#avr Logs

Feb 28 2018

#avr Calendar

12:06 AM day__ is now known as day
03:11 AM polprog: hey
03:22 AM nohitzwork: hello
03:32 AM nuxil: huhu.. i optimized my asm code with 1 cycle :D
03:32 AM polprog: "nop"
03:32 AM polprog: ;)
03:32 AM nuxil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSBybJGZoCU
03:32 AM polprog: watch that later, at school now
03:32 AM polprog: gtg
03:32 AM nuxil: finnaly got ld to work instead of lpm :)=
03:32 AM nuxil: saved me 1 cycle
03:45 AM polprog: nice
06:14 AM nuxil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTSVOnhLtCs
06:14 AM nuxil: so given the formula to calculate freq_out on dds is. fcout = (acc_val / res) * fcpu.
06:14 AM nuxil: a theoretically max fout should be 62.5Khz given acc is 16bit and the accumulator is 24bit.
06:14 AM nuxil: -
06:14 AM nuxil: acc_max = 65535
06:14 AM nuxil: res = 16777216 (2^24)
06:14 AM nuxil: fcpu = 16000000
06:14 AM nuxil: -
06:14 AM nuxil: Fout_MAX = (acc_max / res) * fc ~= 62500 62,5 Khz, But out max measured is ~32Khz
06:14 AM nuxil: so i think, maybe fuses is wrong, but.
06:15 AM nuxil: avrdude -p atmega324p -P /dev/spidev0.0 -c linuxspi -b 1000 -U lfuse:r:-:i -v
06:15 AM nuxil: shows low F7: high D9
06:15 AM nuxil: So fuses are ok but it runs like its set at 8Mhz.
06:15 AM nuxil: I hook scope up to the crystal and see it runs at ~ 17mhz on scope
06:15 AM nuxil: So i should be getting way more than 32k out.
06:15 AM nuxil: ideas ??
06:17 AM nuxil: erm accumlator -> resolution
06:19 AM Haohmaru: dds?
06:19 AM nuxil: direct digital synth
06:19 AM Haohmaru: dafuq is that?
06:20 AM nuxil: http://www.analog.com/en/analog-dialogue/articles/all-about-direct-digital-synthesis.html
06:20 AM nuxil: go read :p
06:22 AM Haohmaru: couldn't you just say that your are generating a digital signal?
06:23 AM Haohmaru: anyways, if you probe a crystal with a scope, the scope may affect it's operation significantly, so beware of that
06:25 AM nuxil: i know, it was just so verify that the crystal was a 16mhz crystal.
06:26 AM Haohmaru: you can generate some toggling signal or run a UART transmit to check if the timing of that is what you expect it to be
06:27 AM Haohmaru: like, toggle a LED with a 500ms delay and you should get 1Hz blink
06:31 AM * Haohmaru XORs nuxil's eyes together
06:33 AM nuxil: x|x
06:33 AM Haohmaru: now u look like anime
07:31 AM nohitzwork: im trying to decide if i should use the CubeHAL library with my stm32 synth or should i roll my own
09:21 AM rue_: find 4 HAL layers you can stack, then put on a SAL (software abstraction library) see how slow you can make it go to do something really simple
09:21 AM rue_: (SAL is the big new thing)
09:22 AM rue_: (abstract you from the library your using for abstraction)
09:23 AM rue_: its especially important for libraries like QT that, if used directly in your program, require your program to be completely rewritten every time a new QT version comes out
09:26 AM rue_: by the time your done you might need an OS abstraction layer (type of SAL)
09:35 AM polprog: install openbsd on it, and write the actual program in python under linux emulation layer
09:45 AM Haohmaru: how about an even more direct approach: open up the hard disk, vomit inside it, close it delicately..
10:23 AM nikomo_ is now known as nikomo
10:27 AM ThatDamnRanga_ is now known as ThatDamnRanga
10:38 AM polprog: nuxil: thats my favourite kraftwerk song
10:38 AM polprog: !
12:07 PM day__ is now known as day
01:42 PM Emil: nohitzzz: roll your own of course
03:08 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
04:20 PM learath_ is now known as learath
04:43 PM * nuxil yawns and sips some coffee
06:46 PM chat is now known as Guest84732
11:56 PM day__ is now known as day
11:58 PM nuxil: mornings.