#avr Logs

Jan 17 2019

#avr Calendar

12:21 AM proteus-guy is now known as proteusguy
02:30 AM cehteh: are the protocol strings often used to describe serial protocol standardized somewhere? this "8N1" etc
05:35 AM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
06:07 AM davor_ is now known as davor
06:48 AM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
08:22 AM rue_bed: dos had a thing
08:22 AM rue_bed: other than that its just the humans
01:30 PM treg: Hi. I made a board based with an atmega328pb, but avrdude tells me "target does not answer". I tryed reprogramming one of my usbasp with the other (atmega8) and the programmer works. Can someone help me check this ?
02:17 PM LeoNerd: treg: go on?
02:19 PM treg: LeoNerd: I took a second PCB, on this one I only soldered the atmega328pb, and the isp connector (without +5V). And cable provide GND and +5V from an usb charger.
02:20 PM treg: I checked with a DMM that miso, osi, clk, reset and gnd are indeed connected to the USBASP, and I checked hat !RESET is +4.75V, droping at 0.250V when I start AVRDUDE, but still avrdude says :
02:20 PM treg: avrdude.exe: error: program enable: target doesn't answer. 1
02:21 PM LeoNerd: Can you 'scope the pins at the chip end? I sometimes find that helps
02:21 PM treg: (I tryed to program a seconde usbasp using the first one, and the atmega8 programs fine).
02:21 PM LeoNerd: Check you have MISO/MOSI round the right way. Try swapping
02:21 PM LeoNerd: Try slower bitrate
02:21 PM treg: mmm, i have'nt tryed slower bitrate, good idea :)
02:22 PM LeoNerd: A bare new chip from Atm^WMicrochip is configured at internal 8MHz with DIV8, so 1MHz fCPU. Since ISP needs to be at most fCPU/4, that might mean it's too fast
02:29 PM treg: -B 400 worked !! Thank so much :)
02:30 PM LeoNerd: 🙌
02:30 PM treg: working up to 187500Hz
02:30 PM treg: <3
02:30 PM LeoNerd: Hopefully you'll find you can nudge the DIV8 fuse and then write at another speed
09:47 PM lerc_: Assembler/emulator beginning to look nice http://fingswotidun.com/avr/kwak8env.png
11:55 PM day_ is now known as day