#avr Logs

Dec 19 2018

#avr Calendar

12:49 AM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
01:37 AM rue_mohr: if you were an alien on earth, where would you be?
01:39 AM rue_mohr: somewhere with poor, friendly people
01:40 AM rue_mohr: hmm
02:22 AM polprog: in a small community in canada by some water. thats my dream
02:31 AM nohit: i would go into a more tropical setting
04:42 AM traceur920: Hi, trying just a "push button -> flash led", attiny13a on breadboard, led+resistor on PINB0, pullup + button to ground on PINB1.
04:42 AM traceur920: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/Tz5dLVBkB0CznJ5yxkQn/
04:43 AM traceur920: this is the code, and i've found it does not respond to the button press. Am I doing something wrong?
05:01 AM traceur920: trying here as on avr no one is answering " Hi, trying just a "push button -> flash led", attiny13a on breadboard, led+resistor on PINB0, pullup + button to ground on
05:02 AM traceur920: oh, well.. facepalming hard >_>
05:28 AM vmt: not exactly sure if that does what you want it to do
05:28 AM vmt: oh he left
05:31 AM vmt: rue_mohr: why would you want to be with the poor?
05:32 AM vmt: they either be bumming for booze or then they'd be like you, ... cwap, mystery solved
05:32 AM vmt: + would
05:34 AM vmt: in any case you linking poverty and friendliness together would suggest said people stop being friendly once they get a hold of some $$$, so deep down they're not so friendly after all
05:35 AM vmt: tl;dr people are shit and i'd rather be alone
09:06 AM rue_mohr: vmt, cause poor people are less likley to be a danger to an alien
10:00 AM HighInBC: poor people are more likely to eat an alien
10:00 AM HighInBC: they would sell your alien ass to some rich folk
10:01 AM HighInBC: I would go to a hippy festival where everyone is being a freak and on hallucinogens
10:01 AM HighInBC: try to blend in
10:01 AM HighInBC: an expensive festival, not a cheap one
10:40 AM vmt: is bc british columbia?
10:52 AM davor_ is now known as davor
01:03 PM Ameisen: evidently, AVR is no longer an 'experimental' arch in LLVM
01:03 PM Ameisen: it's now a normal arch
01:03 PM Ameisen: I'll tinker wit it at a later date to see how good it is
01:03 PM Ameisen: probably still needs work, but LLVM's architecture makes getting the backend to generate good code easier
01:04 PM Ameisen: GCC's AVR backend is just one giant hack
01:04 PM Ameisen: that... doesn't always work
01:12 PM merethan_w: Havard output from a Von Neumann compiler... Yeah me thinks the label ¨one giant hack¨ fits the bill :P
01:17 PM Ameisen: well, both the GCC and LLVM backends understand address spaces.
01:17 PM Ameisen: the g++ frontend does not
01:17 PM Ameisen: the Clang frontend does for clang and clang++
01:18 PM Ameisen: the issue isn't the harvard arch, but rather that it's an 8-bit CPU
01:18 PM Ameisen: 8-bit registers, 16/24-bit pointers, register pair.
01:18 PM Ameisen: pairs*
01:18 PM Ameisen: neither compiler has any real idea how to handle that
01:18 PM Ameisen: GCC's AVR backend is a big hack to try to set up the proper assembly to 'fake' proper register sizes
01:18 PM Ameisen: which is why it _always_ uses register pairs for _anything_ that's not 8-bit, even if it's not a pointer
01:18 PM Ameisen: even if it has to spill register
01:19 PM Ameisen: it can't use r2 and r4 for a 16-bit integer. It has to use a legal pair.
01:19 PM Ameisen: the backend doesn't distinguish between a 16-bit pointer and a 16-bit integer.
01:20 PM Ameisen: This should be easier to handle in LLVM, as the middle-end retains more context than GCC's middle-end and gimpl
07:33 PM Maya-sama is now known as Miyu
11:27 PM day__ is now known as day