#avr Logs

Mar 20 2019

#avr Calendar

12:51 AM day_ is now known as day
01:35 AM polprog: morning
02:13 AM nohit: morning
09:39 AM Maya-sama is now known as Miyu
12:23 PM gsi__ is now known as gsi_
03:59 PM ville: i've been poking around getting my build system done for uploading programs to an arduino micro, so i took a look at how other people seem to use avr-objcopy and sometimes people split the elf binary into separate flash and eeprom hex files. is that particular to specific avr mcu? is the atmega32u4 of the arduino micro one of those?
04:01 PM LeoNerd: It's usual to do that if you have flash and eeprom to write in avrdude
04:03 PM paulo_ is now known as Guest2110
04:09 PM timemage: ville, newer versions of the avrdude will also just take the elf file.
04:12 PM cehteh: generating .hex is still the norm, because almost any bootloaders and utiliites can work with those
05:01 PM ville: ok, this is just a personal project so i'm ok with going with bleeding-edge. thanks
05:36 PM ville: timemage: if avrdude takes the elf file how do i call it? -U ???:w:elf_file, what goes in the ??? or I give it two -U one with flash and the other with eeprom?
06:15 PM timemage: ville, the file type on the end is 'e' rather than 'i', otherwise no different than if you were using a .hex file.
06:16 PM timemage: ville, yeah, you would need two -U
11:34 PM rue_mohr: ville, did you work it out?