#avr Logs

Dec 09 2018

#avr Calendar

01:31 AM abcminiuser: Longshot, did anyone here archive a copy of the AVR32 standalone toolchain for Linux before the inbred monkeys at Microchip removed the old Atmel archive pages?
01:39 AM rue_shop5: ...
01:40 AM rue_shop5: but why, after the 8 bit stuff, just go to stm32
01:53 AM rue_mohr: or otherwise arm
01:54 AM rue_mohr: what sucks, is that with the new shipping fees, the stm32 boards are $10ea now
02:54 AM abcminiuser: Because I want to maintain existing code :P
02:55 AM abcminiuser: Doesn't matter though, the only bin release I found wasn't compatible with modern distros
06:17 AM guanche: guys, I'm looking at this: https://sites.google.com/site/wayneholder/attiny-fuse-reset-with-12-volt-charge-pump
06:18 AM guanche: and if you look at the image and at the code at bottom of the page, the guy puts the charge pump to work as soon as the programmer is powered
06:20 AM guanche: so there should be 15V at PB5 on the attinny13, and I'm wondering how is it voltage doesn't find a path to ground through the attiny's circuitry, thus rendering Q1 useless?
06:21 AM guanche: or is it because voltage finds a less resistance path to ground through C2 because of R4, and then through Q1 when it's turned on?
08:30 AM cehteh: guanche: i'd be more worried about the current which D2,3,4 need to deliver
08:32 AM guanche: would it be that much cehteh?
08:33 AM cehteh: charging/discharging the caps
08:33 AM cehteh: couild be done much easier one I/O pin, no analog
08:34 AM cehteh: regulate the voltage with a zener and put a current limiting resistor behind the IO pin
08:34 AM cehteh: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladungspumpe#/media/File:Ladungspumpe_pos_kaskade.svg
08:34 AM cehteh: only S needs to be pwm/io
08:35 AM guanche: that looks better indeed
08:39 AM cehteh: http://tinyurl.com/y8tumelv
08:39 AM cehteh: maybe this 'adjustable' zener if you want to trim it
08:42 AM cehteh: the transistor is only for discharging the charge pump i guess
08:42 AM cehteh: you need to stop it first
09:22 AM guanche: nice, thanks for your time!
09:22 AM guanche: I guess I still I'd need a transistor for the 5v line, because if stopped will produce voltage
09:23 AM * cehteh idly played around http://tinyurl.com/ycy5eg47
12:41 PM x7C3 is now known as grawlinson
03:18 PM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
11:39 PM day__ is now known as day