#avr Logs

Dec 30 2018

#avr Calendar

05:17 AM jancoow: Hi
05:31 AM jancoow: What is the maximum I/O output for the attiny 414? I can't find it exactly
05:31 AM jancoow: As in mA
05:36 AM LeoNerd: Most AVR chips are about 20mA per pin
05:37 AM LeoNerd: Though also higher limits per port group
05:41 AM jancoow: I currently calculated it for 23ma
05:41 AM jancoow: For my optocoupler
05:44 AM jancoow: LeoNerd: I can only see it's 100ma combines I/o per pin group
05:44 AM jancoow: but I can't find the max value for a pin
05:45 AM LeoNerd: It depends on the chip and sometimes the pin. A lot of newer ATtiny chips have high current drive on the PWM pins
05:45 AM jancoow: It's the attiny 414
05:45 AM LeoNerd: It's usually described near the end of the datasheet, in the electrical performance tables
05:47 AM jancoow: https://jancokock.me/f/560f1
05:47 AM jancoow: this?
05:50 AM LeoNerd: 404
05:50 AM jancoow: LeoNerd: https://jancokock.me/f/dfbfc/
05:50 AM jancoow: I'm not really sure if it will break when pushing out 23ma
05:51 AM jancoow: I'
05:51 AM LeoNerd: There's usually a "maximum limits" description
05:51 AM jancoow: I've to drive a moc3052 which needs at minimum 10ma and maximum 60ma current. So I currently calculated it on 23ma
05:51 AM LeoNerd: E.g. ATtiny85 datasheet says: DC Current per I/O Pin ............................................... 40.0 mA
05:52 AM LeoNerd: in the "Absolute Maximum Ratings" table, right at the top of the Electrical Characteristics chapter
05:52 AM jancoow: ah right!
05:52 AM jancoow: https://jancokock.me/f/e7a9f
05:53 AM jancoow: So that would be 40ma
05:55 AM jancoow: And I guess interupt will be possible on any pin not?
05:55 AM jancoow: Ah nvm I see
05:57 AM LeoNerd: Again, depends on the chip. Most chips have a PCINT group on every port, but some don't - e.g. mega32U4 lacks many
05:57 AM jancoow: Yeah sorry it has interupt on any pin so that's cool :D
05:58 AM LeoNerd: Yah; most chips are helpful like that
06:00 AM jancoow: cool thanks :D
06:11 AM davor_ is now known as davor
11:16 PM day__ is now known as day