#avr Logs

Mar 09 2019

#avr Calendar

08:26 AM gsi__ is now known as gsi_
01:10 PM cehteh: is there some trick to detect if one missed an interrupt? guess not
01:11 PM cehteh: mhm counter on nested interrupts *thinking*
01:22 PM rue_mohr: they latch
01:23 PM cehteh: i know
01:23 PM rue_mohr: or do you mean while your still servicing it?
01:24 PM cehteh: i can check at the end of the isr if a new one is already latched
01:27 PM cehteh: http://paste.debian.net/1072495/ < something along that may work
01:28 PM cehteh: defers the handling but at least does it for the correct number of times
11:48 PM day_ is now known as day