#avr Logs

Feb 24 2018

#avr Calendar

02:51 AM polprog: morning
02:54 AM nuxil: morning
02:54 AM nuxil: sup
02:54 AM polprog: snow everywhere
02:54 AM polprog: :D
03:12 AM nuxil: polprog, so i got the asm code to its own file now. runs without error. but my signal still looks like this mutation. https://i.gyazo.com/9cda60fd5433b7fe71d0403ea7207e9d.jpg
03:12 AM nuxil: relevant code in subject https://pastebin.com/BRsjVmgT .. got an idea why that happens?
03:13 AM nuxil: signal wants to be happy. "happy eyes", but it isnt makeing me much happy.
03:21 AM nuxil: btw Jartza i think i found a couple of better pages regarding. "mixing C and assembly"
03:21 AM nuxil: http://msoe.us/taylor/tutorial/ce2810/candasm https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/712610/AVR-Assembler#ctoasm
03:43 AM nuxil: hmm, so i did some minor changes to the asm.. i added the sine table direcly in the asm file. https://pastebin.com/bfiawmwz resultin in a new "not so" bad signal like this. https://i.gyazo.com/5b207c356d0e802f4ae8513a0c99f885.jpg .
03:43 AM nuxil: so something is up with how im accecing the data. but not sure what.
04:32 AM polprog: which sample number i the sine peak?
04:32 AM polprog: maybe that could be a hint
04:43 AM nuxil: it just looks like 1/4 of the 1st period.
04:44 AM nuxil: so i tried to change lpm to lpm r0,Z+
04:44 AM nuxil: it gave me a sinus. but lots and lots of other crap aswell
04:45 AM nuxil: https://i.gyazo.com/4c8b3ae10d9bbb0da8b5d84fab55c99a.jpg
04:48 AM PsySc0rpi0n is now known as HelloShitty
05:38 AM LeoNerd: I have two AVR chips communicating via half-duplex UART, on a single wire bus. It has a 10k pullup resistor and diodes from the TX pins, to let either pull it down or idle high (similar to the SDA line of an I²C bus)
05:39 AM LeoNerd: Between the two chips this works fine, but I find neither my FTDI USB-UART adapter, nor my logic analyser can see it.. Can anyone think why this could be?
05:39 AM LeoNerd: My only thought is that the diode doesn't let the line pull down *quite* far enough for either FTDI nor LA to believe it's ever at logic low, but it is low enough for the AVR chip's UART receiver to consider low
05:41 AM nuxil: check datasheet. it might have a treshold of logic change down to 0.2
05:41 AM nuxil: and your diode puts it at 0.6
05:43 AM LeoNerd: OK, so... the ATtiny85's logic low input in datasheet says 0.3VCC; which is 0.3 * 5V = 1.5V, so yeah even 0.6V of the diode drop should be sufficient for it
05:44 AM nuxil: wait. the the atiny has a diode protection internal so you get 2 diode in series here ?
05:44 AM LeoNerd: That's not series with the logic input; that's a protection against excessive undervoltage
05:44 AM LeoNerd: I suspect I might have to put this on my scope and see the levels
05:45 AM nuxil: another thought. the rise/fall time is to slow for the ftdi chip. idk but your logic analyzer should see it .
05:46 AM LeoNerd: The LA can't see rise/fall times; it's just logic levels
05:46 AM LeoNerd: I should get myself a proper Logic16 sometime with the analog inputs, so I don't have to go out and use the 'scope just for this sort of question
05:46 AM nuxil: i know that schmitt trigger will fail to trigger if risetime is to slow. and i guess the inputs are schmitt trigger on thouse things.
05:46 AM nuxil: but yeah. hook up a scope
05:47 AM LeoNerd: I could try buffering it with a 74'125 I have lying around here actually.. that might help the FTDI read it
05:48 AM nuxil: dosent hurt to try
06:02 AM MrFahrenheit: brother makes center negative dc adapters for their devices...
06:03 AM LeoNerd: Ohman... centre-negative DC barrel jacks. There's a circle of hell reserved for such people
06:04 AM MrFahrenheit: https://www.amazon.com/Brother-AD-24ES-Adapter-P-Touch-Makers/dp/B000L4CHJ2
06:04 AM MrFahrenheit: at least they labelled the jack with the polarity though
06:14 AM LeoNerd: https://imgflip.com/i/257mpf - my thoughts on the subject
06:15 AM MrFahrenheit: heh
06:16 AM nohit2: nuxil , sorry i was DAF. nice models
06:16 AM nohit2: would you be interested to make a game with me ?
06:20 AM nuxil: nohit2, thanks, but no time for that. to time consuming making games. its sooo much work. modeling, uvmapping, texturing, rigging, animating, get sound effects, music, create ingame "animations"/particle virsual effetcs, gui so on :p
06:23 AM nohit2: yeah
06:24 AM nohit2: i have a 3d guy
06:24 AM nohit2: but seems like your skills surpass him ;)
06:25 AM nuxil: heh
06:25 AM nuxil: spent many years with c4d :D
06:26 AM nuxil: i dont consider myself any good tho. :p
06:26 AM nohit2: we are doing this https://alakajam.com/
06:26 AM nohit2: the theme is "you can't see everything"
06:28 AM nuxil: cool
06:29 AM nohit2: the main mechanic is that you have these visions/skills that let you see certain platforms and you have to switch these visions, in mid air
06:29 AM nohit2: so its a 2d platformer
06:30 AM nohit2: the gimmick that was first introduced in zelda: link to the past
06:50 AM nohit2: this is what we did last time https://alakajam.com/1st-alakajam/74/al-the-chemist/
08:11 AM akaWolf1 is now known as akaWolf
08:11 AM tchebb_ is now known as tchebb
05:53 PM nux_ is now known as nuxil
06:10 PM nuxil: been unusual quiet in here today.
06:11 PM nuxil: you all out partying?
06:12 PM Casper: yes and you are NOT invited
06:12 PM nuxil: that fine :D i dont want to pary with you guys :p
06:13 PM nuxil: so whats up. what are you working on Casper
06:13 PM Casper: well, actually working on what to work on
06:14 PM nuxil: heh.
06:15 PM nuxil: anyone tried making a lcr meter using avr's?
06:16 PM Casper: I once did, found it to be too unreliable for my taste
06:18 PM nuxil: How did you make it? did you send a pulse to the inductor, then mesure the osc(peek values) it generates in the tank circuit. ?
06:32 PM Casper: it basically was an LC oscillator
06:32 PM Casper: so mesure the frequency
06:32 PM nuxil: ok.
06:33 PM Casper: the problem I have is that I want to mesure small values
06:33 PM Casper: and those get a real pain
06:34 PM Casper: any parasitic influence everything
06:36 PM nuxil: yea. ideally you should put the inductor in a shielded case, including all the other electronics aswell, inductors is like a huge antenna at a small area. pics up crap easly.
06:40 PM nuxil: i was thinking about doing a lcr project using a avr. maybe i do it maybe i dont. but i have a ton of unknown inducors laying around i would like to get the values on.
06:49 PM LeoNerd: I'm not sure I'd bother. Takes a lot of careful setup and analog calibration. Unlikely to get as good a result as you could just buy an LCR meter for
06:50 PM nuxil: yea i could be lazy and do that. but what the fun in buying everything. then i have nothing to make :p
06:50 PM cehteh: i brought a cheap LCR meter once, even thats crap, at least at small inductances, they are really hard to measure
06:50 PM LeoNerd: I make new things I can't buy
06:51 PM LeoNerd: E.g. a combined AVR programmer with ISP/UART level shifters and power supply with current/voltage readout and overcurrent shutdown
07:00 PM nuxil: yea. i made my self a psu using one of thouse modules you get on ebay. im actually verry impressed by it. it has all this stuff included. but no communication for logging etc. so i bough myself a few esp wifi boards. and i am thinking about hacking it so i can get logging and change values on wifi :p
07:00 PM nuxil: this module. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Buck-boost-converter-Constant-Voltage-current-Programmable-digital-control-Power/222416931643?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2648
07:01 PM nuxil: i was thinking about creating a small header board that sits between the psu unit and the display unit.
07:01 PM nuxil: but i need to decode the signals :\
08:27 PM chat is now known as Guest41109
08:51 PM nuxil: So fuck yeah. I finally got the dds asm code to work. https://i.gyazo.com/206931b75a1659eb871fb85fa6052a90.jpg :D
08:52 PM nuxil: nice clean sinus.
08:52 PM nuxil: its been a nightmare to get working :)
08:53 PM nohit: nice
08:53 PM nuxil: and her is now you make sinus.
08:53 PM nuxil: https://i.gyazo.com/76de23202ddb30caa8ec6e57a762b07e.jpg
08:53 PM nuxil: :D
08:54 PM nohit: did you do separate asm file ?
08:54 PM nuxil: yes
08:55 PM nuxil: im a asm noob so it took some time to get it working.
10:40 PM rue_: whens my dds gonna get here?
10:50 PM nuxil: hu? you ordered a dds?
11:26 PM day__ is now known as day