#avr Logs

Feb 13 2018

#avr Calendar

12:40 AM polprog: morning
12:43 AM Jartza: morning
12:43 AM Jartza: cat has been using my computer during night :D
12:44 AM Jartza: she "talked" in few irc-channels and then tried to hide the mess by shutting down computer
12:45 AM rue_bed: hahaha
12:45 AM rue_bed: that sounds like a cat
12:46 AM rue_bed: "IT DIDN'T HAPPEN"
01:14 AM Jartza: I don't know how the cat does that, but almost *always* if I forget the laptop cover open, she shuts down the computer
01:14 AM Jartza: probably just sits on power button for >5s
01:16 AM Casper: you sure it is not a proper shutdown?
01:16 AM Casper: that would be just a quick press
01:16 AM Jartza: not on my mac
01:17 AM Jartza: that would require more magic keypress :)
01:17 AM Casper: then yeah long press is possible
01:18 AM Jartza: alt-cmd-power would be shutdown
01:18 AM Jartza: I'm pretty sure the cat doesn't do that
01:28 AM plpg_school: morning
03:31 AM ArsenArsen: I'm trying to send and receive data to arduinos serial monitor from an external chip, but so far I only got garbage to go to the external chip, what could be wrong?
03:33 AM LeoNerd: Baud rate. It's almost always baud rate
03:36 AM ArsenArsen: I defined baud as 9600 and used values calculated by setbaud.h and it still isn't working
03:36 AM ArsenArsen: It's 9600 on the monitor too
03:52 AM Haohmaru: if you can, connect the transmit line to a computer, and then inspect the "garbage"
03:53 AM Haohmaru: if you don't get any bytes, then the computer's bitrate might be faster than the transmitter, slow it down and retry
03:59 AM ArsenArsen: I made it display on an LCD and it only came out as two lines out of which one is broken in the middle, which is probably a result of a broken char
03:59 AM ArsenArsen: but that also happens when I power on the transmitter
04:00 AM Haohmaru: if you see some of the data, and it looks correct, then the bitrate is not terribly wrong
04:01 AM Haohmaru: but it might be slightly off (enough to cause errors and corrupted bytes)
04:01 AM Haohmaru: it could also be something else like interference corrupting the signal
04:01 AM Haohmaru: it could also be lousy reception ;P~
04:01 AM ArsenArsen: hmm
04:02 AM ArsenArsen: It might be a screwup on my side in the code
04:04 AM ArsenArsen: oh
04:04 AM ArsenArsen: it was, amazing
04:04 AM ArsenArsen: thank you guys regardless :D
04:04 AM ArsenArsen: the garbage character was carriage return apparently
04:05 AM ArsenArsen: actually thats probably just a default mapping for unmapped characters in the lcd driver
04:05 AM Haohmaru: heh
04:10 AM ArsenArsen: now to figure out how to safely hook this up to an esp8266
04:10 AM ArsenArsen: damn these fancy new 3v3 devices
04:38 AM RikusWork is now known as RikusW
05:22 AM mindw0rk_ is now known as mindw0rk
07:51 AM McDonaldsWiFi: Jartza: I cat loves to sit on my wife's keyboard and start hulu or netflix shows in the middle of the night
07:51 AM McDonaldsWiFi: my*
07:51 AM McDonaldsWiFi: xD
09:17 AM polprog: Jartza: your cat should be able to execute shutdown -h now
09:17 AM polprog: on your PC ;_
09:17 AM polprog: ;)
09:17 AM rue_: cat slept on computer, 27 powercycles in one night?
09:25 AM polprog: its better when you leave the piano open and the cat jumps on the keyboard in the middle of the night
09:27 AM rue_: ah is that why those have lids
09:27 AM polprog: more less yes
09:27 AM polprog: :P
09:33 AM rue_: yea, if you want to write a program that will last longer than the next release of QT, DONT USE QT!
09:34 AM polprog: i was planning to look at different gui libs for linux
09:34 AM polprog: i think i will go with GTK for my radar project
09:36 AM _ami_: i have made a usb based function generator: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DV5odGTV4AIGmp2.jpg
09:36 AM _ami_: used EFL to make GUI.
09:38 AM _ami_: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DV5oeDdVQAA2XgJ.jpg
09:40 AM nohit: nice
09:40 AM nohit: at first i didnt see it
09:44 AM _ami_: nohit: oh, you meant first link?
09:44 AM nohit: both links
09:46 AM _ami_: nohit: oh, does it work now?
09:46 AM nohit: i thought that it was just a window for that saleae software
09:46 AM nohit: yes
09:46 AM _ami_: oh :P
09:46 AM _ami_: ok, got it.. its because both apps are of same theme
09:46 AM _ami_: lol
09:47 AM nohit: yeah
09:53 AM polprog: EFL is enlightment?
09:58 AM _ami_: polprog: yes
09:58 AM _ami_: polprog: arch has good support for enlightenment/EFL
09:59 AM _ami_: https://www.enlightenment.org/develop/legacy/tutorial/start
12:57 PM nuxil: polprog, use wxwidgets. incase you plan on porting it to win/mac :)
01:25 PM nuxil: Jartza are you around?
01:25 PM nuxil: teaching your cat to program "hello kitty" ? :p
01:40 PM nuxil: anywho..on page 169 in the datasheet for the atiny85 (section 21.4.1) calibrated internal RC Oscillator Accuracy. it has a section "user calibration"
01:41 PM nuxil: it shows 1% vs 10% for factory calibration. how does this work? i need to put the chip in a super stable temp enviorment ?
02:42 PM cehteh: nuxil: get some external signal (rtc, ticks per second) adjust OSCCAL by that, and be aware that adjustment is pretty coarse you need some deadband
02:44 PM cehteh: pretty easy to do, but dont overdo, because of the coarseness, i once tried a rather sophisticated regulator which didnt worked well, simply increment/decrement osccal slowly until you reach good enough precision works best
02:44 PM nuxil: cehteh, no can do. unless i get a bigger chip. no more pins availeble.
02:45 PM cehteh: also note that many AVR's have a inversion/gap in the osccal curve
02:45 PM cehteh: maybe you can use already existing pins for that?
02:46 PM cehteh: like for example i parse CPPM data and use that signal to keep the tiny85 in sync with the cppm frames
02:47 PM polprog: its definitely easier to sync often than to try and find proper osccal value for each one
02:47 PM polprog: we are doing science day at school this year again
02:48 PM nuxil: i got 3x adc inputs, 1xi2c output (2 pins) . not sure where to get the extra pins. then there is + and gnd. uptp 7 pins and i need the reset aswell.
02:48 PM nuxil: so thats why i was curiouse about the user calibration on the internal rc oscilator
02:51 PM cehteh: your i2c has some defined clock right?
02:51 PM nuxil: its gen its own clock. it acts as a simple master.
02:52 PM nuxil: but anyway. back to the RC calibration.
02:52 PM cehteh: you can do user calibration when you know the vcc and temperature your tiny runs at, or create some calibration over a temperature curve measuring temperature with the internal temperrature sensor
02:52 PM nuxil: because i kind of dont get it. factory is 8 mhz @ 25 dec C @ 3V -> +- 10% so. if i put my chip at in "user calibration" @ 25 deg C @ 3V im down at 1% ?
02:52 PM cehteh: but thats pretty coarse as well
02:53 PM nuxil: cehteh, see how its kind of a little confusing ?
02:54 PM cehteh: it basically just says 'factory calibration isnt very good because its generic, they dont know at what voltage and temperatures your applications runs, doing some shot in the dark
02:55 PM cehteh: somewhere in a hidden location is a 'default' factory set OSCCAL value stored which the chip uses at startup, thats basically all about it
02:59 PM nuxil: oki
03:02 PM nuxil: what do you call the button heads in english on tact buttons? is there a general name for them? im saw some on eabay the other day when i was just surfing. and i want to order some of them now. but cant find them agian lol..
03:02 PM cehteh: btw often its more important to have less jitter (and only slow drift) than accurate clock
03:03 PM cehteh: changing osccal on the fly will always introduce some jitter
04:01 PM Jartza: nuxil: I'm around now
04:12 PM Emil: cehteh: not to mention that changing it too much might result in crash
04:12 PM Emil: too much at once
04:13 PM cehteh: yes only increment/decrement, you hardly need more
10:17 PM unregisterednick: hi
10:21 PM theBear: nuxil, not really... either the round bit that is part of the tact, or the things that fit on top and are more finger-sized/shaped... if anything maybe button-tops
10:58 PM nuxil: theBear, they do :=
10:58 PM nuxil: pin cap :D
10:59 PM theBear: seriously ? wow ! and i spent almost 2 decades working on stuff with such things and regularly ordering bits including those, and never heard it :)
11:00 PM nuxil: hehe
11:02 PM nuxil: Jartza, 3d printers. anyone you would reccomend for home use that isnt to expensive. you said you had 4 of them so i guess you have some experiane with them.
11:04 PM nuxil: i ordered a box with 100 of them
11:06 PM nuxil: chinees cheep plastic :D
11:39 PM day__ is now known as day