#avr Logs

Aug 16 2018

#avr Calendar

01:22 AM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
05:20 AM gruetzko- is now known as gruetzkopf
05:40 AM Jenz is now known as noob
06:28 AM noob: Can anyone point me to where I can read about connecting external memory to an atmega664
06:50 AM nohit: datasheet ?
06:51 AM noob is now known as Jenz-OK
07:25 AM Hfuy: Hello.
07:25 AM Hfuy: I'm considering using CTC mode on a mega328 to generate some serial data with very tight timing requirements.
07:26 AM Hfuy: I've looked at the timing diagram on the datasheet and it seems to imply that the timer will recycle to zero immediately, within a single clock, it hits the defined top value.
07:26 AM Hfuy: I don't see that there's any delay or other inaccuracy involved.
07:27 AM Hfuy: So, if I set the top value to 10,000, and wait for ten timeouts, I will have edges precisely 100,000 clock cycles apart.
07:27 AM Hfuy: Is that impression correct?
07:27 AM Hfuy: Is it that precise? It needs to be, for my application.
07:56 AM davor_ is now known as davor
08:21 AM rue_bed: hmm
08:21 AM nohit: Jenz-OK i was wrong, there's nothing about it in the datasheet
08:21 AM rue_bed: if you do your interrupts rightr and the rest of your code is ok
08:23 AM nohit: i dont thinkh it even supports it
08:39 AM Hfuy: rue_bed: Quite.
08:39 AM Hfuy: My concern was whether the timer reset is handled in a single clock
08:40 AM Hfuy: For instance, if I set a compare value of 4000, does the timer count 3998, 3999, 0 on consecutive clocks?
08:40 AM Hfuy: Or is there additional delay?
08:44 AM rue_: no additional delay, its all handled betweent he clocks
08:46 AM Hfuy: Sounds good.
08:46 AM Hfuy: The timing diagrams in the datasheet suggest that but I wanted to double-check my understanding.
04:50 PM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius