#avr Logs

Sep 26 2018

#avr Calendar

09:38 AM brot is now known as Guest56701
10:47 AM davor: can I do "volatile uint8_t pina_captured = PINA & INPUT_MASK;", or is best to split that in two: "volatile uint8_t pina_captured = PINA; pina_captured &= INPUT_MASK;"?
10:51 AM polprog: first should be faster, if you arent sure you can try both and see which one is faster
10:51 AM polprog: because volatile, the compiler must force a reload from memory
10:51 AM polprog: i think... anyway. objdump -d will tell you the truth ;)
10:54 AM twnqx: why is it even volatile in that case?
10:54 AM polprog: yeah, do you need it to be volatile?
10:55 AM twnqx: not with the it's written to
10:56 AM polprog: MarcinWieczorek: sorry to ask directly, but what cellular carrier are you in? Plus? ive noticed your ip is centertel.pl - i had no idea they still exist :P
03:06 PM Maya-sama is now known as Miyu
03:36 PM stevecam is now known as Guest91329
07:49 PM The_CooIest is now known as The_Coolest
11:10 PM day_ is now known as day