#avr Logs

Apr 04 2019

#avr Calendar

08:30 AM rue_bed: how about flurrys code?
12:24 PM cehteh: has anyone of you some shell/makefile script for probing what programmer/bootloader/serial ports and so on are available/connected?
12:37 PM JanC is now known as Guest19220
12:37 PM JanC_ is now known as JanC
12:44 PM LeoNerd: cehteh: that's a bit much fora make fragment, I have a perl wrapper around avrdude for doing it
12:44 PM LeoNerd: autoavrdude -p t84 ... basically treat it like avrdude, minus the "-c" argument, and it'll try to work that out by looking at USB IDs
12:44 PM LeoNerd: Though once I start doing UPDI things, that'll get a bit more awkward again
12:45 PM cehteh: yeah not trivial
12:46 PM LeoNerd: I think at that point I'll either try to guess the programming method based on the chip type, or pass it as another argument (SPI, UPDI, serial - i.e. optiboot)
12:47 PM LeoNerd: Trying to distinguish a uart-updi programmer from just "any other serial device" however, ... I don't think it can be done
12:47 PM LeoNerd: which is one reason why I think I'll be making some custom hardware on a CP2105, for doing that
02:43 PM polprog: rue_mohr: https://twitter.com/polprogpl/status/1113881723744542721?s=19
06:54 PM rue_mohr: nice
06:56 PM rue_mohr: cehteh, do you know what you connected or you reversing it?
09:50 PM cehteh: rue_mohr: using different programmers at different locations, curently i just change the config in the makefile but having this adapting automatically would be nice some day (not yet, someday in the future)
11:04 PM day_ is now known as day
11:40 PM rue_mohr: ah
11:40 PM rue_mohr: its hard when the arduinos typically just come up as a serial port
11:47 PM cehteh: yes hinking abotu detecting serial ports as well, but not now
11:48 PM cehteh: while currently i dont have a bootloader, no need
11:48 PM cehteh: and no space
11:54 PM day_ is now known as day