#avr Logs

Oct 14 2018

#avr Calendar

04:02 AM polprog: --
05:09 AM rue_mohr: ok!
05:09 AM rue_mohr: uint8_t table[] = {0 ,1 ,0 ,35 ,1 ,66 ,37 ,2 ,68 ,3 ,68 ,37 ,39 ,4 ,70 ,5 ,70 ,39 ,41 ,6 ,72 ,7 ,72 ,41 ,43 ,8 ,74 ,9 ,74 ,43 ,45 ,10 ,76 ,11 ,76 ,45 ,47 ,12 ,78 ,13 ,78 ,47 ,49 ,14 ,78 ,15 ,80 ,49 ,96 ,16 ,96 ,17 ,17 ,96 };
05:09 AM rue_mohr: that is the state machine for a tiny13 to receive asyncronous serial, I just need to build the system to feed it
12:05 PM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
01:28 PM nabil_ is now known as nabil
01:34 PM Rickta59: does the avr-gcc compiler in atmel studio 7 get limited after a period of time? Or is it a fully unrestricted avr-gcc forever?
01:34 PM Rickta59: * thought i read something about it being limited to -O1 at some point
01:37 PM Rickta59: or is that only a problem with MPLABx
01:40 PM Rickta59: never mind .. it seems to be an mplabx feature https://www.avrfreaks.net/comment/2566456#comment-2566456
03:00 PM polprog: Rickta59: avr-gcc is free software, i see no reason why they would limit it
05:06 PM rue_mohr: why would you use atmel studio?
05:07 PM LeoNerd: Some folks seem to enjoy it
05:51 PM eszett: Hi, I have a question. If I want to give a misfused (CLKSEL) Atmega a clock signal, to revive it again, does the clock signal has to come from the same external circuit that power and programs it, or can it be a different source?
05:52 PM LeoNerd: How would it know?
05:52 PM LeoNerd: So long as it's a logic square wave referenced to its ground, that could come from anywhere
05:52 PM LeoNerd: CKOUT of another AVR chip, a 555 timer, a benchtop signal generator, ...
05:52 PM eszett: ah, yes that was my question
05:53 PM eszett: any source is good engou, alright
05:53 PM LeoNerd: Any source yes, as long as it's at least 4x faster than the programmer bitrate
05:53 PM eszett: I know I know..
05:53 PM LeoNerd: It doesn't matter if it's synchronised or not
05:54 PM eszett: Is there a way to test how fast the clock signal is? I mean I don't know if my working Atmega circuit is at 1MhZ or 16Mhz..
05:55 PM LeoNerd: Well i'd just apply any of the.. er.. about 5 different pieces of bench equipment that I have frequency counters on
05:55 PM LeoNerd: Being: my scope, my signal generator, two multimeters, .. one of my LCR meters I think has it too
05:56 PM eszett: guess I have to learn how to use my mm then :-)
05:57 PM LeoNerd: Usually on a multimeter the dial position is labeled "Hz"
05:59 PM LeoNerd: https://c.76.my/Malaysia/uni-t-ut61e-true-rms-digital-multimeter-pc-data-logging-vmart126-1501-04-vMart126@1.jpg - the setting shown here, for example
05:59 PM eszett: yep
06:15 PM Rickta59: Leonerd I was looking at getting some of those xtiny 1-series chips, and it seems it needs the latest device packs and avr-gcc from atmel studio
06:16 PM LeoNerd: xtiny? I've not seen that
06:16 PM Rickta59: attiny81[67] attiny1616 attiny3217
06:16 PM Rickta59: i think xtiny is what people are calling it on avrfreaks.net
06:17 PM Rickta59: it isn't really a tiny at all .. has mul and unified memory and xmega style ports
06:18 PM * LeoNerd nod
06:18 PM LeoNerd: Yeah those
06:19 PM Rickta59: i'm happy with avr-gcc i just wanted a sure fire way to try out some code for it before i ordered some
06:20 PM Rickta59: oh and they are insanely inexpensive
06:22 PM Rickta59: also i'm not sure linux is up to the task of using the debugger for it
06:22 PM Rickta59: so i wanted to see how painful atmel studio 7 was on my ancient imac on a vm
06:22 PM Rickta59: seems like it would work
06:25 PM Rickta59: oh .. sorry LeoNerd all those comments were for rue_mohr
07:40 PM rue_mohr: :S it compiled
07:40 PM rue_mohr: if it works, its 9600 usart recieve for a tiny13...
07:41 PM rue_mohr: now I suppose I ahve to test it...
07:43 PM LeoNerd: I wrote one of those a while ago.. I made a little serial-controlled PWM chip
11:52 PM day__ is now known as day