#avr Logs

Aug 28 2018

#avr Calendar

02:51 AM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
03:19 AM jaggz: they don't list atmega32u4 here -- does that matter? https://github.com/denilsonsa/atmega8-magnetometer-usb-mouse/blob/master/firmware/bootloader/bootloader.c#L109
08:58 AM rue_: I think m8 code would be ok
11:10 AM andreas313 is now known as test123
11:30 AM NicoHood: I want to do interrupt driven ADC reading, as I need to continuously read the microphone level to detect hand claps. What happens if my interrupt code takes longer than the next conversion of the ADC? Will it cause me trouble? How would you recommend me using interrupt driven ADC?
11:31 AM twnqx: genrally, i'd run an event handler mainloop and atomic interrupt code that just reads the ADC and adds an adc event to the queue
11:38 AM NicoHood: twnqx: so you mean a ringbuffer with new input data?
11:39 AM twnqx: yes
11:39 AM twnqx: of course, if you are sampling slow enough, you don't want to put each sample into am event to work on, i guess
11:41 AM NicoHood: twnqx: I am not sure how short/fast my code is. What do you think, is this fast enough? (ignoring the debug prints) https://gist.github.com/NicoHood/018990f3f27f0b7865e81f6f73c53584
11:42 AM NicoHood: Currently I am calling this in a loop, without interrupts. but I want to run this along with other stuff in the future, also without arduino framework. its just for a quick test
11:49 AM Emil: Consider joining #avrs
11:57 AM NicoHood: Emil: why?
01:28 PM andreas313 is now known as test123
01:29 PM test123 is now known as test1234
01:29 PM test1234 is now known as test12345678
03:34 PM andreas313 is now known as test123
11:58 PM day_ is now known as day