#avr Logs

Nov 15 2018

#avr Calendar

12:01 AM rue_mohr: that dot and cross product stuff was really awesome
12:05 AM nohit: jesseg yeah
12:07 AM rue_mohr: jesseg, I use that library for all sorts of things
12:07 AM rue_mohr: I was going to use it for a gear generator, so i added a bunch of fn's then paid woodgears for his
12:07 AM jesseg: lol
12:07 AM rue_mohr: which I am sadly running on a windows machine....
12:07 AM jesseg: I don't know who woodgears is but I assume he sells software for cutting wooden gears
12:07 AM rue_mohr: moving on!
12:08 AM rue_mohr: best software I can find thats not a million dollars
12:08 AM rue_mohr: it was like $25 or something, and I'm ok with that
12:08 AM jesseg: What does it do?
12:09 AM rue_mohr: generates 2d profiles for gears, sprockets, and racks
12:09 AM jesseg: ahh cool
12:09 AM rue_mohr: inside and outside gears
12:09 AM jesseg: with an offset for tool width?
12:09 AM rue_mohr: nope
12:09 AM rue_mohr: CAM
12:09 AM jesseg: ahh OK just the exact outline
12:09 AM jesseg: or inline as the case may be :P
12:10 AM rue_mohr: bamcam is the best cam I can find, I still have like 20 trial runs left, I just never close it
12:10 AM rue_mohr: cambam?
12:10 AM rue_mohr: anyhow, the only thing I dont know how to do yet is the tabs
12:11 AM rue_mohr: hole drilling
12:11 AM rue_mohr: starting with hole drilling
12:11 AM rue_mohr: speaking of which, where am I now...
12:14 AM rue_mohr: wow, this main() is crazy
12:14 AM rue_mohr: real2screenx(GlobalDoubles_MX1) hmm to every point...
12:14 AM rue_mohr: thats why I threw in my matrix library
12:15 AM rue_mohr: oh but wait, you cant zoom and pan in this can ya?
12:15 AM jesseg: sure you can
12:15 AM jesseg: scroll wheel is zoom
12:16 AM jesseg: and click+drag scroll wheel is pan
12:16 AM rue_mohr: ah ok
12:16 AM jesseg: :D
12:16 AM rue_mohr: didn't notice, shame on me
12:16 AM jesseg: and you can set the pan ratio so you can pan 10pixels for each pixel of mouse movement
12:16 AM jesseg: if you want
12:16 AM jesseg: it makes it easier to fly around in a large design while still being zoomed in pretty well
12:17 AM rue_mohr: temp=1.0/0.0;
12:17 AM rue_mohr: if (a < temp){temp=a;}
12:17 AM rue_mohr: if (b < temp){temp=b;}
12:17 AM rue_mohr: return temp;
12:17 AM rue_mohr: WTF
12:18 AM rue_mohr: your crazy :)
12:18 AM jesseg: How would you do it?
12:18 AM rue_mohr: #define Min(X,Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y))
12:18 AM rue_mohr: #define Max(X,Y) ((X) > (Y) ? (X) : (Y))
12:18 AM rue_mohr: macro, no call or stack or memory overhead
12:19 AM rue_mohr: I mean sure, yours works, and if armagedon is upon us, you will get NaN back...
12:19 AM rue_mohr: but...
12:20 AM rue_mohr: ah the screen<->model mapping, there you are...
12:21 AM rue_mohr: is screen dpi still a thing?
12:21 AM jesseg: still a thing?
12:21 AM jesseg: screens still have DPI
12:21 AM rue_mohr: yea, but
12:21 AM jesseg: and if set correctly, then you can zoom 1:1 and it'll be life size on the screen
12:21 AM rue_mohr: in ANY app, do you ever expect 1:1 to come out properly?
12:22 AM jesseg: only if the screen DPI is known
12:22 AM rue_mohr: double degreesof(double x)
12:22 AM rue_mohr: heh, I'm all macro
12:22 AM rue_mohr: #define rad2deg(K) ((K)*(180.0/3.1415926535))
12:22 AM rue_mohr: #define deg2rad(K) ((K)*(3.1415926535/180.0))
12:23 AM rue_mohr: angleof(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) ... atan2?
12:24 AM rue_mohr: I have not tested my fn's against NaN
12:24 AM jesseg: I'm not all that much into heavy macro coding unless there is a specific compelling need. I have found my self in situations where I'm trying to understand someone's code and they have like 17 levels deep macro calls :P
12:25 AM jesseg: it's like what language is this - C or Macro language :P\
12:25 AM rue_mohr: faster
12:25 AM rue_mohr: meh
12:26 AM jesseg: yeah if the call time is really going to be a problem then I consider it. But.. if speed is soo much of an issue I may not be using C to begin with :P
12:26 AM rue_mohr: in theroy, you can say "inline' too
12:26 AM jesseg: Thing is, modern compilers also tend to inline stuff if they think it's faster even if you wrote it as a function
12:26 AM rue_mohr: pow(z2-z1,2) #define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))
12:26 AM rue_mohr: hmmm
12:27 AM jesseg: so I tend to just write functions, keep it plain and simple, and easier to debug, and get the job done. If it actually happens to be a situation where speed is an issue, then deal with that if and when. But in a lot of cases it's just not an issue.
12:27 AM rue_mohr: wow gui is always so much code....
12:28 AM jesseg: exactly, which is why they are so buggy and so hard to understand and so clunky.
12:32 AM rue_mohr: the motif programming has been interesting, been a logn time since I did event based programming
12:32 AM jesseg: At the end of the day, some tasks are just complex and they take a lot of code to write :P
12:33 AM rue_mohr: If the angle of either A or C is greater than 90,
12:33 AM rue_mohr: //then the point is not parallel to the line segment.
12:33 AM rue_mohr: iirc, you can use cross product
12:34 AM jesseg: yeah I don't know what "cross product" means. I told you I'm not a programmer. In fact I'm a farmer.
12:34 AM rue_mohr: np, its something that was new to me
12:35 AM jesseg: When you say cross product I'm thinking when you cross breed a white cow with a black cow.
12:35 AM rue_mohr: spent 2 days playing with code showing me cross/dot product results
12:35 AM jesseg: or big ear corn with frost resistant corn
12:35 AM jesseg: but I suppose I should learn what a cross product is :P
12:35 AM rue_mohr: its cool, and a bit of a mind-bender
12:39 AM rue_mohr: vi++;vi++; vi+=2;
12:40 AM rue_mohr: EOF!
12:40 AM rue_mohr: thats quite a peice of work
12:40 AM rue_mohr: its interesting how its got a lot of the things I know I'm gonna need
12:41 AM rue_mohr: also find it interesting what its got that I already have
12:42 AM jesseg: yeah I don't know why I did vi++;vi++;vii++;vii++; instead of vi=vi+4; or equiv
12:43 AM rue_mohr: vi is different
12:43 AM rue_mohr: but yea
12:43 AM rue_mohr: vi and vii
12:43 AM jesseg: oh yeah I see yeah I double incremented vi and vii
12:44 AM jesseg: if you're actually able to figure out what my code is supposed to do you must be one amazing coder :P
12:45 AM jesseg: I have a terrible time trying to understand other people's code
12:45 AM jesseg: have a hard enough time trying to understand mine :P
12:45 AM rue_mohr: :)
12:45 AM rue_mohr: if I had the time I'd love to help with it
12:45 AM rue_mohr: but I dont think I'm going to live long enough to be a major contributor
12:46 AM jesseg: Thanks for the kind thoughts :D
12:46 AM rue_mohr: if your working on things, I'd love to still help tho
12:46 AM rue_mohr: my libraries are totally available
12:46 AM jesseg: cool, thanks!
12:47 AM rue_mohr: most of them are simple, but already written, and usually tested well
12:47 AM jesseg: wow all the things mine aren't :D
12:48 AM jesseg: I do still need to add functions for exporting to gerbers for PCB fab services, PDF, PNG, and maybe LPR to print to a linux printer.
12:48 AM jesseg: I also need to make a layer manager so layers can be renamed, modified, and changed order
12:49 AM rue_mohr: so you need an abstraction point that can turn into any of those formats
12:49 AM rue_mohr: easy, edit the saved file ;)
12:49 AM rue_mohr: you hav a command lien there, yes?
12:50 AM jesseg: but I suppose you saw it supports netlists and groups so you can actually define electronic components for SCH and PCB and draw in a schematic and it generates a netlist and shows you unrouted pins
12:50 AM jesseg: a command line where?
12:50 AM rue_mohr: thought I saw a type of command line with 2 character commands
12:51 AM rue_mohr: I WAS going rather quick thru it
12:51 AM jesseg: yeah I've been just editing the layers manually with a text editor. But it'd be really nice to have a graphical one where you can change a layer ID and it automatically updates all objects in that layer to the new one
12:51 AM rue_mohr: hmm
12:51 AM jesseg: oh yeah typing letters activates the menus so instead of clicking Add Arc Right-hand Center-first you can simply type AARC
12:52 AM jesseg: or AALL for Add Arc Left-hand center-Last
12:52 AM jesseg: it is much faster than clicking through menus, and yet if you don't remember you can click through the menus and it shows you the command
12:53 AM rue_mohr: ok, so, if you could enter all the other stuff too
12:53 AM rue_mohr: you nonally get a text stream youc an push saved files into to regen them, but you have expanded the command set to attach gui hooks
12:54 AM rue_mohr: its just someting I did on some of my programs, like my state machine generator
12:54 AM rue_mohr: easy to say, its all console
12:55 AM jesseg: I'm not sure I quite understand what you're trying to say there
12:56 AM rue_mohr: hmm
12:56 AM rue_mohr: I wonder if you would be entertained by the source / trial of one of the programs that does it
12:59 AM rue_mohr: http://paste.debian.net/1051800/ for a jist....
12:59 AM rue_mohr: the program proides a prompt
12:59 AM jesseg: oh provides a prompt?
01:00 AM rue_mohr: everthing you do is fed into doCmd()
01:00 AM jesseg: keystroke at a time or line at a time?
01:00 AM rue_mohr: when you load a file, its just a series of normal prompt commands that are fed into that same fn
01:00 AM rue_mohr: line, i use ...
01:01 AM rue_mohr: libreadline
01:01 AM rue_mohr: (sot hat the up-key gives me history)
01:01 AM jesseg: ahh gotcha
01:01 AM rue_mohr: when you 'save' it takes the data structure and generates the command lines needed to reconstruct
01:02 AM rue_mohr: and loading is just a matter of feeding all the lines in the file to the command handler
01:02 AM rue_mohr: its a nice kinda cheat
01:02 AM jesseg: yeah my keystrokes are kind of tied into the gui. But, if there's an = in the line the gui ignores it, so you can select items and type GROUP=HELLO and it'll set the group on all selected items to HELLO
01:03 AM rue_mohr: http://paste.debian.net/1051802/
01:04 AM rue_mohr: the other neato thing with that one is that you can pipe a file thru it, and it can have the save/export commands in it
01:09 AM jesseg: yeah I've thought about scripting support
01:09 AM rue_mohr: if you write it As a scripted system, everyting else is just a script shortcut
01:10 AM rue_mohr: from clicking to loading a file
01:10 AM jesseg: because who knows what special shames or objects or arrays someone might want to generate using their own program
01:10 AM jesseg: but on the other hand, the data file format is a simple human readable format so it would not be hard for someone to make a tool that generated whatever complex objects they liked and just import it that way
01:10 AM rue_mohr: in my pgoram, just because you load a file, doesn't mean you have to start from scrtch
01:10 AM rue_mohr: so you can load a few files over each other to combine them
01:11 AM jesseg: yeah, same here, you can even provide a list of command line arguments for filenames and it loads them all up
01:11 AM jesseg: or if you do file->open it just adds it in unless you do file->new first
01:12 AM rue_mohr: http://paste.debian.net/1051804/
01:12 AM rue_mohr: oops whatever, "there" is one of the saved files
01:12 AM jesseg: if the filename ends with .gwct instead of .gwc, then it considers it a template and does not change the filename, so you can have templates for layers and stuff
01:13 AM rue_mohr: ok cool
01:14 AM rue_mohr: so, you could flatten the format you ahve now maybe
01:14 AM jesseg: the layers define the drawing order, name, and color in RGBA
01:14 AM jesseg: flatten the format I have?
01:15 AM rue_mohr: layer id=3 name=Red color=255,0,0,127 locked=0 visible=1
01:15 AM rue_mohr: in one line
01:15 AM rue_mohr: funny my math library...
01:16 AM jesseg: oh I see what you mean. My parsing state machine reads it in a line at a time. However it could break it up into key/value pairs as well I suppose.
01:16 AM rue_mohr: zippo:/morfiles/programming/c/CAM# calc "(id=3)(locked=0)(visible=1)id*locked+visible"
01:16 AM rue_mohr: (id=3)(locked=0)(visible=1)id*locked+visible -->> 3
01:17 AM rue_mohr: ..w ait, what
01:17 AM rue_mohr: hah
01:17 AM rue_mohr: so much for my command line calculator
01:18 AM jesseg: I thought multiplication took precedence?
01:19 AM jesseg: just goes to show out bad my math is :P
01:19 AM rue_mohr: its not picking up on locked for some reason
01:19 AM jesseg: maybe it's adding locked and visible (1) and multiplying that by 3
01:20 AM rue_mohr: oh, something is confusing it and its just returning 3
01:20 AM rue_mohr: odd, thought I set confused to 42
01:20 AM jesseg: lol
01:21 AM rue_mohr: zippo:/morfiles/programming/c/CAM# calc "id*locked+visible(id=3)(locked=0)(visible=1)"
01:21 AM rue_mohr: er heh
01:21 AM rue_mohr: zippo:/morfiles/programming/c/CAM# calc "id*locked+visible(id=3)(locked=0)(visible=1)"
01:21 AM rue_mohr: id*locked+visible(id=3)(locked=0)(visible=1) -->> 1
01:21 AM rue_mohr: its a parse direction issue
01:21 AM rue_mohr: which is odd
01:22 AM rue_mohr: everything in brackets is supposed to happen first
01:22 AM rue_mohr: zippo:/morfiles/programming/c/CAM# calc Pi
01:22 AM rue_mohr: Pi -->> 3.14159
01:22 AM rue_mohr: I needed a library that could handle variables, so I had to write it
01:23 AM rue_mohr: it has a few issues...
01:23 AM rue_mohr: zippo:/morfiles/programming/c/CAM# calc "(jesseg=3)1"
01:23 AM rue_mohr: (jesseg=3)1 -->> 3
01:23 AM rue_mohr: that SHOULD come out 1
01:24 AM rue_mohr: the assignment is evaluated, stored, and deleted from the input
01:24 AM jesseg: what if you set jesseg=4
01:24 AM rue_mohr: zippo:/morfiles/programming/c/CAM# calc "(jesseg=4)1"
01:24 AM rue_mohr: (jesseg=4)1 -->> 4
01:24 AM jesseg: it likes me
01:24 AM rue_mohr: :)
01:24 AM rue_mohr: I'm gonna have to dig on that one
01:25 AM jesseg: roger on that one
01:25 AM rue_mohr: http://paste.debian.net/1051805/
01:25 AM rue_mohr: its got a few files behind it
01:28 AM rue_mohr: huh
01:31 AM rue_mohr: zippo:/files/programming/c/Equation/eqv4# ./eq "(a=4)42"
01:31 AM rue_mohr: Type: Variable Content: "a" Priority: 000 lhs: 00000000 is: 800530F0 rhs:80053118
01:31 AM rue_mohr: Type: Operator Content: "=" Priority: 050 lhs: 800530F0 is: 80053118 rhs:80053140
01:31 AM rue_mohr: Type: Constant Content: "4" Priority: 000 lhs: 80053118 is: 80053140 rhs:80053190
01:31 AM rue_mohr: Type: Constant Content: "42" Priority: 000 lhs: 80053140 is: 80053190 rhs:00000000
01:31 AM rue_mohr: (a=4)42 -->> 4
01:32 AM rue_mohr: hmmmmm
01:32 AM jesseg: if you say so
01:35 AM rue_mohr: huh, the 4, inherited the priority from the brackets, and took over the answer
01:35 AM rue_mohr: alg. error
01:36 AM rue_mohr: it boils it down to "4 42"
01:36 AM rue_mohr: and becasue the 4 has the higher priority, its the answer
01:36 AM rue_mohr: :)
01:37 AM jesseg: rue_mohr, here's screenshot and photo of the most recent pcb I made using my little cad program: http://videoflier.com/files/stepper-driver.jpg
01:37 AM rue_mohr: nice!
01:38 AM jesseg: I used those little 0.62mm copper pcb via rivets from Greece (ebay)
01:38 AM rue_mohr: I want to add an HPGL exporter!
01:38 AM jesseg: yeah I almost added HPGL :P
01:38 AM rue_mohr: I have a dos program that runs the pcb resist plotter
01:39 AM jesseg: cool
01:39 AM rue_mohr: oh oh ohoh you might like this!
01:39 AM rue_mohr: I wrote a point matching library
01:39 AM rue_mohr: you give it 3 points from 2 sources that are in an unknown offset/rotate/scale and it figures it out!
01:40 AM jesseg: something else I've tinkered around with was coating PCB blank with candlewax, then scribing (CNC) the wax off between the traces, then etching. Allows for finer clearance than does routing
01:40 AM rue_mohr: so, if you have 3 points in a file and 3 points from a machine, it can match the rest of the points in the file to the machine
01:40 AM jesseg: hmm, I'm not understanding what you mean by 3 points
01:40 AM rue_mohr: sweet, nice to hear that worked!
01:40 AM rue_mohr: ok, say you have a drill file with 80 points in it
01:41 AM rue_mohr: and a pcb with 3 markers, that are a know 3 points in the file
01:41 AM rue_mohr: you drop it on the cnc, anywhere, any loc
01:41 AM jesseg: I also experimented with electroplating through holes, but that was not too successful because the carbon paint used to pre-coat the holes tends to outgass and melt when you solder :P
01:41 AM rue_mohr: you (lets say by hand) get the machine co-ords for the 3 points
01:42 AM rue_mohr: it works out the scale/translate/rotate
01:42 AM rue_mohr: aka, you do not have to align the board
01:42 AM jesseg: oh yeah that makes sense
01:42 AM rue_mohr: as long as its not an iscololies triangle or something silly, its good
01:42 AM rue_mohr: I wrote it, not had a chance to use it yet
01:42 AM rue_mohr: cause I chemical etch my baords
01:43 AM rue_mohr: then I want to pcb drill them
01:43 AM jesseg: I made an L shaped bracket that bolts down to my machine's bed. I put the PCB with its corner in that, so 0,0 is always the same. Then to route the back side I flip it over but keep that same corner in that same hole and just swap x with y coordinates.
01:43 AM rue_mohr: yes
01:43 AM rue_mohr: my plotter has an L for flipping baords
01:43 AM jesseg: cool
01:43 AM rue_mohr: but I hand drill them
01:44 AM jesseg: Did yo u already see this? you mentioned HPGL and a plotter, reminded me of this http://videoflier.com/movies/1405402023030892857846
01:44 AM rue_mohr: hah cute
01:45 AM rue_mohr: hey, wait
01:45 AM rue_mohr: I think thats the plotter I ahve 2 kicking around in the back with no pens
01:46 AM jesseg: yeah mine had no pens also
01:46 AM rue_mohr: hahah I love the rotattion system!
01:46 AM jesseg: very simple but quite effective :P
01:47 AM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/elex/etch/pcb_etching.html
01:48 AM jesseg: Boss wanted me to build up 20 boards each with over a hundred SMT components and I was like "Hey boss can I take a week off and build a pick and place machine?" he said "sure"
01:52 AM rue_mohr: hah!
01:52 AM jesseg: Do you need me to mail you an old digital camera? :P
01:52 AM jesseg: that potato you are currently using is about to sprout I think
01:52 AM rue_mohr: hah, I dont need a pnp machine yet
01:53 AM rue_mohr: catch you later
01:53 AM jesseg: but also been playing with this https://www.ebay.com/itm/302679424354
01:53 AM jesseg: it's cool - uv cured solder resist in any color you like, or mix them
01:53 AM jesseg: good night!
01:53 AM rue_mohr: hey that looks cheaper tehan the uv glue/nail polish
01:54 AM jesseg: you can also use it for photo etch resist
01:54 AM jesseg: but it takes some effort to get the cured stuff off the board afterwards :D
01:54 AM rue_mohr: acetone?
01:54 AM jesseg: I dunno, haven't tried that yet
01:54 AM rue_mohr: I'm going to bed
01:54 AM jesseg: nighters
01:55 AM rue_bed2: nighters
01:55 AM rue_bed2: ok, I'm in bed
01:55 AM rue_bed2: well, you have some cool projects
01:56 AM rue_bed2: does your pnp use the camera?
01:56 AM jesseg: the camera is just an inspection microscope for the human operator at this point. Of course my intention is to make it do machine vision, but haven't got there yet.
01:56 AM rue_bed2: oh its midnight, this is just going to be a disaster
01:56 AM jesseg: yeah midnight here too, I'm outa here.
01:57 AM rue_bed2: hahaha
01:57 AM rue_bed2: "who needs sleep.... never gonna get it..."
01:57 AM jesseg: I may not turn to a pumpkin at midnight but it sure feels like it when I'm trying to pry myself outa bed at 6
01:57 AM rue_bed2: I cant even take a melatonin now its too late
01:57 AM rue_bed2: 6:15 for me
02:00 AM rue_bed2: oooo look! last night I was coding a function stack!
02:00 AM rue_bed2: arg, sleeeep
02:04 AM rue_bed2: while( (f = fnStackPop(&stk)) != NULL ) f();
02:04 AM rue_bed2: oh so eeeeevil
02:13 AM Thrashbarg: hehehe
02:13 AM jesseg: rue_bed2, I don't know if you're still here but something interesting you might try on your plotter is a 405nM uv laser focused to a point so it photo exposes uv etch resist or even the solder mask stuff so you can put on real silk screen in any color you want
02:14 AM rue_bed2: photoplotter
02:14 AM rue_bed2: hey, maybe thats why I got this purple laser....
02:15 AM rue_bed2: dont think its actully uv, but it sure can make the glow-in-the-dark dinosaurs go off
02:18 AM jesseg: the uv lasers from blueray rw drives work good to cure thatstuff
02:19 AM jesseg: anyway good night for real :P
02:20 AM rue_bed2: !!!
02:20 AM rue_bed2: haha, I'm in bed
02:20 AM rue_bed2: geez this room is dusty
02:20 AM * rue_bed2 plays with the laser
03:23 AM kakimir: avrxmega3 core - what do you think?
03:23 AM kakimir: interesting thing is that it's all attinys
03:25 AM kakimir: “XMEGA” devices with up to 64 KiB of combined program memory and RAM, and with program memory visible in the RAM address space.
03:31 AM kakimir: interesting that attiny416 is cheaper and has better price than attiny44A
03:32 AM kakimir: *has better availibility
03:33 AM cehteh: kakimir: you cant measure AREF
03:33 AM cehteh: by sampling itself
03:35 AM cehteh: 2 chips crossed AREF/AIN may work ..
03:35 AM cehteh: a/may/should/
03:41 AM kakimir: what is this talk about AREF?
03:41 AM kakimir: I use VCC or bandgap as reference
03:44 AM cehteh: AREF == bandgap
03:44 AM cehteh: err AREF = reference
03:45 AM cehteh: or better explain what you really did, maybe i am a bit confused
03:59 AM kakimir: what do you think I'm doing?
06:23 AM dunz0r is now known as apmn
06:23 AM apmn is now known as dunz0r
06:41 AM kakimir: anyone done porting from attiny44A or similar to new avr tiny chips?
06:41 AM kakimir: does the whole thing change or is fundamental mechanisms still the same
06:41 AM kakimir: attiny416 is alluring
06:52 AM kakimir: changed target in atmel studio
06:52 AM kakimir: 50errors
07:00 AM kakimir: I think book of rules has been rewritten in this case
07:09 AM cehteh: some registers may be moved/renamed but most things stay the same
07:09 AM cehteh: also some ISR's are different named -> see datasheets
07:34 AM kakimir: what are general purpose IO registers?
07:34 AM kakimir: these are not ports
07:35 AM skz81: general purpose IO = GPIO. So yes, PORTx, PINx, and at some extend, DDRx
07:35 AM skz81: kakimir, ^
07:35 AM skz81: extent*
08:06 AM nabil_ is now known as nabil
08:44 AM rue_mohr: kakimir,
08:45 AM rue_mohr: what are you going from and to?
09:00 AM rue_mohr: if he's going from tiny44 to xmega, thats a huge change
09:00 AM kakimir: I could effectivelly run my code on adc window interrupt
09:00 AM kakimir: but I wont
09:01 AM rue_mohr: oh you area alive
09:10 AM nabil_ is now known as nabil
09:51 AM jesseg: Good Morning
10:10 AM skz81: jesseg, GOOD EVENING !
10:10 AM skz81: (oops sorry for capses)
10:40 AM nabil is now known as hunter
10:40 AM hunter is now known as Guest80428
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10:44 AM hunter is now known as Guest16754
10:45 AM nabil is now known as hunter
10:45 AM hunter is now known as Guest3113
10:46 AM Guest3113 is now known as nabil
10:46 AM nabil is now known as hunter
10:47 AM hunter is now known as Guest99703
10:47 AM Guest99703 is now known as nabil
10:55 AM McDonaldsWiFi: so i got tired of checking my mailbox for mail
10:55 AM McDonaldsWiFi: so now my box has a solar powered ATTiny that tells me if i have mail xD
11:07 AM jesseg: lol that's pretty cool McDonaldsWiFi
11:08 AM McDonaldsWiFi: xD at my new home the driveway is pretty long
11:08 AM McDonaldsWiFi: so now it blinks every so often to tell me i have mail so i dont have to make the trip if not lol
02:05 PM nabil is now known as hunter
02:06 PM hunter is now known as Guest77254
06:56 PM davor_ is now known as davor
08:48 PM rue_mohr: 8-| ok
08:48 PM rue_mohr: I'm awake
08:48 PM rue_mohr: I told myself to just look at the code and I'd know what to do
08:51 PM rue_mohr: ... why is the source for magichat open???
08:52 PM rue_mohr: ok
08:52 PM rue_mohr: this is obvious
08:53 PM rue_mohr: so I need to change this up to use the toolpath library
09:22 PM rue_mohr: c++ drags in so many bad ideas
09:22 PM rue_mohr: like the default use of linked lists
09:23 PM rue_mohr: in most cases linked lists are not needed and a bad thing.
09:30 PM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
10:01 PM jesseg: yeah like I said I like C :P
10:05 PM rue_mohr: I'm just trying to be carefull what I do here
10:06 PM rue_mohr: no point inflating memory usage by 200% just for the sake of linked lists
10:07 PM rue_mohr: hmm
10:07 PM rue_mohr: no I suppose a pointer is a pointer
10:14 PM JanC_ is now known as JanC
10:19 PM rue_mohr: I need a good system for 1 bit flags
10:33 PM rue_mohr: drillHole(toolpath1.oper.operation.drill, pt2(objects.content[toolpath1.eIdxList[i]].entity.shape.point.x, objects.content[toolpath1.eIdxList[i]].entity.shape.point.y));
10:34 PM rue_mohr: dotDOTdOTdotDotdOtdotDOTDOTDOT!!!!
10:34 PM * rue_mohr feels like a chicken at a keyboard
10:36 PM rue_mohr: it works, lets improve it
10:42 PM rue_mohr: yea I can heavily re-arrange these
10:42 PM rue_mohr: here goes ever finding my variable again
10:53 PM rue_mohr: jesseg, http://paste.debian.net/1051938/ comments?
10:58 PM rue_mohr: its worse than that, their dead Jim
11:00 PM * jesseg looks around
11:01 PM * rue_mohr pokes one with a stick...
11:02 PM rue_mohr: so, I'm gonna make a data struct for the MachineCommand* stuff
11:02 PM rue_mohr: so, hypothetically, a program could be building several files at once
11:02 PM jesseg: there's no #defines
11:02 PM rue_mohr: and I SUPPOSE the functions shouldn't just printf the nc code
11:03 PM rue_mohr: its all int eh libraries
11:03 PM jesseg: you need a few nested define calls
11:03 PM jesseg: oh gotcha OK
11:03 PM rue_mohr: hmm thats a good point
11:03 PM rue_mohr: there should be an output filename
11:16 PM rue_mohr: haha this foolish compiler keeps accepting my changes
11:34 PM rue_mohr: coool
11:34 PM rue_mohr: you can generate multiple nc files at the same time
11:40 PM day__ is now known as day
11:43 PM rue_mohr: jesseg, you dont hang out in #robotics eh?
11:43 PM jesseg: rue_mohr, hrm. I think I stopped in there a couple times
11:44 PM jesseg: it didn't seem all that much about robotics to me the one day I showed up
11:44 PM rue_mohr: nor was here much about #avr last night
11:44 PM rue_mohr: ;)
11:44 PM jesseg: I do hang out in #seattlerobotics though - sometimes I even attend their monthly meetings
11:44 PM jesseg: this is never about avr here LOL
11:44 PM rue_mohr: they still meet!?
11:44 PM rue_mohr: wow
11:45 PM jesseg: if someone comes here and talks about avrs they get invited to #avrs
11:45 PM jesseg: this seems more like a general robotics channel to me :P
11:45 PM rue_mohr: I'm just trying to keep the heat on
11:47 PM rue_mohr: huh
11:57 PM polprog: morning
11:57 PM polprog: i really should get into robotics
11:58 PM polprog: im polishing up my mechanical engineering skillz by fixing up a tape recorder. it has some pretty cool mechanisms