#avr Logs

Nov 18 2018

#avr Calendar

12:27 AM jesseg: rue_shop3, sorry I wasn't home. Here's the link in case you haven't found it yet: http://videoflier.com/gwcad/
12:31 AM jesseg: rue_shop3, the function which actually exports to gcodes is void export2Dgcodes(char * filename)
01:15 AM rue_mohr: hi
01:15 AM rue_mohr: I was trying to sow someone your work, had a hell of a time finding it
06:18 AM cehteh: mhm there is no one-shot support for timers/compmatch in hardware .. reseting compmatch once its triggerd?
06:20 AM LeoNerd: "resetting" in what sense?
06:21 AM LeoNerd: Also hi - did those 328PBs arrive yet?
07:16 AM cehteh: LeoNerd: no did not, monday then
07:16 AM cehteh: reset as in disable
07:17 AM cehteh: when you want to queue a compmatch only once (i used a EMPTY_INTERRUPT() just for wakeup), now i replaced it with disabling compmatch
07:18 AM cehteh: iirc i seen somewhere that some other microcontrollers support oneshoot
07:19 AM LeoNerd: Oh, yeah I'd just disable the timer in the ISR
07:36 AM cehteh: just wanted to make sure it has no hardware support for that, in case i've overseen that, would be nicer
08:54 AM rue_mohr2: you want a one-off wakeup timer?
08:54 AM rue_mohr2: sure I'v done that before...
09:10 AM cehteh: thats not it, i just wanted to know if there is hardware support for one-shoot timers
09:10 AM cehteh: i have quite elaborate timing stuff, with sliding window priority queue and stuff
09:25 AM LeoNerd: How annoying... it seems that putting an LED across the weak pullup of an AVR pin set at input, is enough to short that pullup to ground and make it read logic low :(
10:25 AM rue_mohr2: 1.4V?
10:25 AM rue_mohr2: use a white led
10:26 AM rue_mohr2: might do it, still pretty borderline
10:26 AM rue_mohr2: cehteh, I'd swear I'v done one-shot timers before
10:41 AM cehteh: rue_mohr: question was only about hardware support, when you have any hints for that then say
11:54 AM rue_mohr: I'd have to clearly know what your trying to do
11:54 AM rue_mohr: I think you want a one-shot to wake you from a sleep
11:54 AM rue_mohr: I'v never used sleep mode
12:59 PM polprog: i think killing the timer in the OVF interrupt is the simplest solution
12:59 PM polprog: it will resolve to a singe sbi/cbi in the routine, this can be even a naked ISR
03:53 PM cehteh: uh, comon zener diodes have 5% tolerance .. didnt know that it is so much
04:01 PM Igloo: Hi folks. I'm trying to add footprints for a standard 6-pin and 10-pin ISP header to a board. Does anyone know what pin spacing, and what connector type are normally used please?
04:12 PM twnqx: 2.54mm IDC
04:23 PM polprog: pinout as follows
04:23 PM polprog: http://www.bot-thoughts.com/2012/01/jtag-ice-mkiii-pinout.html?m=1
04:35 PM Igloo: For both? Cool, thanks!
11:38 PM day__ is now known as day