#avr Logs

Nov 02 2018

#avr Calendar

12:55 AM day__ is now known as day
01:30 AM rue_bed: --
11:00 AM kakimir: how do I measure maximum SRAM use?
11:00 AM kakimir: waterlevel?
11:03 AM thardin: kakimir: there's code on the avrfreaks forums for putting canary bytes near the stack for counting its size
11:03 AM thardin: assuming you don't use any heap then that should be enough most of the time
11:03 AM thardin: there is also -fstack-usage
11:04 AM thardin: .data and .bss are known at compile-time. sometimes stack usage can be known too
11:12 AM kakimir: flash at 1186bytes :I
11:12 AM kakimir: 2048 total flash
11:12 AM thardin: tiny
11:12 AM kakimir: this gonna be tite
11:19 AM kakimir: I'm interpolating bandgap in function of vcc and temp :)
11:20 AM kakimir: bandgap voltage*
11:20 AM kakimir: it work
11:20 AM kakimir: s
11:20 AM kakimir: I copied some points from datasheet
11:40 AM kakimir: in avr is it better to use pointers as parameters than actual bytes?
11:40 AM kakimir: byte is byte
11:40 AM kakimir: pointer can be bigger?
12:36 PM cehteh: kakimir: you can fill the unused memory between stack and heap with some canary value and later scan how much has been touched
03:40 PM MarcinWieczorek_ is now known as MarcinWieczorek
04:58 PM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
09:29 PM rue_bed: if you a microsoft programmer, you use a signed value to count the amount touched,