#avr Logs

Dec 07 2018

#avr Calendar

12:09 AM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
01:07 AM jesseg: rue_mohr, it looks like the output voltage probably floats at a somewhat temperature dependent level, and sort of reproduces an amplified sinewave from the input filter
01:08 AM jesseg: so I might call it more of a detector and preamplifier
01:08 AM jesseg: since I don't think it particularly rectifies the carrier
01:08 AM jesseg: rather tuner and preamp
01:13 AM rue_mohr: thats a lot of analysis...
01:14 AM rue_mohr: lots of times a circuit like that has a filter cap on the output to reflect the load from the transistor
01:14 AM rue_mohr: motif defeated me tonight, I have a new attack tommmrow
01:19 AM rue_bed: it'll mean I have to carefully track the id of about 100 widgets
01:19 AM nohit: sup
01:19 AM rue_bed: which is really annoying
01:19 AM nohit: why did you leave #avrs rue
01:19 AM rue_bed: today I was given some thermostats that have atmega32890 ?
01:20 AM rue_bed: avrs?
01:20 AM nohit: yeah the other channel
01:20 AM rue_bed: I wasn't supposed to be in there
01:20 AM rue_bed: must have been the extra channel I killed latley
01:21 AM nohit: this is cool https://jaycarlson.net/microcontrollers/
01:22 AM rue_bed: I realized that I need to start making struct op functions like the database stuff I do in pho
01:22 AM rue_bed: php
01:22 AM nohit: comaparison of the different cores
01:22 AM rue_bed: why is the whole page javascript?
01:22 AM nohit: what does it matter
01:23 AM rue_bed: why dont you understand why it matters
01:24 AM rue_bed: oo biquad filter
01:24 AM nohit: it doesnt
01:24 AM rue_bed: it does
01:24 AM nohit: it doesnt affect your life in any way
01:24 AM rue_bed: just like software resource usage and power consumption and a million other things
01:24 AM rue_bed: yes, it does, it affects everyone
01:25 AM rue_bed: just like dead users in an irc channel, it matters
01:26 AM nohit: yes, it matters to you, because you are insane
01:27 AM nohit: not to anyone else
01:27 AM rue_bed: I am, and you dont understand why these things matter
01:27 AM rue_bed: its like someone not understanding why nails should not stick out of walls
01:28 AM rue_bed: why to not use 8" nails to hold siding on a house
01:28 AM rue_bed: or 30" nails to put the roofing on
01:29 AM rue_bed: just as you dont understand what I'v been on about
01:30 AM rue_bed: wow this is a lot of chips
01:35 AM rue_bed: the people who built the house I live in didn't understand why not to build it over the septic tank
01:35 AM rue_bed: they also didn't understand why not to use the trailer as structure to hold up the addition they put on it
01:36 AM rue_bed: I'm surrounded by people like this
01:38 AM polprog: its ok as long as you dont try to drive and shoot from the septic tank
01:38 AM rue_bed: its not a trailer with a hitch and wheels
01:39 AM rue_bed: its a trailer in the sense of a steel bottom frame and walls that are 2" thick with almost no insulation
01:39 AM rue_bed: and aluminum wiring
01:41 AM rue_bed: things that eat away at me, like how people need to use a debugger to reverse engineer the code they wrote
01:43 AM rue_bed: this page is a great one for people saying they have a problem with atmel studio
01:50 AM rue_bed: I haven’t conducted thorough benchmarking myself, but in my biquad filtering test with the Nuvoton Cortex-M0 part, the GCC implementation required 30 clock cycles, while the MDK version needed 42. Code size was also better for GCC than MDK — 2880 bytes versus 3004 bytes.
01:50 AM rue_bed: see the relation there?
01:51 AM rue_bed: thats why using java that uses python, and funneling it all thru a web-browser is NOT gonna give you a good result
01:52 AM rue_bed: (instead of parsing math equations, people like to just import a whole language that will do it for them)
01:54 AM rue_bed: things like using 64bit systems so that your memory pointers can point to more memory, and then making double linked lists where an array would have done just fine
01:58 AM rue_bed: wow this webpage is a lot of work
02:04 AM rue_bed: 8-| wow, look at the biquad rating on the 801, wholy *&^#$%
02:04 AM rue_bed: 8051
02:05 AM rue_bed: better than the stm32...
02:16 AM rue_bed: huh
04:02 AM vmt: call MDK bloatware when in fact Keil == ARM?
04:02 AM vmt: what were the optimizations set for the compilers?
04:04 AM vmt: and your generalizations suck ass for the most part, you will import a math library instead of pulling in a dependency to an interpreter, most of the time
04:04 AM vmt: however, even math libraries are often times not required, but people are left to their own devices to be as ignorant as they want
04:05 AM vmt: you are being extremely self-righteous in your assessments of your own capabilities, though
04:05 AM vmt: furthermore, you have very little to show for it
04:05 AM vmt: apart from "i just write better shit than anyone else"
07:22 AM jaakkos: Hi :) I need to disconnect the sample-and-hold capacitor at a very precise time at the start of 328P ADC conversion. Writing ADSC in ADCSRA will cause S/H at 1.5 ADC clocks after the next rising ADC clock edge. Unfortunately it seems to be difficult(?) to predict/read the value of the ADC clock prescaler to know when the rising edge would come.
07:23 AM jaakkos: OTOH if "Auto Trigger" source (practically timer/counters and INT0) are used, the prescaler is reset and a delay of 2 ADC clocks is guaranteed. But I need to set up timers or INT0 simply to achieve a precise timing for S/H? :(
07:24 AM jaakkos: I'm going to software-trigger INT0 if there is no easier way, I think.
09:14 AM rue_mohr: and he left
09:14 AM rue_mohr: I wonder what timezones these folks are all comming from
09:20 AM rue_mohr: vmt, the odds are you cant understand a lot of the things I'v done, but lets try
09:20 AM rue_mohr: vmt, do you know what a LUT is? not lots of people do, fewer understand them
09:21 AM rue_mohr: most of these people must be darn near gmt+0
09:22 AM rue_mohr: [rue LUT FSM, bvh player and the triangulation code, and the fft is also a good one ]
09:27 AM jesseg: Good Morning
09:27 AM rue_mohr: hey
09:28 AM rue_mohr: how do you get a text field to pre-populate its value?
09:28 AM jesseg: in what framework?
09:28 AM rue_mohr: the one you did
09:28 AM jesseg: see I don't even really know what a frame work is, nor a LUT :D
09:28 AM rue_mohr: say, when you want to edit the value of a thing
09:28 AM jesseg: oh I haven't created a text field class yet.
09:29 AM rue_mohr: rlly?
09:29 AM jesseg: rlly.
09:29 AM jesseg: I need to, obviously :P
09:29 AM rue_mohr: there is nowhere you need to enter a number like the cut depth?
09:29 AM jesseg: oh there's lots of places where I need to view and edit a number. Just haven't created that class yet.
09:30 AM rue_mohr: k, well, I'll tell ya this,
09:30 AM jesseg: You can type in lots of things by just typing them like GROUP=top
09:30 AM rue_mohr: Its REALLY handly to have an identifier you can stick on an instance of the input field
09:30 AM jesseg: and it sets it but there's no way to see what it was
09:30 AM rue_mohr: so when you need to modify it (out of the blue) or it is submitting its value, you know what value its for
09:31 AM jesseg: yeah I am thinking of basically making text fields similar to my buttons - they can be created, set, read, and destroyed :P
09:31 AM rue_mohr: but identifiers
09:31 AM jesseg: what do you mean by identifiers?
09:31 AM rue_mohr: so, in my cam, I have the right panel of input fields
09:31 AM rue_mohr: each one is related to a member of a struct that holds the operation details
09:32 AM rue_mohr: right now, I need to take the values in that struct and write them to all the input fields
09:32 AM rue_mohr: as the default values
09:33 AM rue_mohr: I been trying for 5 days to use a callback because when you set a callback in motif, you can tack on 'user data' which I use as an identifier
09:33 AM rue_mohr: switch((int) client_data) {
09:33 AM rue_mohr: case FIELD_ENABLED:
09:33 AM rue_mohr: XtVaSetValues (w, XmNset, activeOp->oper.drill.finishDepth, NULL);
09:33 AM rue_mohr: break;
09:33 AM rue_mohr:
09:33 AM rue_mohr: case FIELD_FINISHDEPTH:
09:33 AM rue_mohr: XtVaGetValues (w, XmNvalue, activeOp->oper.drill.finishDepth , NULL);
09:33 AM rue_mohr: break;
09:33 AM rue_mohr: but I cant create the fake event I need to be able to make a callback
09:34 AM rue_mohr: so I'm gonna have to keep a little database of all the widgets and what their related to
09:34 AM jesseg: I will admit to you that I have a very difficult time usually getting my mind around other people's APIs... which is why I kind of hacked together my own UI
09:35 AM rue_mohr: well, if motif could do what I'm asking, I'd be done :(
09:35 AM rue_mohr: it was a thought that occured to me last night
09:35 AM rue_mohr: for example the did not have a proper layout widget for a grid of widgets
09:36 AM jesseg: In mine, I call button.create() and I tell it where it is on the framebuffer, its size, name, etc.,, and .create() returns a unique integer for that button. Then in my main code I poll the buttons (LOL) with button.upped() or isup() or whatever to check for click events. Then when I'm done, I call button.destroy(id)
09:36 AM rue_mohr: they have rowcol, but it turns out when you get down to it, its completely specialized for pulldown menus, and cant handle justification or proper resizing
09:36 AM jesseg: it's like totally not the way modern UI is supposed to work but it works and it works for my brain :P
09:37 AM rue_mohr: in Xwindows, everything is a window
09:37 AM rue_mohr: X tracks them in a parent-child database
09:37 AM rue_mohr: and events are automatically shuttled to the right window
09:38 AM rue_mohr: (a button is a window)
09:39 AM rue_mohr: motif is definitly a first-stab at a gui
09:39 AM jesseg: yeah I suppose. Of course in my case, my app is drawing to its framebuffer and xwindows doesn't have a clue as to what graphic things happen to be drawn to it :P
09:39 AM rue_mohr: they didn't think of things like extensible event systems
09:39 AM rue_mohr: indeed, your pretty low level
09:39 AM rue_mohr: but that makes ya pretty portable
09:40 AM jesseg: yeah, and in fact I started the project when I was still using windows 98 a little.. so i had some level of sympathy for windows users at that time, so I wanted cross platform compatibility.
09:40 AM jesseg: Now I could care less LOL
09:41 AM rue_mohr: :) I was really frustrated whe I tried to make an edit with multiple cursors
09:41 AM rue_mohr: its super hard coded into text widgets that there is one cursor
09:42 AM rue_mohr: all languages
09:42 AM rue_mohr: I thought java would be extensible, nope
09:43 AM rue_mohr: I started a ground-up system so I could defeat it, but got downed
09:44 AM rue_mohr: that was my first stab at UI
09:45 AM rue_mohr: flipped back and forth between C and C++ a few times
09:45 AM rue_mohr: hmm
09:45 AM rue_mohr: its funny tho, X can source its events from multiple file handles....
09:46 AM rue_mohr: work, bbl
06:20 PM day__ is now known as day
06:32 PM vmt: --
08:32 PM jesseg: howdy
11:41 PM day__ is now known as day
11:49 PM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius