#avr Logs

Apr 02 2019

#avr Calendar

03:39 AM polprog: kiki_lamb: iirc r0 is the zero register, ie CC always assumes its zero so you shouldnt use it at all
03:49 AM nohit: no r0 is the scratch register
03:49 AM nohit: r1 is the zero register
03:50 AM polprog: ah, my bad
03:51 AM kiki_lamb: polprog: well, lots of the mul functions put their result their by default, so 'not using it at all' isn't really an option. that does explain the need to always clear it after though, I suppose. thanks!
03:54 AM polprog: np.
08:56 AM cehteh: setting a timer prescaler to the value it already has (timer running) has no side effects or?
10:56 AM gsi__ is now known as gsi_
05:02 PM flyback is now known as phlyback
05:02 PM phlyback is now known as flyback
11:49 PM day_ is now known as day