#avr Logs

Dec 24 2018

#avr Calendar

09:19 AM nabil_ is now known as nabil
02:31 PM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
06:48 PM specing: Hello, does anyone know whether or not there is a channel dedicated to ARM cortex-m programming or stm32 in particular?
06:49 PM specing: Ah there is ##stm32, nvm
07:29 PM rue_shop1: specing, I do stm32
07:30 PM rue_shop1: whats the q?
07:48 PM vmt: merry christmas!
07:48 PM vmt: specing: i wouldn't go there.
07:48 PM vmt: at least roughly two years ago it was a cesspool of idiots, really
07:49 PM vmt: who were mostly preoccupied with talking about this haxorleet linuxboxes et al.
07:49 PM vmt: talking about their* rather
08:39 PM rue_shop1: ok, ok tiny13 1/2hr timer
08:40 PM rue_shop1: _HAS_ANYONE_ALREADY_DONE_THIS_ ?
08:40 PM rue_shop1: no? *sigh* ok
08:43 PM rue_shop1: whats cool, is that the control board and the power board for the thing I'm modifying are seperate
08:44 PM rue_shop1: I took out the old control baord, I'm printing a new face, and rebraining it with the avr
08:44 PM rue_shop1: the power board gives me 5V, and a relay control signal
08:44 PM rue_shop1: with a pushbutton in the new face, I can never burn rice in the ricecooker again
08:47 PM vmt: ricecooker? those are meant to burn rice. we're talking about the B-29s aren't we?
08:47 PM rue_shop1: everybodies rice cooker burns the rice, I'v done a studdy
08:47 PM rue_shop1: wait
08:47 PM * rue_shop1 shakes head, throw me off when you agree with me like that
08:48 PM rue_shop1: uh, model...
08:48 PM rue_shop1: no wiat, it doesnt' matter
08:48 PM rue_shop1: I have a timer
08:48 PM rue_shop1: I'm modifying
08:48 PM vmt: b29s were super efficient ricecookers
08:48 PM rue_shop1: TD1100
08:49 PM rue_shop1: damnit there is a hand scanner with the same damn part number
08:49 PM vmt: boeing always had better naming policies
08:55 PM rue_shop1: http://waterheatertimer.org/images/TD1300-timer-300.jpg
08:55 PM rue_shop1: lets say its like that, but its not
08:55 PM rue_shop1: the control is in the top and the plug is in the front
08:55 PM rue_shop1: regardless, the panel is easy to change
08:56 PM rue_shop1: setting it up with 1 button, a green one
08:56 PM rue_shop1: will run the rice cooker for 1/2hr, which I have deemed the border line between soup and coal
08:58 PM rue_shop1: http://www.liquidationmirabel.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Woods-TD1100-13.jpg
08:58 PM rue_shop1: aha!
08:58 PM rue_shop1: mine looks bad, but NOT NEARLY that bad
08:59 PM rue_shop1: anyhow, that top rectange, is removable, and had the controller on the back of it
08:59 PM rue_shop1: 3 wires go to a power board
08:59 PM rue_shop1: gnd, +5V, and relay control
08:59 PM rue_shop1: blue, red, yellow, for those of you googling
09:02 PM kline is now known as kline_kringle
09:04 PM rue_shop1: quick who knows if, on a tiny13 timer 0 ir 8 or 16 bits?
09:05 PM rue_shop1: 8
09:08 PM rue_shop1: whats the default clock rate of the t13? 1.2, 4.8 or 9.6?
09:11 PM vmt: rue_shop1: what happened to the cnc (?) program you were doing?
09:12 PM rue_shop1: I ran into ANOTHER motif problem, called a stop, the time I was spending on fixing shortcommings with motif would be better spent writing my own X gui library, and I'm not into that right now
09:12 PM rue_shop1: and no, I refuse to do it in c++
09:17 PM vmt: nothing mandates you to do it in clusterfuck++
09:18 PM vmt: you can (and should(!)) do it in C
09:18 PM rue_shop1: but the only gui options are motif and gtk
09:18 PM rue_shop1: and the documentation for gtk is hit and miss
09:18 PM vmt: documentation for gtk isn't actually that bad. but gtk is a clusterfuck in its own
09:18 PM vmt: and no, those are not the only options if you're looking for a readymade solution. there's tons.
09:19 PM rue_shop1: all the motif documentation that can be found online is correct, cause it was all written before the internet existed and hasn't changed since...
09:19 PM rue_shop1: for C?
09:19 PM rue_shop1: for X?
09:19 PM vmt: and motif is garbage in itself, so what the actual point is in using motif?
09:19 PM rue_shop1: I dont care about portability, if it ONLY works on linux, I'm a happy camper
09:19 PM rue_shop1: all online motif examples work
09:20 PM vmt: what exactly do you mean by "for X"?
09:20 PM rue_shop1: linux, Xwindows
09:20 PM rue_shop1: aka does not work on microsoft windows
09:20 PM vmt: well yes, but the GUI functionality should not be tied to whatever display server you are using.
09:20 PM rue_shop1: oh but I dont want it to be runnable on windows
09:21 PM rue_shop1: there are enough options for windows, I want one that works on linux
09:21 PM vmt: oh but i don't care.
09:21 PM rue_shop1: if it does work on ms winblows, I dont care
09:21 PM vmt: all you need to do it set up a window, HID input well mostly kbd and mouse, and framebuffers.
09:21 PM rue_shop1: I can check for absence of /dev/urandom and segfault if I need to
09:22 PM vmt: and you can abstract all that away and then write drawing routines however you want (sw blitting/hw accel with whatever API you want), and then the gui functionality itself on top.
09:22 PM vmt: and you're just starting to spew your usual nonsense avoiding the actual problem
09:23 PM rue_shop1: well, I was pondering going right down to Xlib with something objected properly
09:23 PM vmt: because your fucking 1970s crap library crapped out on you and you have no actual idea how to write one yourself even though you boast with your skills every time we talk
09:23 PM rue_shop1: tho, inheritance is pretty dodgy in C
09:23 PM rue_shop1: I didn't write my own gui in the firstplace for sake of time
09:24 PM vmt: you "go down to Xlib" to set up window, framebuffer(s) (unless you're using some gpu api... or even sw mesa), and input.
09:24 PM vmt: and no, y ou don'
09:24 PM rue_shop1: and I stopped when I realized that motif wasn't saving me any time
09:24 PM vmt: you don't need inheritance in the strictest sense of "OOP" to write a GUI system.
09:24 PM vmt: and i gotta tell you, xlib docs are a fucking PITA to work with.
09:24 PM rue_shop1: correct, I need the objects (button, textbox, whatever) to have inheritance of callbacks and properties
09:25 PM vmt: dogshit poor docs, outclassed by a mile by you know what? MSDN.
09:25 PM rue_shop1: its interesting what it all gets built on eh?
09:25 PM rue_shop1: from what I can tell, gtk goes right back to xlib
09:26 PM vmt: ...and?
09:26 PM rue_shop1: iirc xmms uses gtk
09:26 PM rue_shop1: I might play again, but I burned out when the goalposts moved ahead another 3 days
09:26 PM rue_shop1: for the 3rd/4th time
09:26 PM vmt: of course it goes "back to fucking xlib"
09:27 PM rue_shop1: na, motif goes to xt
09:27 PM vmt: well xt is bs on top of that, รก la 1980s
09:27 PM vmt: xlib is the fucking x11 client side lib.
09:27 PM rue_shop1: one of the problem was that a lot of the people who wrote motif didn't understand object principals
09:27 PM vmt: and you do?
09:27 PM rue_shop1: better than they did!
09:27 PM vmt: look up gtk if you want objects so fucking bad.
09:28 PM vmt: if we're talking objects as in oop-bullshittery
09:28 PM rue_shop1: its just that, if I'm gonna make a "number input box" its nice to "inherite" it from a text input box
09:28 PM vmt: it's "nice" but it's also "retarded"
09:28 PM rue_shop1: like I said, I'll ponder
09:28 PM rue_shop1: but the only difference is the key event handler
09:28 PM rue_shop1: so, change that, recycle the rest
09:29 PM vmt: so, then build the system like that.
09:29 PM rue_shop1: yea, I'll prolly get back into it later
09:29 PM vmt: it does not need to be a fucking object. all you need is to change a single fucking callback.
09:30 PM rue_shop1: while(1) {
09:30 PM rue_shop1: if (buttton()) timeCounter = 8240;
09:30 PM rue_shop1: if (timeCounter) { outputOn();
09:30 PM rue_shop1: } else { outputOff();
09:30 PM rue_shop1: }
09:30 PM rue_shop1: }
09:30 PM rue_shop1: I have a voice saying there is a bug, the timeCounter is decremented by an overflow interrupt till its 0
09:30 PM rue_shop1: vmt, object principals tho
09:31 PM rue_shop1: butttttton?
09:31 PM rue_shop1: :)
09:32 PM rue_shop1: PB5 is reset, stay off that...
09:32 PM vmt: apparent relations between real-world objects rarely coincide those with programming
09:33 PM vmt: and often times leads to you ending up with more problems than what your inheritance-scheme solves
09:33 PM vmt: <100 line carefully crafted and cherrypicked snippets from cppcon sure do look great though
09:34 PM rue_shop1: cppcon?
09:34 PM vmt: when some asshat in the standard committee comes up with a new theoretical problem and implements some new clusterfuckiness into the language to solve that particular problem in a very generalized and fucky way.
09:34 PM rue_shop1: haha
09:35 PM vmt: cppcon - it's the annual gathering of c++ asshats
09:35 PM rue_shop1: hmm ok
09:35 PM rue_shop1: dont think I screwed this up
09:35 PM rue_shop1: so, I'll set it for a minute, see what I get
09:36 PM rue_shop1: then I'll reset it for 30, and JBweld it into the case without testing it
09:36 PM vmt: i've got my ui toolkit in the works though. could i have your expert code review on it?
09:36 PM vmt: well, it's not going to be distributed and it will not be foss. you'll sign an nda
09:37 PM rue_shop1: +- time, ok
09:37 PM vmt: well, rather the source won't be distributed.
09:37 PM rue_shop1: I sign the nda negitive, when I'm done reading, I'll change it to positive
09:37 PM vmt: no, that's not how it works
09:37 PM rue_shop1: dude, there are only two signs...
09:38 PM rue_shop1: how much source is it?
09:38 PM rue_shop1: I dont ahve much mental room for things latley...
09:39 PM rue_shop1: hey! only 2 typoes
09:39 PM rue_shop1: :D
09:40 PM vmt: i'd say the ui-specific functionality is about ~10k. but it's somewhat specialized.
09:40 PM rue_shop1: its for a gui or a microcontroller?
09:41 PM rue_shop1: the number of things I'm trying to do right now is aggravating me
09:41 PM vmt: x64, linux and windows.
09:41 PM rue_shop1: I wonder if that print is finished
09:41 PM rue_shop1: arg, feet are numb
09:44 PM vmt: it's for a specific project, so i'm not implementing every ui component i can think of.
09:45 PM rue_shop1: makes sense
09:45 PM vmt: ~10k loc.*
09:51 PM rue_shop1: hmm 9 seconds should have been 1 minute
09:51 PM rue_shop1: a clock rate is out
09:54 PM rue_shop1: close, 63 seconds
09:54 PM rue_shop1: hmm
09:54 PM rue_shop1: I wonder how much of that is drift
09:55 PM rue_shop1: its 8:00, 2 itterations and It'll be 9
09:55 PM rue_shop1: so, I suppose it doesn't matter
10:00 PM rue_shop1: ok 8:00 on the nose I push the button, at 8:30 I watch it to finish, and modify the constant by the % error
10:00 PM rue_shop1: ok
10:00 PM rue_shop1: cmon 8:00!
10:02 PM rue_shop1: ok
10:02 PM rue_shop1: now, hows my 3d print doing?
10:03 PM rue_shop3: done will do!
10:03 PM rue_shop3: and does it fit...
10:04 PM rue_shop3: yup!
10:11 PM rue_shop3: I must be too much geek
10:11 PM rue_shop3: I dont like the feel of any of these buttons...
10:12 PM rue_shop3: vmt, what kinda suggestions you looking for in your code? optimizations of techniquie?
10:26 PM rue_shop1: mechanical issues with button, better fix that in software...
10:26 PM rue_shop1: 24 mins...
10:32 PM rue_shop1: now I have to watch it carefull
10:33 PM rue_shop1: if the error is the same, it should be about 32 mins
10:33 PM rue_shop1: 31:16 now
10:34 PM rue_shop1: 32.26
10:34 PM rue_shop1: sweet
10:34 PM rue_shop1: ok
10:34 PM rue_shop1: 8240
10:35 PM rue_shop1: says I want 7606
10:35 PM rue_shop1: now, this is a potshoot cause I'm gonna use a different physical avr
10:35 PM rue_shop1: SO
10:35 PM rue_shop1: now I feel like an idiot
11:02 PM rue_shop1: looking for 9:08
11:07 PM rue_shop1: 9:05
11:07 PM rue_shop1: ok
11:09 PM rue_shop1: done at 9:37
11:13 PM rue_shop3: strange
11:13 PM rue_shop3: the power board shorts out the relay to turn it off
11:17 PM rue_shop3: ooo
11:18 PM rue_shop3: I might be thrown again
11:18 PM rue_shop3: the power is 4.6 when till the relay activates, then drops to 3.4
11:20 PM rue_shop3: which actaully... implies that capacitor is leaking...
11:22 PM day__ is now known as day
11:30 PM rue_shop1: I wonder how much the freq of the internal osc changes between 5V and 3.3V
11:33 PM rue_shop1: they say 2%
11:33 PM rue_shop1: so, at worst about 1 minute
11:39 PM rue_shop1: haha its within 17 seconds (i turned my head)