#avr Logs

Aug 22 2018

#avr Calendar

03:53 AM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
08:03 AM shifttymike is now known as Guest69363
12:07 PM hahi: Something peculiar is going on with usart on my atmega2560: when doing consecutive USART_Transmit calls it works ok, but when I try to call that function in a loop I get garbage (2x ΓΏ for each character). I'm using code example from datasheet
12:17 PM hahi: the code: https://0x0.st/syOm.c
02:02 PM GeneralDiscourse is now known as ephemer0l_
06:07 PM Smashcat: Hi, I'm using the sleep.h library and sleeping an ATTiny24A with SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN, disabling ADC etc, and waking on an external interrupt (PCINT0, which is on pin A0). At 5V this works fine, but at 3V, it resets the device. I've disabled brownout. Any ideas?
06:12 PM Smashcat: Doh! It was my multimeter. I was running the power through it to check the current usage, and when it switches between uA and mA it introduces a slight glitch which was then causing a reset... Been scratching my head for ages!
08:54 PM gruetzkopf is now known as Guest55982
09:30 PM vishwin60 is now known as vishwin
11:28 PM day_ is now known as day