#avr Logs

Dec 25 2018

#avr Calendar

12:11 AM rue_mohr: ok, and there, I started supper
12:14 AM rue_mohr: hopefully it wont mind 3.3V instead of 5
12:14 AM rue_mohr: cause I used a soic t13 and I cant just reprogram it
06:32 AM guanche: does this look ok when using lufa? https://pastebin.com/raw/xNgWayGr
06:34 AM guanche: I've been extending the BulkVendor example, and at that point I always get an answer with 0, and fixed answer all the time, while I should be receiving fixed answers on every call
06:35 AM guanche: I mean answers at the host side, each time I call my program I should be getting the same from the device, so I guess the problem is with the firmware
06:38 AM guanche: this is what I have in `proto_read': https://pastebin.com/raw/tXQXVgKP
06:41 AM guanche: I always invariably get 0, the correct answer next time, 0 next time, and so on, and I've tried adding more timeout to libusb so the problem is either with the software, or with the board, or the firmware
06:54 AM guanche: this does work, though: https://pastebin.com/raw/g3nMMhVf
06:55 AM guanche: so simply changing the IN block to the `proto-read' function breaks it
10:04 AM vmt: rue_mohr: nothing really :)
12:19 PM rue_bed: it sure would be nice if..... whatshisnick hung around for lufa questions
12:44 PM nohit: like you for vid/pid questions ? ;)
01:01 PM rue_mohr: I'm not usb wizard
01:01 PM rue_mohr: I just use usb->serial adapters
03:22 PM vmt: usb on an avr is just doing it wrong, in all honesty
03:23 PM vmt: get something proper instead
04:33 PM rue_shop1: never looked into the ones with the built in usb
04:33 PM rue_shop1: have to wonder if its like the i2c stuff tho, man, that hardware is a joke
04:35 PM rue_shop1: when your hardware takes more memory, and results in the same speed and overhead as just doing it in software...
04:55 PM vmt: look at the bitbanging usb avr hack, it's garbage.
04:55 PM vmt: whatever it was called. forgot.
06:04 PM rue_mohr: isn't there a bitbang for 10Mbit ethernet?
06:35 PM cehteh: vmt: its good wnough for uploading formware and some evil usb-device-hacks .. but otherwise not really useful
06:51 PM rue_shop3: didn't microsoft drop usb1.1 support?
06:57 PM * cehteh dropped microsoft support
06:59 PM rue_shop1: :) me too
07:00 PM Thrashbarg: yay \o/
07:24 PM vmt: honestly, developing for windows is 10 times less asspain free than developing commie software, because of msdn
07:24 PM vmt: oh fawk, i bombed that. i mean 10 times more asspain-free
11:03 PM inflex: hello all - odd, didn't think I was still auto joining this channel.
11:22 PM day__ is now known as day