#avr Logs

Jan 27 2018

#avr Calendar

02:29 AM polymorph: hi, who wants to make a direct pcb laserprinter?
02:35 AM _ami_: polymorph: direct pcb laser printer?
02:35 AM polymorph: http://www.pbase.com/mark10970/2014_instructable&page=all Direct PCB Printing with a Modified Laser Printer (acetone curing toner) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FWUul62irY
02:35 AM polymorph: they say it can print 3/3 mil lines
02:36 AM polymorph: only problem is that the opc drum gets scratched up by the board edges
02:37 AM _ami_: interesting..
02:37 AM _ami_: the author mention that now he uses https://www.banggood.com/2500mW-A3-30x40cm-Desktop-DIY-Violet-Laser-Engraver-Picture-CNC-Printer-Assembling-Kits-p-1003863.html
02:37 AM _ami_: these days,
02:39 AM polymorph: i dont like those
02:40 AM polymorph: burning stuff with a tiny visible lazer
02:41 AM polymorph: it is mostly something that the autistic kids do, they also blind theirselvves and others meanwhile
02:43 AM polymorph: check this out, new tech: heatless toner transfer for PCB etch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dpCi9kgpuw
02:47 AM polymorph: looks better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBIxvwZ_0og
05:20 AM Jartza: polymorph: to me that looks like more work compared to just printing on toner transfer paper, aligning and feeding through laminator and removing paper with water.
05:21 AM rue_bed: I gave up on heat toner tansfer, cause I decided trying to do every board 6x before getting a good transfer sucked
05:23 AM Jartza: I just do single pass
05:23 AM Jartza: modified the laminator just a bit
06:14 AM MrFahrenheit: yeah, if you use transfer paper and a laminator it's a one time deal, works perfectly
06:15 AM MrFahrenheit: example: lcd connector, first pass https://i.imgur.com/pMEq6Pv.jpg
06:45 AM kl1n3 is now known as kline
06:48 AM polymorph: Jartza: yes more work, cool though
06:49 AM polymorph: rue_bed: acetone dissolves toner
06:49 AM polymorph: Toner on plastic? ;)
07:44 AM polprog: nuxil: its just that the last week was holidays and i was alone at home - this week 1) family came back, 2) i have school on monday and two tests this week
08:21 AM polymorph: 3D Printer - High Resolution - Homemade - DIY using LCD as a photomask https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snOErpOP5Xk
08:21 AM polymorph: hello polprog
08:22 AM polprog: yo polymorph
08:22 AM polprog: im reading through alt.sysadmin.recovery
08:22 AM polprog: my sides hurt
08:23 AM Trangar: I wonder what it'd take to modify my 3D printer to etch pcbs
08:23 AM polymorph: you can print tracks 3d
08:23 AM polymorph: but this is different, it uses photocured liquid
08:24 AM polprog: Trangar: ive seen a plotter used to draw on copper clad with a marker, just like in the old days of hand drawn pcbs
08:25 AM polymorph: lel Direct PCB Printing with a Modified Laser Printer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FWUul62irY
08:25 AM polymorph: this works too DIY DTG flatbed printer. Epson 2200 p.2 / Самодельный планшетный принтер https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VP8ORq2al8
08:26 AM polymorph: but inkjet is pain in the ass
08:42 AM polprog: https://puu.sh/zaJvP/5a3f0e660d.jpg
08:43 AM Trangar: Food!
08:44 AM polprog: fuck i moved from the cair, my head hurts so much
08:44 AM polprog: chair*
12:57 PM nux__ is now known as nuxil
05:33 PM TheComplaintJar is now known as Smuckerz
06:29 PM shifttymike is now known as Guest78261
06:31 PM nux__ is now known as nuxil
07:18 PM nuxil: man 45min until the powercompany kills the power to do service. :(
07:18 PM nuxil: what to do all night long with no power.
07:18 PM nuxil: so..
07:18 PM nuxil: isr
07:19 PM nuxil: how does it run "in parallel" with main and how does code executed in a isr affect main.?
07:20 PM Casper: so, you should have got a marine battery, with an inverter<
07:20 PM Casper: isr do not run in parallel
07:20 PM nuxil: i know hence the ""
07:21 PM Casper: it interrupt the main code, and jump to the ISR function
07:21 PM Casper: push some registers to the stack
07:21 PM Casper: do the code there
07:21 PM Casper: pop back the registers
07:21 PM Casper: and return
07:21 PM Casper: it is a special "goto"
07:21 PM nuxil: so it basically halts the main while it does its buisness.
07:21 PM Casper: exactly
07:22 PM Casper: which is also why you must take care when accessing multi-bytes variable in the main that can be updated in the ISR
07:22 PM Casper: since it is multiple instructions, it is possible that it read the first byte, jump to the interrupt, change it, and return, then you read the new second byte
07:23 PM Casper: (look up atomic block, really, it disable the interrupt during that block)
07:23 PM nuxil: ok.
07:25 PM nuxil: hmm.
07:26 PM nuxil: i need to redesign stuff. lol
07:29 PM nuxil: and my internet is acting like shit tonight.
07:35 PM nux__ is now known as nuxil
07:37 PM Casper: nuxil: reboot the modem? :D
07:38 PM nuxil: but hey. Casper you said a isr will interrup the main. so running this inline func from main like https://pastebin.com/305E7CDM and at the same time have example a irc adc_vect running the code inline will no longer run at 10 cycles but will be halted each time it needt to read the adc ?
07:38 PM nuxil: its my isp that having problems. thy issues a notice.
07:39 PM Casper: inline or not, same thing
07:39 PM nuxil: ok.
07:39 PM Casper: it interrupt the code wherever it is, function, main... The only thing it won't interrupt is another interrupt
07:40 PM Casper: if you need precise timing, interrupt must be disabled for that part of the code
07:41 PM nuxil: yea
07:41 PM Casper: atomic blocks can be usefull
08:02 PM polymorph: hi
08:02 PM polymorph: Atomic_Block() user? ;)
08:13 PM * Casper did used it
08:18 PM absynth is now known as dan2wik
09:53 PM nuxil: so good with power back on. the candels i bough had tonz of parfume in them. stinks like
09:53 PM nuxil: shit
09:53 PM nuxil: in my house now
09:56 PM nuxil: Casper, you there ?
10:01 PM nuxil: i have a question. the inline code i pasted earlyer. if that is started from a isr foo ,, will the isr go into a none ending loop
10:01 PM nuxil: since it kind of sits there waiting for a flag to be set.
10:03 PM nuxil: it will lock the isr up right unless there is some other stuff setting that flag in another isr ?
11:16 PM Flipp_ is now known as Flipp
11:17 PM Flipp is now known as Guest42441
11:17 PM Guest42441 is now known as ItsFlipp
11:22 PM Casper: nuxil: let me check the code
11:23 PM Casper: oh assembly...
11:25 PM Casper: my assembler is rusty, and you have little to no comment...
11:25 PM Casper: what flag is it waiting for?
11:39 PM nuxil: CPHA
11:39 PM day__ is now known as day
11:44 PM nuxil: but my question dosent matter. i cant have that inline running in my isr.