#avr Logs

Mar 29 2019

#avr Calendar

12:41 AM day_ is now known as day
02:21 AM rue_bed: must be arduino?
08:06 AM enh: HI
08:11 AM vmt: kiki_lamb: i can write plain english with a "wonky preprocessor" which turns it into cpp
08:12 AM enh: Does anybody here know what is the minimum set of connections to use STLink with a STM32F3 MCU? I know it is out of topic of this channel. Sorry about that.
08:16 AM nohit: 2
08:16 AM nohit: swdio, swdclk
08:17 AM nohit: enh join #avrs
08:17 AM nohit: its more than just avrs
08:17 AM rue_bed: we do stm32 too
08:17 AM rue_bed: and you really wont see anymore life there
08:18 AM rue_bed: enh, he didn't include ground of course
08:20 AM rue_bed: stm32 is the logical next step now that microchip is screwing over the avr line
08:20 AM rue_bed: as they do
08:21 AM -!- #avr mode set to +o by ChanServ
08:22 AM rue_bed changed topic of #avr to: Emil hates Rue. He and agents will be promoting their own channel #avrs | http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/ | http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/avr/baudcalc/avrbaudcalc-1.0.8.php
08:23 AM rue_bed changed topic of #avr to: 8bit avr and stm32 | Emil hates Rue. He and agents will be promoting their own channel #avrs | http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/ | http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/avr/baudcalc/avrbaudcalc-1.0.8.php
08:24 AM rue_bed: its still sillyness, damn entropy
08:45 AM rue_mohr: what we should do is move to a server that doesn't require registration, thats what killed the life, long before Emil had his hissyfit
08:50 AM rue_mohr: how many of the 100% idlers are in avrs anyhow?
08:55 AM vmt: enh: 4 - swd interface, clock, io, 3v3 and gnd
08:56 AM vmt: ...if i understood you correctly
09:01 AM vmt: rue_mohr: i think the absence of lambda_aurigae is the biggest reason why nobody talks around here
09:04 AM rue_mohr: anyone who does projects and is verbose would be a staple
09:04 AM polprog: rue_mohr: tbh i would join
09:04 AM rue_mohr: It doens't work out for me, I'm at work all day
09:05 AM polprog: good morning btw
09:05 AM rue_mohr: morning
09:05 AM vmt: the vast majority of technical irc discussion revolves around software
09:05 AM rue_mohr: it actually seems I'm 180 degrees out of phase with everyone from anywhere
09:05 AM vmt: >99%
09:06 AM rue_mohr: you should have seen #robotics when we were all building robots
09:06 AM vmt: and moving away from freenode, which is pretty much the most known network, won't solve any problems
09:06 AM cehteh: mhm
09:07 AM cehteh: is #avrs actually more active than this channel?
09:07 AM rue_mohr: no
09:07 AM rue_mohr: thats the funny thing
09:07 AM vmt: more retarded at any rate, that's for sure
09:08 AM cehteh: well i dont want to be in more channels than necessary
09:08 AM cehteh: and splitting small communities was never a bright idea
09:08 AM rue_mohr: I been doing a survey and almost all the channels on freenode are stagnent
09:08 AM cehteh: well, not unexpected
09:09 AM rue_mohr: there is more life in the twitter communities for sure, but its not the same
09:09 AM cehteh: the kids nowadys doent even know what email is, what do you think, the think about IRC
09:10 AM cehteh: and there are certainly whatsapp, facebook, matrix or whatever groups
09:11 AM cehteh: but o think we'll lose something with irc's decline
09:11 AM vmt: oh rest assured the channels for the trendiest foss-projects are alive and well
09:11 AM cehteh: but often enough its not the core developers there
09:11 AM vmt: sure
09:12 AM rue_mohr: most channels have few people answering questions
09:12 AM cehteh: most people dont ask questions anyhow
09:12 AM vmt: most channels have retards at the helm
09:12 AM vmt: ##c is a prime example. apart from dho, really
09:13 AM rue_mohr: not many controls on a channel helm
09:13 AM rue_mohr: heh
09:13 AM cehteh: i mean its either total noobs who ask think they could find with a google search, someone want his homework done
09:13 AM rue_mohr: ##c being the place you go to be insuluted regardless of what you ask
09:13 AM cehteh: i left #c many years ago
09:13 AM cehteh: it was not helpful
09:13 AM rue_mohr: #programming is much more helpfull and friendly
09:14 AM cehteh: ah dont know that one
09:14 AM rue_mohr: yea, if you want to go to ##C, go to #programming
09:14 AM rue_mohr: pretty sure its still sorta alive
09:14 AM polprog: ##c is pretty retarded
09:15 AM rue_mohr: yes
09:15 AM polprog: anyway. i love irc
09:15 AM rue_mohr: its halarious watching twitter try to keep up with a multidirectional conversation
09:16 AM cehteh: ##posix grown a lot over the years, i remmeber when we where 3 or 4 peeps there :D
09:16 AM vmt: out of all the channels which enforce discussion-on-topic that i know of, ##math seems to be of highest quality
09:17 AM cehteh: i try to be gentle about topic enforcement, as long it doesnt disrupt the channel people can talk about anything
09:18 AM vmt: it all depends on the nature of the channel, i figure
09:20 AM vmt: rue_mohr: hey i've got a question
09:20 AM vmt: why is it that you must whisper in the videos you post to twitter?
09:22 AM cehteh: rue_bed: what was the reason emil funded his own channel? you refused to give him ops?
09:23 AM vmt: rue started kicking idlers and enforce a policy which mandated you must send at least one message every two weeks or so, in order not to get kicked
09:24 AM vmt: or something like that.
09:24 AM cehteh: well he did that once, arguable a stupid idea :D
09:25 AM rue_mohr: vmt, I whisper in all videos
09:25 AM cehteh: mkay 95% of the idlers here are prolly FBI bots :D
09:25 AM rue_mohr: cehteh, emil had a fit when I was kicked idle bots out and had a few misses
09:26 AM vmt: rue_mohr: well that doesn't answer the question
09:26 AM rue_mohr: their bots from idlers, who never even check in
09:26 AM vmt: is it because CIA is listneing?
09:26 AM rue_mohr: no
09:26 AM rue_mohr: its cause tonnes of idlers somehow kill the life of a channel
09:26 AM vmt: so that's why you whisper?
09:26 AM rue_mohr: I dont know the mechanism, but a channel has a lifecycle
09:27 AM rue_mohr: blimping up with idle bots is one of the later stages
09:27 AM rue_mohr: and stiffles conversations somehow
09:27 AM rue_mohr: oh the whispering
09:27 AM vmt: what makes you so convinced they're bots?
09:27 AM rue_mohr: CIA? maybe
09:27 AM rue_mohr: have you ever seen them say anything?
09:27 AM rue_mohr: gtg:) see ya in 9 hours
09:27 AM vmt: can't the CIA just extract the audio from your videos then, though?
09:28 AM rue_mohr: I dont think you can get a voice print from a whisper
09:28 AM vmt: you seem to have the mic pretty close in your videos, the audio is definitely audible
09:28 AM vmt: and i'm sure they can track the videos back to you
09:28 AM rue_mohr: besides, would you think the same of me if you knew I was a thin little alien?
09:29 AM vmt: that's hypothetical and quite frankly nonsensical to begin with
09:29 AM vmt: i'm just curious. why do you whisper?
09:42 AM polprog: tbh there is a ton of idlers here rn
09:42 AM day_ is now known as day
09:42 AM polprog: you could proably whip up a perl script that tells you the exact numbers, but i see nicks joining and parting that i have never seen speak
09:43 AM vmt: sure, but i hardly think they're bots
09:44 AM vmt: if i was a betting man, i'd say they are mostly software-people with a slight interest in the topic, the kind of one which amuses you for 5 minutes and then tapers off
09:45 AM vmt: in #elsewhere, i've been talking to a guy even more decoherent than rue, for about half an hour. only now he admitted being on antipsychotics
10:02 AM polprog: oh shit
10:02 AM polprog: right
10:03 AM polprog: yeah they probably joined once and never left, or have it on autojoin
02:00 PM day_ is now known as day
03:23 PM paulo_ is now known as Guest1660
05:50 PM nohit: centeh rue #avrs is way more active than this channel. and the best part is that you can talk about anything electronics/programming related and not get verbally attacked by some grumpy old C programmer
05:53 PM nohit: also we dont talk to noobs asking questions in an arrogant way (execpt Emil)
05:55 PM nohit: and we have a bot that spits out avr datasheets
05:55 PM nohit: and we have Jartza ;)
06:15 PM cehteh: i am a grumpy old C programmer :D
06:16 PM timemage: i haven't seen cehteh attack a noob recently. but then, i'm not always watching. =)
06:21 PM cehteh: i know n00bs feel attacked by me :D
06:48 PM nohit: and we certainly dont attack people because of their physical appearence
06:48 PM nohit: or call all linux users virgins
06:48 PM nohit: like your good boy vmt here ;)
06:57 PM cehteh: arent all people here linux users? :D
07:00 PM nohit: that i dont know
07:10 PM nohit: and we most definately dont use the n-word
07:10 PM nohit: like your good boy vmt here ;)
08:01 PM day_ is now known as day