could make a driver for it
03:51 AM polprog: both VFDs i have are big alphanuneric units with drivers in them that i know how to use
03:52 AM polprog: so no point in taking those apart
03:52 AM polprog: one of them is this paralell one youve seen on twitter and the other one has a uart
04:35 AM rue_bed: got it all apart
04:35 AM rue_bed: :)
08:49 AM davor_ is now known as davor
11:13 AM green_snow: I've came across an avr dds source code, the generator function is basically an asm code wrapped in a c function. And there is a part which looks something like this: "add %A1, %0" : : "r"(accumulator), "e"(sample_table). Whad does the capital "A" in the operand mean? This code is designed for gcc of course.
11:20 AM nohit: its "variable" name?
11:20 AM nohit: can you paste the code
11:22 AM green_snow: https://pastebin.com/LT5tKbyK
11:24 AM nohit: heh this is the same exact code that nuxil was playing around about a year ago
11:28 AM nohit: green_snow take a look at this https://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/inline_asm.html
11:31 AM green_snow: oh, so this is simply "slicing" a variable into bytes
11:31 AM green_snow: thanks
11:40 AM nohit: yeah its "adc signal, ad2"
11:41 AM nohit: i think the A is there because signal is pointer ??
11:43 AM green_snow: yep
11:44 AM green_snow: and a pointer consists of two bytes
11:45 AM green_snow: so the segment remains constant, and it only manipulates the offset of the address
05:42 PM rue_mohr: hey
06:00 PM resixian is now known as resixian_
06:00 PM resixian_ is now known as resixian
06:07 PM nohit: hey
06:07 PM nohit: sup
08:21 PM samantaz_ is now known as samantaz
11:14 PM day_ is now known as day