#avr Logs

Apr 17 2019

#avr Calendar

02:55 AM polprog: hey rue_mohr
03:00 AM polprog: https://twitter.com/polprogpl/status/1118421191004512256
04:07 AM Thrashbarg_ is now known as Thrashbarg
04:59 AM janco_ is now known as janco
06:11 AM matthias__: I've recently posted a question but did not get an answer in time and had to go offline:
06:11 AM matthias__: Hello :) I have a config-class which values I want to permanently store in EEPROM. I thought of using the eeprom_update_block(&config_instance, sizeof(config)) and the eeprom_read_block(...) function. I know the difference between update/write and my question is, if the update_block command checks the to write bytes each one and writes it if the read value differes or it does the checking for the whole block. I looked in the interne
06:38 AM nohit: try #avrs, its more active
06:49 AM polprog: most likely it checks every byte, its like that to avoid re-writing a cell needlessly
06:50 AM polprog: anyway you can write your own fuction that uses the byte r/w calls but thats not necesary, matthias__
06:51 AM matthias__: polprog: okay thanks, i will stick with the default one then :D
07:56 AM horohoro: Hello Everyone
09:30 AM rue_mohr: polprog, hey
09:31 AM rue_mohr: polprog, nice
09:31 AM paulo_ is now known as Guest916
09:32 AM rue_mohr: avrs is not more active
11:32 AM gsi__ is now known as gsi_
01:24 PM paulo_ is now known as Guest33904
01:28 PM Maya-sama is now known as Miyu
01:32 PM ville: so seems like i'v some troubles flashing my arduino micro with avrdude. anyone know what the correct procedure is? do i need to "prepare" the device somehow to be flashed rather than just issue the avrdude command?
01:42 PM LeoNerd: Press the "boot" button.
01:42 PM LeoNerd: If you're using full arduino (arduino bootloader, arduino serial library, with it actually open) then you can use the autoreset feature of that
01:43 PM LeoNerd: But without that you need to press the button
01:43 PM LeoNerd: Personally I don't often bother and just do it the old-fashioned ISP method
01:44 PM ville: LeoNerd: i believe i've a "full" arduino. it's a genuine arduino micro and i've yet to upload anything on it. what is the autoreset feature?
01:45 PM LeoNerd: It's a very odd and poorly-documented feature, whereby the serial driver will notice a request to reboot by being opened on a particjular and slow baudrate and then the DTR line twiddled
01:46 PM LeoNerd: http://paste.debian.net/1077981/ -- the wrapper script I wrote for doing it
01:46 PM LeoNerd: It would be nice if avrdude could do that itself
01:48 PM ville: LeoNerd: thanks. let's see if i can get that to work
01:56 PM ville: looks like the termios perl package has some trouble being installed.
01:58 PM LeoNerd: Ooh? (that's one of mine too)
02:29 PM ville: LeoNerd: probably somethin to do with how it's packaged for arch linux aur
02:30 PM ville: apparently it depends on perl-io-tty package, but doesn't list it as a dependency
02:31 PM ville: seems like i was able to upload something through the arduino ide, but now it put the device in such state that it no longer shows up as /dev/ttyACM*, and bunch of usb errors in dmesg...
02:33 PM LeoNerd: Replug it
02:36 PM ville: so looks like i managed to brick it then?
02:37 PM ville: is there some way to tell the arduino micro to un-crap it self and sort its usb port?
02:38 PM LeoNerd: The USB port is run by the program
02:38 PM LeoNerd: If the program isn't running USB, it won't be visible
02:39 PM ville: so i am fucked.
02:39 PM LeoNerd: Not at all
02:39 PM LeoNerd: If it has the bootloader on it, reboot the chip and re-upload a different program over that
02:39 PM LeoNerd: If it doesn't, that must have happened by using ISP, so use ISP again
02:40 PM ville: it has a bootloader on it, or as far as i can tell, i didn't overwrite it. i don't have an isp
02:41 PM LeoNerd: The bootloader doesn't let you overwrite it, so it should be safe
02:41 PM ville: question is where i can find the original blink program that was on there?
02:46 PM LeoNerd: Just write another?
03:44 PM ville: doesn't look like i can reliably upload anything whether it's through the arduino ide or avrdude on the command line. maybe one out of five seems to go through. is this to be expected?
03:46 PM LeoNerd: When I tried it it was fairly reliable
03:49 PM ville: oh well at least i can apparently upload something sometimes. guess that counts as progress. i'll have to get back to this at later date. laters
08:07 PM specing_ is now known as specing
08:29 PM rue_mohr: whats up?
10:45 PM rue_shop1: --
10:45 PM rue_shop1: I'm in the only timezone where nobody does anything
11:17 PM day_ is now known as day