#avr Logs

Sep 21 2018

#avr Calendar

08:42 AM rue_mohr: --
08:49 AM polprog: ++
08:52 AM rue_mohr: :) its good to have a marker every day so I know if anyone has said anything new
08:53 AM polprog: dont you have day change messages in your client?
08:53 AM rue_mohr: nope
08:53 AM polprog: what are you using?
08:53 AM polprog: irssi prints one in my logs and windows
08:53 AM rue_mohr: hexchat
08:54 AM vmt: ////
08:54 AM polprog: ah
08:54 AM vmt: woops.
08:54 AM vmt: rue_mohr: how's the idling going?
08:56 AM rue_mohr: heh
08:57 AM rue_mohr: its strange that we have so many people from so many different timezones, and they are all responsive at the same time
08:57 AM rue_mohr: well, less me, I'm 180 out of sync
08:57 AM polprog: heres an idea
08:57 AM polprog: express timezones in radians
08:57 AM polprog: :p
09:00 AM chr0me: I hate that irssi day change message, it reminds me that its 12am on a Friday night and I am on IRC
09:01 AM polprog: i feel you
09:01 AM rue_mohr: 5am is a new 'next day' time
09:01 AM rue_mohr: hmm fail
09:01 AM rue_mohr: 5am is a good, new 'next day' time
09:02 AM * rue_mohr provides a side-dish of extra punctuation for anyone who wants some
02:17 PM MarcinWieczorek_ is now known as MarcinWieczorek
04:50 PM thomasross is now known as Guest2699
11:14 PM day_ is now known as day