#avr Logs

Feb 10 2019

#avr Calendar

10:52 AM samantaz__ is now known as samantaz
12:30 PM guanche: is thre anybody using a pro micro?
12:30 PM guanche: I got one off ebay, and I wonder if there's some decent bootloader to flash on it that would be compatible with avrdude
12:34 PM polprog: the arduino bootloader is comaptible with avrdude
12:36 PM guanche: if you mean the one it comes with, it seems a but fuzzy to have to open minicom at 1200 bauds to enter bootloader mode each time I want to flash the device
01:03 PM polprog: i never used it, but iirc, avrdude should force a reset with the DTR or CTS line
01:04 PM polprog: oyou might want to re-flash it with the official one, if you have some clone
01:08 PM guanche: I have used arduino 328p and 168p clones with that builtin chinese usb to serial converter, and it's fast and simple to program them with avrdude
01:09 PM guanche: but this is the first pro micro I've ever had, so I'm a bit lost, for sure I won't keep this "caterina" bootloader
01:09 PM polprog: you might wanna get a programmer then, easier to deal with sometimes
01:09 PM guanche: chances seem to be to use dfu at the expense of waiting for the timeout
01:09 PM guanche: I have an avrisp2
01:13 PM guanche: I don't have clear how dfu would help either, as this boards don't have reset button
01:24 PM guanche: hehe, whoever desgined this board nees a prize
01:26 PM polprog: dfu?
01:26 PM polprog: lol, no reset
01:26 PM polprog: i feel you
01:26 PM guanche: It seems to me that if I want to be same as comfortable with this board as with the previous ones, I'm gonna have to adapt a bootloader for it, keep a "reset" command always available on my firmware, and maybe evn patch avrdude to send such reset command before programming
01:26 PM guanche: I bought it just thinking it would work the same as the others, though
01:32 PM polprog: i dont think i ever bought an arduino clone
01:32 PM polprog: all my projects were either on breadboard or rasterboards
01:32 PM guanche: I found this: https://github.com/vanbwodonk/leonardoUploader
01:32 PM polprog: or some more advanced pcbs
01:32 PM guanche: I've bought just 2, one m168 and one 328
01:33 PM guanche: I don't think neither of them are real atmegas, though they seem to be
01:33 PM guanche: well, and this 32u4, so that's three
02:58 PM vmt: i have arduino espruino asdfruino and attiny0
02:58 PM vmt: attiny0 is the state of the art small mcu
02:59 PM vmt: it comes with a grand total of 0 pins and 0 bytes of flash and sram
03:08 PM rue_mohr: I'v not had any problems yet with "AVRs" from china
03:25 PM guanche: do you have some pro micro/mini rue_mohr? how do you program these?
03:34 PM rue_mohr: I generally use tiny13, tiny26, mega8, mega88, mega328
03:34 PM rue_mohr: P program them in C, I use gcc-avr and avrdude
03:35 PM rue_mohr: I have a programmer than tom_l made, also have a reflahsed M32u2 and a avrasp
03:37 PM guanche: I also use c and avrlibc
03:37 PM guanche: in linux
03:39 PM rue_mohr: yep, I'm on linux
03:40 PM rue_mohr: you just starting out with this stuff?
03:40 PM guanche: no, I've using atmegas for years every now and then
03:40 PM rue_mohr: ah good good
03:40 PM guanche: but I'm used more old 164p and 168p
03:41 PM rue_mohr: I'm migrating to stm32
03:41 PM rue_mohr: microchip is right on track with their destruction of the avr series
03:42 PM guanche: yeah :( I actually prefer mips hehe, so when I have time I'm always tinkering with a small router, actually a switch, I have around
03:42 PM rue_mohr: dunno, I think ARM is taking over pretty quick
03:42 PM cehteh: i am eagerly wait for risc-v to take over :D
03:43 PM guanche: sure, it's done it already and I also have a blue pill and a st-link, clones both, but since ages ago I started tinkering with this switch, which has an ar7 (mips 4kc) and so started reading about it
03:43 PM rue_mohr: anyone noticed the "talkie" library for arduino?
03:45 PM guanche: in fact I bought this 3v3 leonardo board to make a jtag adapter for it because I cannot dig it anymore with the disassembly and the usart, but it's fun I can upload programs and execute them, and see what's going on hehe
03:45 PM rue_mohr: it uses the alg from the TI speech chips
03:45 PM rue_mohr: lattice filter
04:13 PM HighInBC: rue_mohr: old school
04:13 PM HighInBC: "Would you like to play a game of chess?"
04:13 PM rue_mohr: the only way to win is not to play
04:14 PM rue_mohr: it impressed me how well it comes out
04:14 PM HighInBC: a lot of work went into refining that algo
04:14 PM rue_mohr: I'm not finding a lot of docs on how its done
04:20 PM polprog: nice
04:21 PM polprog: re: talkie lib ^
04:22 PM vmt: attiny0 can also ping localhost
04:22 PM rue_mohr: yea, I want to make more words for it
04:22 PM rue_mohr: attiny0?
04:23 PM vmt: yes, it's the tiniest of them all
04:23 PM vmt: i can hear the google firing up from all the way up here
04:23 PM rue_mohr: no program memory, runs off radio waves in realtime?
04:36 PM vmt: it runs off the gullibility of the avr folks
04:45 PM polprog: ah, the trusty 13½-bit ISA
05:15 PM vmt: no
05:31 PM rue_mohr: isa?
11:20 PM pebble`_ is now known as pebble`
11:28 PM day_ is now known as day