#avr Logs

May 20 2018

#avr Calendar

12:17 AM nuxil: i bet that link is filtered on many schools :p
12:36 AM day__ is now known as day
12:47 AM rue_: I was trying to help TechChristoph, but it appeared to just be a waste of time, didn't want to listen to anything
12:48 AM rue_: anyhow
02:08 AM polprog: morning
02:08 AM polprog: nuxil: scunthorpe problem
02:08 AM polprog: rue_: yeah some people are like that. immune to knowledge as we say in poland
02:12 AM nuxil: scunthorpe ?
02:42 AM nuxil: ah, or alsp called the clbuttic.
05:17 AM _ami_: Hello. good afternoon!
05:19 AM APic: Hi
05:39 AM eimiar: Emil, i have a question... in your avr example why you plug led negative side to PB0?
05:40 AM eimiar: why not plug it to gnd?
05:43 AM antto: PIN ----|<|--- GND like this?
05:44 AM eimiar: pin --- resistor --- ledp |>| ledn --- gnd
05:45 AM antto: that's sorta how i connect LEDs too
05:45 AM antto: what the hell is Emil doing?
05:45 AM eimiar: https://emil.fi/avr
05:45 AM eimiar: replace gnd with another pin
05:46 AM eimiar: it's PB1 --- (same as before) --- PB0
05:46 AM eimiar: i mean it should work okay i guess
05:46 AM eimiar: led turns on if PB0 = !PB1
05:48 AM eimiar: ah no, if PB0 = 1 and PB1 = 0 it won't turn on the led
05:48 AM eimiar: meh
06:01 AM polprog: emil is just quietly exploiting push pull driver of output pins
06:02 AM polprog: when you set a cmos output low, the transistor that connects it to ground internally is ON, and the one that connects it to VCC is OFF
06:02 AM _ami_: hey polprog, whats up?
06:02 AM polprog: you can also have two leds on two pins like that, vide charlieplexing
06:02 AM polprog: hey ami
06:02 AM polprog: just got a new scope!
06:02 AM _ami_: polprog, w00t!! which one?
06:03 AM polprog: just a sec, ill show you
06:05 AM nohitzzzz: analog?
06:06 AM polprog: https://puu.sh/Apznk/1dacac0415.jpg
06:06 AM polprog: yeah. but an awesome analog
06:06 AM _ami_: analog one! nice.
06:06 AM _ami_: is it new? or used one?
06:07 AM polprog: used
06:07 AM _ami_: how much did it cost?
06:07 AM polprog: hmm the small dc/ac coupling needs some kontakt cleaner
06:07 AM Thrashbarg: lol both of my oscilloscopes don't even have transistors :/
06:07 AM polprog: it was just under 50 euros
06:07 AM polprog: 200 pln
06:08 AM polprog: its very interesting
06:09 AM polprog: even has an auto setting for timebase
06:09 AM polprog: and trigger
06:09 AM Thrashbarg: luxury!
06:09 AM Thrashbarg: :P
06:09 AM nohitzzzz: nice
06:09 AM LeoNerd: One thing I do like about analog scopes is that every function or option is available instantly on a button
06:10 AM polprog: or a lever switch
06:10 AM LeoNerd: Whereas on my digital scope, it's surprisingly annoying to press buttons to get to the menu where I choose the trigger channel
06:10 AM polprog: lol
06:10 AM Thrashbarg: menus belong in restaurants
06:10 AM polprog: when its in auto
06:11 AM polprog: and you change a setting, for example enable invert the channel
06:11 AM polprog: it goes through all timebases from the slowest one
06:11 AM polprog: and the row of leds indicating the timebase makes a nice knight rider effect
06:12 AM Thrashbarg: hehe
06:13 AM polprog: very cool
06:13 AM polprog: looks awesome
06:24 AM Emil: eimiar: polprog explained it
06:24 AM Emil: antto: teaching
06:25 AM Emil: polprog: also cool scope! :D
06:30 AM nohitzzzz: on a beginner guide, i wouldnt put the led like that, it just creates confusion
06:33 AM Emil: "put the led here" is as simple as it goes
06:33 AM Emil: then, if they already know anything about electronics, they'll ask "but why don't I just put it to gnd!?!?"
06:33 AM Emil: And then they thinkl
06:33 AM eimiar: yeah but why exploit the push-pull internals of the device
06:33 AM Emil: _not_exploiting_
06:33 AM eimiar: i mean isn't it simpler to plug it to gnd? :D
06:33 AM Emil: sigh
06:34 AM eimiar: ok not exploiting
06:34 AM eimiar: but what's the point?
06:34 AM eimiar: you can't drive PB0
06:34 AM Emil: eimiar: I want you think about it from a learning experience
06:34 AM Emil: Why oh why would I do such a thing
06:35 AM eimiar: if your point was to induce the reader to ask himself why, then mission accomplished :D
06:36 AM eimiar: the reader would then explore how the devices pins would electrically work
06:36 AM eimiar: and discover push-pull mechanisms
06:36 AM Emil: : )
06:36 AM eimiar: but other than that i can't see a reason
06:36 AM antto: Dr. Emil, professor of circuit obfuscation
06:37 AM Emil: eimiar: yes, every sane person would put the led negative rail to gnd if it was easy to source current to them from the positive side.
06:38 AM Emil: Sometimes it's better to sink current though, which is good to keep in mind
06:38 AM Emil: But yeah the only point is to tell them it's possible to drive both high and low
06:39 AM eimiar: =)
06:39 AM eimiar: good, now i g2g cya
06:40 AM Emil: cya
07:41 AM polprog: Emil: thanks a lot!
08:02 AM antto: Emil you thought a noob would not expect a pin to be able to drive both high and low?
08:32 AM nuxil: polprog> https://puu.sh/Apznk/1dacac0415.jpg
08:32 AM nuxil: you need to calibrate that :p
08:33 AM polprog: ikr
08:33 AM polprog: compensated the probe
08:33 AM nuxil: good :)
08:33 AM polprog: ch1 fine adjustment is stuck tho
08:34 AM polprog: i can rotate the dial freely and nothing happens, it should only have 270 degree rotation
08:36 AM polprog: ch2 seems fine
08:36 AM polprog: some sand inside it as well..
08:40 AM polprog: https://puu.sh/ApCM4/581c346da4.jpg
08:41 AM nuxil: much better
08:57 AM polprog: good news
08:58 AM polprog: channel 1 fine is stuck at x2.5
08:58 AM polprog: so at least i know moreless how to compensate for that
09:05 AM antto: the day will soon be over
09:06 AM antto: i haven't heard you mock C++ yet
09:06 AM nohitzzzz: it seems like it went to feelings yesterday
09:07 AM antto: it did?
09:07 AM nohitzzzz: aparently
09:08 AM antto: was someone injured?
09:08 AM nohitzzzz: not really
09:08 AM antto: then it's all fine
09:52 AM Emil: polprog: that sounds sarcastic :D
09:52 AM polprog: hmm?
09:52 AM Emil: last hilite
10:11 AM nuxil: polprog, try spray the knop with crc556 or wd40 lett it sit for a while then use some contact cleaner spray (crc 226 or alike). and/or look on ebay for a replament knob
10:11 AM polprog: nuxil: i tried contact cleaner
10:12 AM polprog: the problem is that the knob is not connected to the pot
10:12 AM polprog: Emil: nah, i didnt mean that ;)
10:12 AM polprog: nuxil: the knob just rotates freely :/
10:12 AM polprog: ill take it apart later
10:14 AM nuxil: oh. sounds like the "axel" or whatever is called is broken..
10:14 AM nuxil: scotch super glue to the rescue :p
10:16 AM nuxil: how old is that scope btw?
10:17 AM nuxil: you probably should open it up and clean out some dust and such from it anyway :p
11:22 AM _ami_: damn, #arduino is a n00b channel
11:22 AM Thrashbarg: heh
11:39 AM antto: _ami_ "my life has been a lie"
11:45 AM Tom_L: no, just an illusion
12:07 PM mohsen_1: Hi I'm having trouble sending a specific http header in a http request using sim800l gsm/gprs module
12:08 PM mohsen_1: Can anyone help me?
12:09 PM mohsen_1: I've the datasheet currently: https://www.elecrow.com/download/SIM800%20Series_AT%20Command%20Manual_V1.09.pdf
12:10 PM mohsen_1: But I can't seem to find the related stuff in it
12:24 PM mohsen_1: Does anyone know where can I find this specific peace of information? I'd really appreciate it.
12:28 PM Thrashbarg: what was the header you wanted?
12:31 PM antto: i don't read html, and i'm allergic to AT commands
12:32 PM mohsen_1: Thrashbarg: Authorication: Basic <token>
12:34 PM Thrashbarg: is Authorication a word? :/
12:35 PM antto: can you pronounce it? ;P~
12:36 PM antto: otorikeishan
12:36 PM mohsen_1: Thrashbarg: No, no, just a typo, it's the "Authorization" http header
12:46 PM mohsen_1: Why wouldn't the vendor put this information in the datasheet
12:46 PM mohsen_1: It's a critical information
01:29 PM Emil: god damn tactical shooting is nice
01:50 PM polprog: i dont want to brag hours before sunset
01:51 PM polprog: but i think that Insight is compiling....
01:54 PM polprog: no more cant find private TCL headers link
02:15 PM Emil: what was the issur?
03:39 PM antto: makefile stupid? how is that possible
03:41 PM Emil: antto: makefiles are too static
03:41 PM antto: i've no idea what that means
03:42 PM antto: what if there was a way to generate a makefile programatically
03:42 PM antto: ..from another makefile ;P~
04:40 PM Ameisen: I use my build scripts in lieu of makefiles
04:40 PM Ameisen: more flexible and easier to use
04:40 PM Ameisen: also faster
04:40 PM Ameisen: though they require a bit more boilerplate in certain situations
04:40 PM Ameisen: since you have to define what a behavior is
04:41 PM antto: i use my IDE
04:41 PM Ameisen: whereas makefiles are sorta willy-nilly
04:41 PM Ameisen: I use my IDE, as well
04:41 PM Ameisen: I have it set up to talk to the build scripts.
04:41 PM Ameisen: also
04:41 PM antto: mine has built-in build system
04:41 PM Ameisen: you can make a makefile from a makefile
04:41 PM antto: pls don't tell me anymore
04:41 PM Ameisen: GCC can generate makefiles. call gcc from the makegile.
04:41 PM antto: :~(
04:41 PM Ameisen: makefile*
04:41 PM Ameisen: or have it call a script or something
04:42 PM Ameisen: my build scripts are mostly architecture agnostic
04:42 PM Ameisen: I use them for AVR, ARM, and MIPS
04:42 PM Ameisen: I could use them for x86-64 as well, just don't yet
04:42 PM Ameisen: also use them for GCC and Clang backends