#avr Logs

Aug 19 2018

#avr Calendar

12:28 AM GrapeNinja is now known as Guest54679
01:07 AM _abc___: Hi. Reading up on the new debug / ice interfaces, UPDI etc., is there any decent support in a free/open source programmer for this at all?
01:07 AM _abc___: avrdude + xxx hw ?
01:21 AM _abc___: I see avrdude does mention PDI with some hw programmers, but not EPDI/UPDI
01:27 AM _abc___: this seems to suggest edbg is not a serial cli interface, which was what I thought at first. I.e. not a resident monitor/debugger https://github.com/ataradov/edbg
01:28 AM _abc___: However, this does work apparently https://github.com/ElTangas/jtag2updi
01:31 AM _abc___: Is anyone using this? https://github.com/mraardvark/pyupdi
01:32 AM _abc___: direct serial port based UPDI programming, in Python
01:32 AM _abc___: supports tiny817 816 814 417 414 214
01:47 AM _abc___: Wow sleepy channel this Sunday morning.
01:53 AM _abc___: good thread https://www.avrfreaks.net/forum/which-updi
04:40 AM _abc___ is now known as __abc__
09:11 AM __abc__: This channel is dead dead?
09:14 AM Thrashbarg: try the #avrs splinter group :P
09:30 AM __abc__: ...
09:35 AM Emil: __abc__: Consider joining #avrs
02:53 PM day_ is now known as day
05:53 PM eszett: hi... I have a question. With writing fuses to my m32u4 writing the low fuse is successfully but high fuse and extended fuse fails with "target doesn't answer", how is that?
06:13 PM eszett: ah, I flashed a wrong setting for the clockspeed fuses CKSEL0 CKSEL1 CKSEL2 CKSEL3, that means there is no way back, and without high voltage programming I can trash the atmega, right?
06:44 PM eszett: it's getting from bad to worse, I mis-fused around 8 chips, inadvertedly, and I put them back into a box out of 19. Now I can throw the whole box away, coz I don't know anymore which ones are mis-fused. lol
08:55 PM tpw_rules: eszett: do you have an arduino? look up the mighty ohm rescue shield
08:56 PM tpw_rules: https://mightyohm.com/blog/products/hv-rescue-shield-2-x/
08:56 PM tpw_rules: it's a $20 arduino shield that will fix clock issues
08:56 PM tpw_rules: if you have 8 bum ones, it should be worth the money
08:58 PM eszett: hi tpw, how do I connect the m32u4 with the shield?
08:59 PM tpw_rules: oh uh
08:59 PM tpw_rules: how did you connect it to the programmer?
09:01 PM eszett: Well it's soldered to the PCB and I have 6 outbreak pads for the AVR ISP, and jumper cables between those pads and the USBasp ISP device, which is plugged to my pc
09:01 PM tpw_rules: https://www.avrfreaks.net/forum/tutsoft-recovering-locked-out-avr?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=106325
09:01 PM tpw_rules: try those then. connecting a 32u4 to that shield would require more pins than you have broken out
09:02 PM eszett: alright. Yes I thought about delivering a clock signal to the PCB. This way I could at least repair all those chips which sum up to maybe 50$ rescued from trashing
09:03 PM eszett: But some of them are lose, and to solder them in and repair might be just too much for a 5$ chip
09:32 PM eszett: If i have another working circuit with the same m32u4, can I just bridge from XTAL1 pin of the working circuit, to the XTAL1 pin of the misfused one, while having the USBasp programmer trying to write the fuses?
09:32 PM eszett: @tpw_rules
10:15 PM tpw_rules: eszett: i doubt that would work
10:15 PM tpw_rules: you could configure the working one to have a CLKOUT like mentioned in that post
10:15 PM tpw_rules: but if you tried to bridge it like that, i think the crystal on the working circuit would be unhappy with the long wire
10:16 PM eszett: Sure, I understood that, but then again whats the difference of generated wave on eg. Pin B3, and to bridge XTAL1 directly with the crystals wave?
10:17 PM eszett: ah.. it's the wire length?
10:17 PM eszett: hm I could prevent probs by taking a very short jumper cable
10:30 PM davor_ is now known as davor
11:31 PM day_ is now known as day