#avr Logs

Aug 26 2018

#avr Calendar

12:03 AM day_ is now known as day
12:38 AM rue_shop3: huh
12:39 AM rue_shop3: why not only hit the leds for the majority of the frame and leave them blank for the first/last bit of the changeover
12:40 AM rue_shop3: I presume its digital recording and the ccd cant tell the difference within the frame
08:53 AM flip214: Hi. I've got a C file that has a const unsigned char data[256] = { [INPUT1] = OUTPUT1, [INPUT2] = OUTPUT2, ...}
08:54 AM flip214: and I'd like to use that "data" in an assembler source file (compiled via avr-gcc).
08:55 AM flip214: I managed to find "lo8" and "hi8", but looking at a disassembly listing makes me think the address bytes are wrong.
08:57 AM flip214: ah, __attribute__ ((section (".text"))) did the trick.
10:05 AM gamelaster: Hello guys, I have ATmega32u4, and I don't know why, when I connect it into PC, I got device descriptor request failed. Any ideas where could be a problem?
10:14 AM Emil: Consider joining #avrs
11:51 AM rue_bed: gamelaster, its nothing to do with the avr
11:51 AM rue_bed: oh u4 hmm,
11:52 AM rue_bed: gamelaster, what firmware do you have on the u4?
01:44 PM gamelaster: rue_bed DFU, but I finally get it working, it was again hardware issue (some pins was wrong soldered to the pad), anyway, thanks
02:02 PM guanche: are the arduino nano clones on ebay any good? I see these come with icsp
02:03 PM guanche: and are pretty inexpensive
06:01 PM rue_mohr: I use the pro minis, but dont use them with the arduino stuff
06:01 PM rue_mohr: I just write/flash them with plain 'ol C code
06:54 PM Smashcat: Hi, anyone here tried using external interrupts on port B on an attiny24/44/84? They seem to work fine on port A, but not port B. Pretty sure I'm using the right registers.
06:56 PM Smashcat: My code with the relevant part is here: https://pastebin.com/VWZpKy7m
06:56 PM Smashcat: I'm wondering if external interrupts don't work on port B when the CPU is powered down. If so, I'll just change the schematic and use port A
06:59 PM Smashcat: Ah! External interrupt only works on PB2... doh!