#avr Logs

Oct 01 2018

#avr Calendar

07:08 PM rue_mohr: email renamed himself?
07:12 PM rue_mohr: vmt, ah, stack it likea dos interrupt
07:12 PM rue_mohr: hmm
07:12 PM rue_mohr: I'd like it to just be a #define tho
07:12 PM rue_mohr: that way, I can trigger system init when I #include the file for the system I want
07:37 PM vmt: rue_mohr: but that really is abusing the preprocessor
07:37 PM rue_mohr: peopel abuse things all the time
07:38 PM rue_mohr: technically any line of any source code could be called abuse
07:38 PM vmt: well, i just find it really hacky and hard to read, plus the overhead of a hook is acceptable
07:40 PM vmt: though, i guess it doesn't have to be that bad
07:40 PM rue_mohr: for(d = 1, b = BITSIZE-1; d < nn; d <<= 1, b-- ) {
07:40 PM rue_mohr: n = -1; // fraction initialization, this will immediatly have 1 added to it by the if
07:40 PM rue_mohr: for(i = (nn-1), j = 0; j != (nn-1); i += (d << 1) ) {
07:40 PM rue_mohr: I eat abuse for lunch dude
07:43 PM rue_mohr: when I did that fft code, I hit a new level
07:43 PM rue_mohr: I saw code in ways I'd never seen it before
07:43 PM vmt: irrelevant. for a finite set of systems you could just ifdef your way into including the file directly to the init code
07:43 PM rue_mohr: my mind was opened to considerations I'd never fathomed
07:47 PM vmt: realistically though, i would probably write my own small preprocessor to do these kinds of things
07:47 PM rue_mohr: for( m = nmax; !(i & m) && m; m >>= 1, i ^= m ) ; // reverse binary increment j
07:48 PM rue_mohr: insane stuff!
07:52 PM vmt: insane dude, insane.
08:03 PM rue_mohr: the sapmmers are doing exactly what emil is, but on a larger scale
11:08 PM day__ is now known as day