#avr Logs

Sep 20 2018

#avr Calendar

01:26 AM polprog: >implying windows is suitable for avr programming
02:01 AM chr0me: Hey, it's my first day working with avr-libc, and I am trying to set up a simple program that will read an array of strings over serial and print them back out. I can get that working with a single byte no problem. I am working on an ATmega328p, here is my source: ix.io/1n5P
02:42 AM polprog: i think that's a bad link
02:52 AM chr0me: polprog: Just tested it, link should work
02:54 AM chr0me: https://ptpb.pw/x9cN heres another one though
03:23 AM polprog: where's input variable declared/defined?
03:24 AM polprog: stdout = stdin in your case. i dont know much about streams but i dont think it works like that
03:24 AM polprog: i see input, forget that
03:27 AM polprog: try replacing getchar with your
03:27 AM polprog: uart_getchar(NULL)
03:28 AM polprog: to see if the problem is with stream assignments
03:28 AM polprog: https://appelsiini.net/2011/simple-usart-with-avr-libc/
03:31 AM chr0me: Im fairly sure the stream assignment is fine, I have tested the same settings with a different program that just recieves and prints a single byte
03:32 AM chr0me: I got it working - it turns out my console was sending a carriage return ('\r') not a newline
03:32 AM chr0me: =_=
03:37 AM polprog: yeah. i was about to point out youre changing LF to CR instead of CR LF
03:38 AM polprog: older (dumb) terminals had an option to display control characters instead of intetpreting them
03:38 AM polprog: you'd catch this way sooner ! ;-)
03:53 AM chr0me: In theory, I could now add those uart init functions in my program to a library, so if I wanted to stuff with serial again, I wouldn't have to copy the same code over?
04:32 AM skz81: chr0me, in theory AND in practice. I did it and it works well...
04:35 AM Emil: Consider joining #avrs
04:43 AM polprog: avr programming considered harmul
04:49 AM _ami_: chr0me, not sending \r\n ?
10:20 AM merethan_w: #atmel
10:23 AM merethan_w: Does someone happen to have Packs\atmel\XMEGAE_DFP\1.0.30 (or any other 1.0.x) installed? If so, please tell me the value of the define ADC_CH_MUXNEGL_GND_gc
10:32 AM merethan_w: Nvm, got it.
10:32 AM merethan_w: It appeared at first Microchip only offers the latest version. But thereĀ“s a version history with links.
04:26 PM dan3wik is now known as dan2wik
04:47 PM JanC_ is now known as JanC
10:17 PM rue_mohr: I wonder if I can rebuild wormfoods avr baud calculator
10:17 PM rue_mohr: I have some old php source
10:19 PM rue_mohr: "1WormFoo> of course, under the same conditions that you don't distribute it far and wide, and that yon only host it if I disappear off the internet."
10:20 PM rue_mohr: "(and of course, when I die, I don't care what anyone does with it) ;)"
10:21 PM rue_mohr: I hope he's alive, but I cant find any sign of it
11:16 PM day__ is now known as day