#avr Logs

Nov 26 2018

#avr Calendar

01:40 AM nabil__ is now known as nabil
01:48 AM rue_bed: --
01:53 AM cehteh: LeoNerd: will ask
09:44 AM MrFahrenheit_ is now known as MrFahrenheit
11:23 AM nohit: --
11:23 AM LeoNerd: No further arguments?
11:24 AM polprog: .
02:09 PM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
05:08 PM cehteh: is there some macro/relation between pins/ports and OCRxn bits defined in the headers which i can use for code generation?
05:10 PM thardin: you mean the 0x20 offset or whatever between port numbers and addresses?
05:10 PM cehteh: eh without R .. OC1A etc .. the pon that the related pwm/counter switches
05:11 PM thardin: you could use a macro and token pasting probably
05:11 PM cehteh: i just have an configuration "use timer 1 output A" want to generate the related port stuff for setting DDR automatically
05:12 PM cehteh: OC1A isnt defined in the headers
05:12 PM cehteh: i know how to use the preprocessor, i lack the handle
05:13 PM cehteh: maybe i just overseen something, or i have to do my own mapping
05:14 PM thardin: do you need to ever change it?
05:15 PM cehteh: ./include/avr/iotn2313a.h:#define OC1A_PIN PINB
05:15 PM cehteh: ./include/avr/iotn2313a.h:#define OC1A_BIT 3
05:15 PM cehteh: ah .. moment need that for the 328p and pb
05:16 PM cehteh: yes needs to be configured at them makefile and generate code for different timers
05:17 PM cehteh: strangely thats not defined for all parts
07:04 PM Maya-sama is now known as Miyu
11:42 PM day__ is now known as day