#avr Logs

Feb 10 2018

#avr Calendar

01:33 AM rue_: polprog, what driver did you end up using
01:37 AM rue_: diy?
01:37 AM rue_: huh
02:47 AM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
04:09 AM polprog: rue_: diy! and it works like a charm
04:09 AM polprog: thanks very much!
04:10 AM polprog: 4x BUZ11 nmosfets and 1n4007 diodes, atmega8
04:14 AM polprog: say i wanted to play with filters. so i could, for example do, ADC -> CPU -> DAC
04:14 AM polprog: which would insert some noise but for the sake of, say 8khz audio wouldnt make much difference
04:14 AM polprog: then i could implement a comb filter with a fifo? right?
05:20 AM dehuman: is there any known issues with util/delay.h? i havnt done any avr stuff in year. _delay_ms() seems to be broken
05:20 AM dehuman: i have included the header, i have defined F_CPU, i dont think i'm using _delay_ms() inappropriately - i wrapped it with a function so i can provide a variable delay
05:20 AM dehuman: it just calls _delay_ms(1);
05:21 AM dehuman: avr-gcc is built with builtin_avr_delay_cycles if that matters (?) its 4.9.2
05:23 AM polprog: there arent any issues known to me aside from not being able to use variables as parameters
05:23 AM dehuman: huh. i get no delay
05:23 AM polprog: any wanrnings?
05:24 AM dehuman: nope
05:24 AM dehuman: https://pastebin.com/uu0m9Tkq is the code
05:25 AM dehuman: i lied i have a warning about the type for delay_ms cause i'm pasisng a constant?
05:25 AM polprog: its _delay_ms(..)
05:25 AM polprog: ah wait
05:26 AM polprog: my bda
05:26 AM polprog: bad*
05:26 AM polprog: you dont get warnings on that?
05:27 AM polprog: you should get from what i know. since delay_ms() is decalred (and defined) at line 19 and first called at 14.
05:27 AM polprog: try to add void delay_ms(uint16_t); at line 5
05:30 AM dehuman: https://pastebin.com/0FkxxNzB
05:30 AM dehuman: yah i fixed it
05:30 AM dehuman: i forgot my prototype
05:30 AM dehuman: that is the code and output from make
05:30 AM polprog: it should complain about implicit function declaration
05:30 AM dehuman: yah i fixed it
05:31 AM dehuman: i just defined it before main
05:31 AM polprog: ;)
05:31 AM dehuman: its 6am ;)
05:31 AM dehuman: but wtf gives? so thats abnormal isnt it?
05:31 AM polprog: it should tell you that
05:31 AM polprog: it is
05:32 AM dehuman: no i dont get any warnings
05:32 AM dehuman: the output of make is there in the updated pastebin
05:34 AM polprog: wtf
05:34 AM polprog: makefile woes
05:34 AM polprog: i have %.o target defined and then a target defined like "fpu: fpu.o"
05:34 AM polprog: "no rules to make fpu.o"
05:34 AM polprog: ffs thats a wild card
05:35 AM polprog: okay no files were defined
05:35 AM polprog: stupid program should have told me that
05:45 AM dehuman: i dont get it
05:49 AM polprog: stupid program should have told me that
06:14 AM polprog: what the hell is wrog with this makefile
06:14 AM polprog: make clean, it runs GCC
06:23 AM polprog: okay, works
06:24 AM dehuman: i fixed my problem
06:24 AM dehuman: didnt do anything
06:25 AM dehuman: just uploaded again and it worked
06:25 AM dehuman: i hate that
06:25 AM dehuman: guess it was PEBCAK
09:45 AM polprog: mounted that chineese ultrasonic sensor on the stepper
09:45 AM polprog: looks like i'll be making a radar
09:45 AM polprog: will probably dump rotation and distance data over serial
09:45 AM polprog: might even listen to cmds
10:33 AM nuxil: Jartza, -> https://imgur.com/A4V3Hop thats way to many toys for 1 man.. :D
10:33 AM nuxil: do you got a 3d printer ?
10:36 AM Tom_L: do you got! wtf kind of speech is that?
10:37 AM nuxil: *do you have a ... better :p
10:37 AM polprog: nuxil: are those small board holders?
10:37 AM polprog: haha, they are funny
10:38 AM nuxil: Tom_L, sorry if my english typing isnt perfect. english is not my native language. nor am i striving for it to become it. also im not gonna sit with oxford dictionary in front of me :p
10:39 AM nuxil: polprog, the color is so so :p
10:41 AM nuxil: but i like the idea. keep the boards in lock with simple attachment.
10:41 AM polprog: yeah, pretty cool
10:41 AM polprog: after my lack of luck with freecad im trying openscad
10:42 AM rue_bed: you know, those would be better if they could hold the modules up at 45 at the back of the breadbaord
10:44 AM polprog: yeah, goo dpoint
10:47 AM polprog: reminds me of the training boxes
10:47 AM polprog: not sure if you know what im talking about
10:47 AM polprog: like a box with a breadboard, but apart from it there are additional peripherals like BCD 7 segment displays etc
10:51 AM Emil: polprog: you're playing with some arm?
10:51 AM Emil: bluepill?
10:52 AM Emil: Using libopencm3?
10:52 AM Tom_L: nuxil i figured. just givin you some crap
11:13 AM unregisterednick: hi
11:14 AM rue_: bot!
11:14 AM rue_: its a bot
11:14 AM rue_: kill kill kill!
11:14 AM rue_: oh wait, maybe not, false call everyone...
11:14 AM unregisterednick: [18:11] == #stm32 Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited
11:14 AM unregisterednick: hahaha
11:14 AM unregisterednick: elite gayclub?
11:14 AM rue_: freenode is being attacked
11:15 AM rue_: everyone is locking everything down to evade bots
11:15 AM rue_: (spambots)
11:15 AM unregisterednick: long time no bots on irc ;>
11:15 AM rue_: if you dont have enough passwords, register a nickname with freenode and you can get in the channel
11:16 AM unregisterednick: idc
11:17 AM unregisterednick: i was testing my creation now, pulse tig welded a pt100 to a sata cable in 4 wire sense mode
11:17 AM rue_: thats a really small tig
11:17 AM rue_: how many amps?
11:17 AM unregisterednick: less than 5000A
11:18 AM rue_: I should hope so
11:18 AM rue_: more than 1A?
11:18 AM unregisterednick: y
11:18 AM rue_: I'm missing an email
11:18 AM rue_: hmmm
11:19 AM unregisterednick: more rue_ i don't know exactly the peak current but i have used 5Ws energy
11:19 AM theBear: rue_, i just picked an ancient one from the days before tcp/ip and ppp were in town... it's like my growing-up-years telephone number, and a couple long term friends back then, i'll NEVER forget those 7 digits, maybe 9 or 10 for trunk and long-trunk calls
11:19 AM unregisterednick: and weld is done in less than 100ms
11:19 AM theBear: password that is
11:20 AM theBear: wait, tig works ? damn !~ normal wire or , wait, mig, mig is what i got access too... so, mig works ?
11:20 AM rue_: theBear, yea, there are a billion number we are bombarded with we an use as paswords
11:20 AM theBear: thermocouples are REAL hard to find and not cheap in the decadent west these days
11:21 AM unregisterednick: rue_: it is a... microtig :) but i did test it at 120Ws already so it can do bigger things
11:22 AM theBear: rue_, i do ok... of course this is a large mark on why i shun and boycott 99% of websites and apps that in any way want me to register, cos there's just no need whatsoever, then again, that's why it took me all these years to find a couple damned good resources like the weird message board where all the indian dudes fix component level stuff in old mobiles, like myself, and that 100% euro-something-lang site with all the laptop schems and bios's etc, and
11:22 AM theBear: i mean ALL
11:22 AM unregisterednick: theBear: it is the same but in mig the wire is melted that creates the arc, in tig, the tungsten is non consumable
11:24 AM unregisterednick: theBear: but my pt100 has like .1 mm leads so it is delicate to handle, and ofc soldering is pointless since it melts at 180°C and corrodes at >125°C faster
11:25 AM theBear: err, non-consumable ?you err, oh, so erm, you just form a arc with it kinda like an old projector lamp for a theatre, and that heats whatever you actually welding/brazing/filling/whatever with ? i hope so, noone ever explained tig to me with any conviction in their voice
11:25 AM unregisterednick: theBear: yeah :)
11:26 AM unregisterednick: theBear: i did this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNM_Zfs6zps
11:26 AM theBear: unregisterednick, heh, back at medium-old work with the fancy expensive smoke-machines, the little maybe 3mm 2-bends copper tubing with the pt-100-ish spot welded near one end with those stupid skinny crap wires and no support for the couple end/joins, that was something like $480 trade cost as a spare, if i coulda worked out how to just go *bap* and make a join like that, or got my hands on a littleish spot welder, i woulda been even more popular
11:26 AM theBear: super-tech-dude
11:27 AM unregisterednick: theBear: ya awesome :)
11:28 AM theBear: those err, das luft-bawafter aka german made tiny weeny snail-fan shaded pole things in the fanciest of smoke machines, they cost frigging $600 or something each, the dudes round the corner could rewind and dip one for me better than new in a day for maybe $100 ;-)
11:28 AM theBear: <grin> never miss a chance to casually mention the awesome days i say
11:30 AM rue_: I wonder how much a smoke machien is worth over here
11:32 AM unregisterednick: theBear: the funny thing is there still are things made like twist heating wire to stainless steel/copper, screw, or even rivet is consumer kitchen and household resistive heating stuff crap :)
11:32 AM unregisterednick: i have spot welded nichrome wire from a toaster to stainless steel pins yesterday ;>
11:33 AM unregisterednick: i mean pulse tig welded
11:33 AM theBear: rue_, generic/traditional style ones you get noname chinese and formerly usually locally knocked together, maybe with a foreign pcb to do the hard design for yer, either side of a hundred bucks anywhere now, and small like a cereal box or a toaster maybe, but the FANCY ones are thousands and thousands, and all about light and infinitely variable smooth haze of smoke thru a big muffin fan, often used for just enough atmosphere to see the "light beams"
11:33 AM theBear: with fancy modern lighting
11:34 AM unregisterednick: theBear: 3x1 Ws rtd pin attach ^^
11:34 AM unregisterednick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTfBqlwFrPE
11:36 AM unregisterednick: an 8W soldering iron will not even heat up with 80Ws energy...
11:37 AM theBear: i do like his country-farmer accent and sing-song lilting kinda voice
11:38 AM theBear: mmm.... i been doing a lott of big batt-packs for a couple buddies with electric bike wheels and various power tools, i really should just give in and get myself a HUGE chunk of power, you know, a block of caps or super duper batts or whatever, make a proper little batt welder
11:38 AM rue_: hmmm why does it occur to me that my welder might have a 1 pulse mode
11:39 AM unregisterednick: rue_: does it?
11:39 AM unregisterednick: rue_: so you can do this too?
11:39 AM rue_: have to go look, its got lots of tings Idont use
11:39 AM theBear: rue_, the little grey cells gotta help yer out occasionally, i guess tonight is the night
11:40 AM unregisterednick: theBear: also if you spotweld your batt they wont overheat like with soldering
11:40 AM theBear: ooh, anyone know a robosapien mk2 ? i got one seems to have a wiggly wire or something around his tummy area... easy to fix, just not sure how i sposed to approach such an articulate err exoskeleton
11:42 AM theBear: unregisterednick, it's true, of course i'm ninja solderer from edge-of-madness hobby land,so i manage to avoid needing to rearrange/join cell to cell, or make sure i got a little overhang when i remove whatever used to be strapped right onto the batts, i ain't noticably effed one so far ;-)
11:43 AM * theBear is retired now, so he can be fickle and in-efficient in his work, but still, his bond is his ninja-like repair skills and way-below-average-bounced repair record ;-)
11:44 AM unregisterednick: now i will be able to fix stuff that cannot be soldered
11:44 AM unregisterednick: i think it is a plus
11:45 AM theBear: wonder if my mum got some tiny gas nozzle from back in her jewellery making years... one of these days i know i gonna talk her outta that nice big old dentist-drill rig.... basically a chromed never-die wiggly-hose-axel'd super drill, with bonus scary hi-pitch noises
11:45 AM theBear: unregisterednick, a BIG plus
11:47 AM unregisterednick: most eople don't even know how to properly solder even if they are told
11:48 AM unregisterednick: theBear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwp81pX8wbE Thermocompression Bonding
11:49 AM unregisterednick: :)
11:49 AM unregisterednick: i am wondering if i will be able to do this with my hacked MOT welder
11:49 AM unregisterednick: it only gives out 2.9V rms
11:50 AM unregisterednick: @600-3600A
11:50 AM theBear: indeed... i gave the first lesson to a good buddy last weekend, just the basics and concepts, then made him repeat a HUGE lug to maybe 12gauge wire not-easy-for-beginners joint after i showed him the ohter, he did ok, certainly appreciated the stuff that obviously made his tap and crap old joints not-good.. said he doing something else tomorrow
11:50 AM theBear: 2.9v ? you gonna want thick feed wires
11:52 AM unregisterednick: wait is that thermocompression head a short cirguit that only gives heat? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwp81pX8wbE
11:54 AM unregisterednick: a tungsten tip that heats up above 1500°C and pushes the wire down melted?
11:56 AM unregisterednick: theBear: ya, 10-35mm² feed wires
11:58 AM unregisterednick: theBear: what you think about my pt100 connector? https://www.moddiy.com/product_images/uploaded_images/hdsata2-engadget-howto.jpg
11:58 AM unregisterednick: 4 wire feed, FS style
11:59 AM unregisterednick: t is quite common, can be found in electronic trash and all computer shops
11:59 AM theBear: wow ! that looks like "plastic welding" at a glance, ya know, focused high power ultrasonic styles
12:00 PM theBear: that thermosonic vid i mean
12:02 PM unregisterednick: thermocompression yeah like plastic welding
12:02 PM theBear: hmm, stud bump bonding eh ? hard and fun to say, and i have no idea what it means
12:03 PM theBear: but the whole like plastic welding for metals, that's effing awesome ! i didn
12:03 PM unregisterednick: i welded plastic with hot air and a plastic stick like that
12:03 PM theBear: 't know we had the power
12:03 PM unregisterednick: theBear: people are limited in ther minds
12:04 PM theBear: wow @ tiny fast auto-assembly cnc ! that's proper technician's sight for sore eyes business there
12:05 PM theBear: unregisterednick, indeed, and they don't even seem to be aware of it, while we walk around questioning and sidestep-thinking all the time and feel bad cos of how limited we often find our own minds !
12:06 PM unregisterednick: theBear: sure it is funny when you see a pulse tig weld video first time and you think damn, never even thought this is possible
12:06 PM theBear: oh, dammit ! recently google seem to have upped the game on their auto-re-default-to-on with the autoplay setting on the youtubes, constantly campaign
12:07 PM * theBear doesn't like when naievely assumed to your taste videos run endlessly and mindlessly if i got busy hands or can't reach to fix it
12:07 PM unregisterednick: theBear: scroll down so vid is not visible, it wont hop to next
12:07 PM unregisterednick: theBear: or you can just https://hooktube.com/watch?v=Dwp81pX8wbE ;>
12:08 PM theBear: seriously ?! wow ! in exchange for that, i'll tell you that the digits 1-9 or so jump-to positions in the timeline of a utube vid, roughly 1/10th or so of total each digit
12:08 PM unregisterednick: theBear: ya ii know, never used though
12:09 PM theBear: i dislike webpages that insist on keeping my login logged and auto-this and that fool nonsense blasting at me 24/7.... and google and in turn youtube are just monsters at it in recent years... add in chrome browser and wowee, every webpage around gonna know yer logged in and you yousrself thanks to it
12:10 PM theBear: not paranoid so much, just offended and apalled at them having the guile to try apply such sillyness to ME ! don't they know who I AM !??!?!!?
12:11 PM unregisterednick: theBear: well few days ago gugle asked me if i am even human while i was searching
12:12 PM theBear: lol ! the nerve !
12:13 PM unregisterednick: i might be different
12:15 PM theBear: i been struggling to get my head around a boot process on a butchered linux machine with a zipped and signed and thoroughly obscured root fs that somehow magically gets unzipped waaaaay early in the boot and then just sits quietly, add something to the PATH=, maybe just re-order it, and of course those infinite and mostly cryptic init.blah files from everyone that has a hand in that particular build, and therefore is a bit sneaky and confusing when yer
12:15 PM theBear: wanna not only have a busybox that doesn't disappear and go back in time each reboot, yer gotta wade thru all this crap in their silly blobby boot.img
12:15 PM unregisterednick: check this out, cool grounded tweezor? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4G9zT9-gME
12:16 PM theBear: i might be different, heh, someone just a while back here at my place said something about a device/robot thing that could tell if i was human or not <grin> \
12:17 PM theBear: ahh, that's looking/sounding more my kinda entry-level
12:17 PM theBear: damn, those are skinny leads too... if i turn down the music will he tell me the specs/numbers involved ?
12:18 PM theBear: ahh/// hooketube eh ? i forget sites did that kinda thing in this modern world
12:19 PM unregisterednick: nah
12:20 PM unregisterednick: but the wires areshort and he seems to be working with less than 35Ws pulses
12:20 PM unregisterednick: maybe 15Ws
12:21 PM theBear: mmm, but see, i seem to have forgotten how to calculus in the years since highschool, having never needed it earlier in life, or at least not REALLY needing it <grin> so things like 35Ws i cannot convert into "hmm, i wonder if this find of super-cheap many-caps is worth grabbing, i need to ask someone who can math good ..."
12:21 PM theBear: plus, i dunno anyone that can math good, i have been discovering
12:21 PM unregisterednick: 10cm 1mm² wire is equivelant to 1m 10mm² wire, but it can blow up like a fuse at currents that 10mm² can still handle ;)
12:22 PM unregisterednick: 35Ws = 35J
12:22 PM theBear: i am determined to finally learn it all over again soon, but heavy abstract subjects like calc are a big undertaking when yer no longer young and full of bearns :P)
12:22 PM theBear: lol, equivalent eh ?
12:22 PM unregisterednick: ya
12:23 PM unregisterednick: if it won't fuse, it has same conductance/resistance
12:24 PM theBear: and i'm good with my currents and square sections and deratings etc, i done them over and over at old-works, but they don't involve time, not when you mathing them ;-) time/calc is the bit i can't seem to re-knack from ancient memory
12:24 PM unregisterednick: heh
12:24 PM unregisterednick: 35Ws = 350W * 100ms or 3500W * 10ms
12:26 PM theBear: ever seen what a 600a unfused 3phase feed in a ton of 3kW 240v out->side lighting racks does when the IDIOT electrician switches it all on ? kinda the heavy-gauge equivalent of when you see a blown fuse where teh exlposiveness of the fusing paints the insides of the glass tube with thin metal
12:27 PM theBear: yeah, but how many watts in say, the first 3/5ths of a XXXXXXYYZZ nF cap's r-c discharge into maybe half a ohm of circuit (leads and electrodes and spot-welded-thing and back) ? and for how long will that take ... that's the bit i can't
12:29 PM theBear: means modes medians, traditional symbols, bitta B.I.M.D.A.S and some digits i'm all over, heck, even double quadratic it up and add some triangle or angular aspect i'm a happy boy, but we get past that kidna thing, maybe a couple answers with clearly marked limits at worst.... dv/dt, that just doesn't feel real, kinda err, fantastic and unimaginable
12:30 PM unregisterednick: theBear: i saw non sand filled fuse blow up in pc psu with dead short, it shatters and sprays broken glass everywhere
12:31 PM unregisterednick: theBear: Wc = 1/2 C * U² if you want a capacitive discharge energy
12:32 PM theBear: mmm, switchers are good at that one, that's why you often see those tiny undersized dip'd mains fuses in that kinda circuit witrh heatshrink over them
12:32 PM theBear: U^2 ? like bono ?
12:32 PM theBear: Watercloset ? <grin>
12:32 PM unregisterednick: voltage squared ?
12:33 PM theBear: it's late and i been drinking, if yer got the good will to remind me back into calculusing, save it for yer average i'm around day, don't waste it now ;-)
12:33 PM unregisterednick: WC is Wolfram Carbide or Water Closet
12:33 PM theBear: oh, V, you crazy physicists and your U cos G=V^V V=9.8 kinda confusingm meness
12:34 PM unregisterednick: [U] = Volt
12:34 PM unregisterednick: ;>
12:34 PM theBear: ok, square voltes, what's a wolfram closet then ? a err, oh, C, heh t, so umm, 1/2time(voltage^2)=watt seconds ?
12:34 PM theBear: do i got it rigth that time ?
12:34 PM unregisterednick: W energe, lower index Capacitor
12:35 PM unregisterednick: energy
12:35 PM unregisterednick: [W] = J
12:36 PM unregisterednick: but average people don't know tho Joule is, so they use Ws
12:40 PM theBear: and i've avoided both as much as practical for years, so i have formed no opion yet, we'll see what the guy in my reference/baseline XYZ-energy-equals-THIS-weld page or vid says, i'll stick with that one
12:45 PM polprog: Emil: yeah, i got myself two bluebills, programming them with opencm3
12:51 PM Emil: does usb work+
12:51 PM Emil: ?
12:55 PM polprog: havent checked yet
12:56 PM polprog: one board i think i wiped with my own prog. i have the other one untouched - if i find the serial uploader tool then it could probably work
01:05 PM unregisterednick: theBear: the proper way to mount (and create) thermocouples :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0Duk9gC3Uc
01:05 PM unregisterednick: polprog: sup dude
01:07 PM theBear: only a fool wouldn't approve of that one ! he don't eff around
01:07 PM polprog: unregisterednick: messing with stepers today
01:21 PM unregisterednick: there is a problem with RTDs with ceramic case though, how do you attach them securely?
01:22 PM theBear: ready to drinks ?
01:22 PM theBear: oh, resistance
01:22 PM theBear: 3 wire, 4 wire, i know the score
01:23 PM polprog: what doesn RTD stand for?
01:23 PM theBear: i got one in my shiny new barely used ceramic tip solderey iron even
01:23 PM theBear: errm, resistance tech(i dunno) device, it's basically a giant ntc/ptc, often got platinum in there for some reason i recall too
01:24 PM theBear: sometimes used just kinda passively to sense, other time like my iron handle, at room temp it maybe say 4 or 5ohms (erm, 40/5=8, sounds wrong, pretend the numbers are in the ballpark) then at a few hundred C's it's up to maybe 8 or 10 ohms
01:25 PM polprog: ok
01:25 PM theBear: fairly smooth ramp it seems too, to my bare eye that is
01:26 PM unregisterednick: polprog: resistance thermometer...
01:26 PM theBear: a filiament lightbulb is an extreme example of one.. looks like a wire at room temp, whitish-hot it might only suck 5watts outta a 240vac supply voltage, and that maths a LOT higher than under and ohm
01:26 PM unregisterednick: theBear: PT100 is a 100 ohm platinum wire at 0°C
01:27 PM theBear: heh, i wonder why they pick these silly exotic metals for some special placement in such things
01:27 PM unregisterednick: theBear: copper works too, but it oxidizes heavily at 150°C
01:27 PM polprog: many reasons. ditto thermocouples
01:27 PM unregisterednick: my PT100 sensor is rated -200°C to 550°C
01:28 PM unregisterednick: PT100 is 10-100x as precise as a thermocouple
01:28 PM Casper: I somehow doubt it can do -200°C
01:28 PM polprog: is it?
01:29 PM Casper: somewhere in the -50 to -150°C range the conductors will become superconductor, and will fail to read proprelly
01:29 PM unregisterednick: polprog: your multimeter's thermocouple is off by 2.5-5°C and that is normal
01:30 PM polprog: cheap dmm TC is one thing
01:31 PM theBear: compared to the old thermocouple temp control of the previous (old model, no spares left so i got new everything-ceramic-pencil cheaper than the no-longer-available heater insert sparepart woulda been, just gotta fix the temp control to the psu end) the circuit gets a little complicated/ugly real quick with trying to measure temp thru a often very powered up and sometimes cannot be powered resistey element.. i tempted to just measure/compare a adjustable
01:31 PM theBear: volt-ref off the temp knob, against the secondary mains transformer voltage... seems between the 2 extremes of resistance/range, the 20-something volts ac outta the poor little thing goes up and down maybe 5 or 6vac, which i figure is easy to measure, vs accurate lowohm shunts or whatever to measure at the business end of the circuit...
01:31 PM unregisterednick: Casper: hmm cant remember now the particular type's negative specs i use, it can surely go down to -55°C but reflowing doesn't work at that low temp anyway ;)
01:31 PM unregisterednick: i only used it >0°C
01:32 PM theBear: ugly as hell, but i figure it's easier than drawing out the WHOLE messy old dip pcb that's already there and working out what it doing to a few mV dc to give it a temp-knob and flip a triac on now and again, physically easier at least
01:33 PM theBear: maybe you can err, water down some mercury with err, isoprop or something else good at solv-ing things, then it might flow at 50c under :)
01:33 PM unregisterednick: theBear: :) recently i saw a schematic of a simple temp contolled iron, it contains an opamp and a triac...
01:34 PM unregisterednick: https://okelectronic.wordpress.com/2011/07/14/fixing-and-reverse-engineering-cheap-temperature-controlled-soldering-iron/
01:35 PM unregisterednick: cheapest shit and ±5°C is fine for solder tip
01:36 PM unregisterednick: i was wondering though what kind of thermistor is rated for 450°C continuous operation ;) (none)
01:38 PM unregisterednick: and manufacturer of these irons can't afford a pulse-tig or even a diy spot welder lel
01:42 PM unregisterednick: how would you bond a ceramic substrate to a metal ?
01:43 PM polprog: i think TCs would be somewhere in the region of 450. probably not K type tho
01:43 PM polprog: otherwise infrared sensors :P
01:47 PM unregisterednick: polprog: i didn't buy one of that cheap iron shit, but i would be interested if they have an ntc or a thermocouple
01:48 PM unregisterednick: thermocouple has 10wV voltage though, it would not really work with an LM358, an OP07 would
01:49 PM unregisterednick: thermocouples need cold junction temperature compensation btw to be accurate somewhat
01:49 PM polprog: im sure ptc are cheaper than TCs
01:49 PM unregisterednick: pt100 ?
01:50 PM unregisterednick: it is expensive compared to that 5$ iron lol
01:51 PM unregisterednick: that china iron is 5$
01:52 PM l9_ is now known as l9
01:54 PM theBear: i'm remembering a bit heavier duty... more like https://d2ydh70d4b5xgv.cloudfront.net/images/2/f/newborn-535-xsp-dual-epoxy-applicator-manual-00b3fd47ea4fc9a2234353055491c7f9.jpg and err https://d2ydh70d4b5xgv.cloudfront.net/images/3/7/flexible-epoxy-repair-kit-dual-cartridge-6ca094809364fe8957370f07b56bb159.jpg but bright black and white goops
01:54 PM theBear: that's how someone being serious approaches an epoxy job
01:54 PM theBear: yer can goop a bolt into a hole in a brick and hang off it maybe 10 mins later
01:55 PM unregisterednick: theBear: yea but no epoxy will last above 150°C
01:56 PM theBear: oh, i not recommending, just reminiscing at one of those AMAZINGLY gluey glues yer meet a handful of times in a lifetime
01:56 PM theBear: where the glueyness levels are just ludicrous... well beyond anything that could possibly ever be required of anything
01:58 PM unregisterednick: theBear: i like and use soudal araldite :)
01:58 PM unregisterednick: good upto 85°C cont and maybe 90°C occasionally
02:02 PM theBear: at last work where i had HOT metalhalide hid lamps and such everywhere, i got very fond of that 550c red "gasket silicone", pretty similar to classic silicones by the feel/smell, but red and REAL good at temps
02:07 PM unregisterednick: i bought one to, hard to find
02:09 PM unregisterednick: so i can weld the pt100 but cannot weld the ceramic to steel or copper, i should pour molten aluminium on it lol
02:11 PM unregisterednick: spring loading and screwing down is oldschool
02:20 PM polprog: what the hell RIGOL???
02:21 PM polprog: filter operation uses data from DISPLAY not memort
02:21 PM * polprog 's face hits his deks
02:21 PM * polprog last message repeated 100 times
02:21 PM polprog: but hey at least pwm is working...
02:54 PM nuxil: polprog, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDE_n_OJ8Sc :)
02:58 PM polprog: got a spanking 128hz pwm working... now i have to design a low pass for that. would like to use an op amp
02:59 PM cehteh: spanking?
02:59 PM nuxil: ?
03:00 PM polprog: 128hz, clocked from a 32khz xtal
03:00 PM nuxil: o.o
03:01 PM polprog: i could put the fuses back tho and get a proper freq but that doesnt matter much
03:01 PM cehteh: i made a sloppy 0.1hz pwm :D ..
03:02 PM cehteh: nuxil: that avr synth is cool
03:02 PM nuxil: yea
03:04 PM polprog: yeahm its nice!
03:15 PM polprog: lol
03:15 PM polprog: active rc filter
03:15 PM polprog: R=10 ohm C = 180 uF, at least thats from my calculations
03:16 PM polprog: hey it works!
03:16 PM polprog: i made a filter!
03:17 PM rue_: heh
03:17 PM rue_: polprog, awesome week for you isn't it?
03:17 PM polprog: sure
03:17 PM polprog: i have to show you
03:17 PM rue_: so, did you get software written for the motor?
03:17 PM polprog: yes
03:18 PM polprog: in fact, i mounted an ultrasonic distance sensor on the head and ill make something like a radar outta it
03:18 PM polprog: it will send rotation and distance data over serial and a program on linux will plot the image
03:25 PM polprog: rue_: https://puu.sh/zkWnn/d53b20453f.jpg
03:25 PM polprog: filter in action https://puu.sh/zkWng/de8bdc22b9.jpg
03:26 PM polprog: keep in mind the pwm freq is 128Hz
03:30 PM unregisterednick: theBear: i think i can pour glass on the pt100 then aluminium, what doyou think? :)
03:34 PM rue_: sounds too hot
03:34 PM theBear: unregisterednick, i believe in you
03:34 PM rue_: hey, your onto something tho, I should melt down some aluminum today
03:35 PM unregisterednick: rue_: hot, ya, but PT100 likes hot
03:35 PM rue_: rtd, not tooo hot
03:36 PM rue_: up to 850c
03:37 PM rue_: aluminum melts at 660c, but glass
03:37 PM rue_: is baout 1400c
03:46 PM -!- #avr mode set to +o by weber.freenode.net
03:47 PM nuxil: ssshh. dont tell them ;)
03:48 PM nuxil: jk ;D
03:51 PM polprog: freenode is wonky
03:51 PM polprog: today :P
04:12 PM polprog: funny quasi-suqre waveform: https://puu.sh/zkYgc/40d2a76ac7.jpg
04:13 PM polprog: square meaning its actually a half of a parabole
05:42 PM unregisterednick: Casper: reading datasheets, cheap good pt100 is suggested for -70 to 500 C, and can go up 550C for short time
06:22 PM rue_shop3: so, aluminum melts at 660c and glass melts at 1400c
06:23 PM polprog: 660?
06:23 PM polprog: i once made a foundry furnance at the summer house from bricks
06:23 PM polprog: i think charcoal and a small fan made it melt aluminum pipe
06:23 PM polprog: it was pretty cool
06:24 PM polprog: i experimented later and made a knot on a long iron nail
06:26 PM rue_shop3: yup, I was using diesel, now I use propane
06:26 PM polprog: i couldnt get the alumibium not to oxidate tho
06:26 PM rue_shop3: ?
06:26 PM polprog: nost of it turned into oxide
06:26 PM rue_shop3: you have to pull off the slag
06:26 PM rue_shop3: oooh you were doing cans
06:27 PM rue_shop3: cans dont work, you need thick pieces
06:27 PM polprog: i guess. i have a buthane torch that melts aluminum so i maybgive it a try
06:27 PM rue_shop3: like a lawnmower thats had a sledgehammer taken to it
06:27 PM rue_shop3: do NOT try to do thin stuff, its just a waste of time
06:27 PM polprog: i tiried cans but they fell apart, yeah.. i guess ill have to visit the scrapyard
06:28 PM rue_shop3: do heatsinks from computers, bits of floppy drives, engines, etc
06:28 PM polprog: yeah. i have a big thick casing
06:28 PM rue_shop3: aluminum rims are made of some kinda superaluminum thats almost unbreakable
06:28 PM polprog: i was looking at casting sand recipes back then as well
06:29 PM polprog: might try to cast a heatsink
06:29 PM polprog: or maybe a ring
06:29 PM rue_shop3: fine sand, mixed with a bit of fine bentomite clay (which is usually cat litter)
06:29 PM rue_shop3: and water
06:29 PM polprog: a ring would be cool. with a silicon die in place of a jewel
06:29 PM rue_shop3: aluminum does NOT explode
06:30 PM rue_shop3: just enough water to make it pack in your hand when squeezed
06:30 PM polprog: mm
06:31 PM polprog: when i was 10 i succesfully casted tin
06:32 PM polprog: i melted some old thick solder wire in a metal bottlecap over the stove and poured it into something... i dont remember much
06:44 PM polprog: goodnight
06:58 PM wondiws: hi there
06:59 PM wondiws: does the m2560 and the m328p use the same cycle count for instructions?
07:00 PM wondiws: I used the VGAx library from Arduino on an 328p, where it is designed for, and that works, but when I use a m2560, I do get Hsync and Vsync, but no output on the ports for red and green, never mind blue
07:00 PM wondiws: the colors output is written in asm
07:00 PM wondiws: inline asm
07:22 PM unregisterednick: rue_shop3: Quartz melts at approximately 1600 °C but ordinary soft glass at 600-800 degrees C
07:23 PM unregisterednick: <polprog> nost of it turned into oxide - cool you made alumina?
07:25 PM unregisterednick: polprog: https://sciencing.com/melt-cast-aluminum-10042999.html
07:25 PM unregisterednick: you need borax
07:37 PM rue_: trying to melt down pop cans is useless nomattter what you do
08:33 PM unregisterednick: rue_: maybe, but not impossible
08:37 PM unregisterednick: [01:23] <rue_shop3> yup, I was using diesel, now I use propane - resistance wire or inductive heater btw...
08:37 PM unregisterednick: and insulate with rockwool
08:37 PM unregisterednick: or maybe perlite
08:38 PM unregisterednick: you can melt even steel with rockwool insulation
08:41 PM rue_shop3: no I use a mix of concrete and a LOT of ... not mica.... p....
08:41 PM rue_shop3: the white plant stuff
08:41 PM rue_shop3: p...
08:42 PM rue_shop3: vermiculite!
08:42 PM rue_shop3: concrete, bit of sand, and lots of vermiculite, made into a thick mix, applied thick, about 1.5 inches of it
08:43 PM rue_shop3: "its good to add wood so it burns out and creates air pockets" but I'v not tried it
08:43 PM rue_shop3: the lining is really good, I think I'v had my smelter about 6 years now, Its not inside, the insulation is erroding, easy to redo
08:44 PM rue_shop3: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/smelter/p1040233.jpg
08:44 PM rue_shop3: http://ruemohr.org/%7Eircjunk/projects/smelter/slide.htm
08:48 PM unregisterednick: <unregisterednick> or maybe perlite<rue_shop3> no I use a mix of concrete and a LOT of ... not mica.... p....
08:49 PM unregisterednick: it doesnnt matter if you are not using a closed system.
08:49 PM unregisterednick: with IH/RH and good insulation, you can melt stainless steel
08:58 PM unregisterednick: perlite is only good upto 800C btw
11:41 PM day__ is now known as day