#avr Logs

Feb 17 2019

#avr Calendar

12:09 AM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
02:09 PM samantaz_ is now known as samantaz
04:17 PM samantaz__ is now known as samantaz
08:13 PM retrosenator: has anyone done temperature compensation of the bandgap reference?
08:13 PM retrosenator: apparently the 1.1v reference changes up to 0.5% over the temp range I am interested
08:14 PM retrosenator: this is about 5 counts at 10 bits
08:14 PM retrosenator: I am wondering if it make sense to sample the internal temp sensor to compensate this
08:14 PM retrosenator: and if anyone did it
08:42 PM retrosenator: has anyone temperature compensated the internal 1.1v bandgap reference?
11:21 PM day_ is now known as day