#avr Logs

Jan 09 2018

#avr Calendar

07:45 AM _ami_: and it blinks!! Tom_L rue_ . programmed it on Arch linux: https://twitter.com/amitesh_singh/status/950724186191769602
07:58 AM emil is now known as Emil
08:48 AM rue_: :)
08:48 AM rue_: 32bit or 64bit?
08:54 AM rue_: FP4CE22?
08:59 AM Emil: _ami_: what board?
09:00 AM Emil: _ami_: use the icestorm project
09:00 AM Emil: wait lemme link
09:01 AM Emil: _ami_: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMDcnwZA2YE
09:01 AM Emil: And part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bIeiMmqaZE
09:02 AM Emil: But the first part is not really that relevant to you
09:02 AM Emil: https://opentechlab.org.uk/videos:013:notes
09:03 AM Emil: http://www.latticesemi.com/Products/DevelopmentBoardsAndKits/iCE40HX8KBreakoutBoard.aspx
09:04 AM Emil: http://icoboard.org/
09:04 AM rue_: no I mean your os, 32 or 64?
09:04 AM Emil: You could probably put an attiny85 inside that :D
09:04 AM _ami_: 64 bit
09:04 AM rue_: ugh
09:04 AM Emil: wat
09:04 AM rue_: I use 32
09:04 AM Emil: 64bit is awesome
09:05 AM Emil: only idiots use 32 bit :D
09:05 AM Emil: rue_: maate
09:05 AM rue_: no, its all memory pointers
09:05 AM Emil: get on with the fucking times :D
09:05 AM rue_: I dont like using more memory for pointers than data
09:05 AM _ami_: Emil: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/FPGA-development-board-ALTERA-Cyclone-IV-EP4CE-four-generations-SOPC-NIOSII-send-send-remote-control-to/32691369830.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.36bAFz
09:05 AM Emil: then use 8 byte ints
09:06 AM Emil: _ami_: TOP KEK
09:06 AM Emil: _ami_: check the price of that board I linked
09:06 AM rue_: I mean, yea, firefox eats so much memory it needs the 64bit help, but really, nothing else does
09:06 AM Emil: $42.88
09:06 AM Emil: that aliexpress thing is 35 dollaroos :D
09:06 AM rue_: $44.22 cad
09:07 AM rue_: there is a smaller one tho
09:07 AM Emil: https://www.mouser.fi/productdetail/lattice/ice40hx8k-b-evn?qs=sGAEpiMZZMsrChSOYEGTCW1ho0JyfiN0kCrYmODD490%3D or here for 37,91 euros :D
09:07 AM rue_: is that what your using? _ami_
09:07 AM Emil: I should probably buy that
09:07 AM Emil: rue_: the aliexpress link is what he's using
09:08 AM rue_: I'll wait till I have a 64 bit machine put togethor
09:08 AM rue_: the us dollar is collapsing and prices are going down anyhow
09:08 AM Emil: buy the fpga and make your own 64-bit machine ;)
09:08 AM rue_: can YOU tell me why you need 64 bits?
09:08 AM rue_: is it to move text around?
09:08 AM rue_: 8 bits at a time?
09:09 AM Emil: speed, precision, performance
09:09 AM rue_: for calculating your irc conversation?
09:09 AM rue_: I dont game
09:09 AM Emil: rue_: why aren't you using an avr to irc
09:10 AM rue_: you know that for a 64 bit machine to adress nicely, you need to have 7 padding bytes for each 8 bit byte?
09:10 AM Emil: You don't need those 32 bits to my 8 bits around
09:10 AM Emil: s/my/move
09:10 AM _ami_: rue_ yes, i bought that one.
09:10 AM Emil: rue_: don't allocate single chars?
09:10 AM _ami_: the ali link.
09:10 AM rue_: I'm working on implementing fft in 8 bit integer, on an avr :P
09:10 AM Emil: rue_: if you are allocating single chars you are doing shit wrong
09:11 AM rue_: Emil, how many chars is THIS TEXT
09:11 AM _ami_: Emil: i plan to buy icestorm in futur
09:11 AM _ami_: future
09:11 AM rue_: oh, right 1
09:11 AM rue_: each
09:11 AM Emil: _ami_: you can get the smallers ones for like 10-20€
09:11 AM _ami_: Emil: but those boards does not have any peripheral attached
09:11 AM rue_: HELLO WORLD <-- that just burned up 88 bytes of memory on your 64bit computer
09:11 AM _ami_: which would be a bummer later when i advance in FPGA
09:12 AM _ami_: domain.
09:12 AM Emil: https://www.mouser.fi/productdetail/lattice/ice40hx1k-stick-evn?qs=sGAEpiMZZMu914egOqot8LGwd%2FJ0RXPKj3evzuPxVeY%3D
09:12 AM Emil: rue_: and 44 on your 32 bit machine
09:12 AM Emil: "wew"
09:12 AM Emil: _ami_: eh
09:12 AM rue_: :) my computer is twice as memory efficient as yours
09:12 AM Emil: you hardly never need those peripherals that are attached directly
09:12 AM _ami_: rue_ buy more RAM :P
09:13 AM * rue_ takes his toothpaste out of the 20ton press, "not gonna get anymore out of that"
09:14 AM rue_: _ami_, the 64 bit thing is a handup right now
09:14 AM eszett: hi
09:14 AM rue_: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Altera-MAX-II-EPM240-CPLD-Development-Board-Experiment-Board-Learning-Breadboard/32790663190.html
09:14 AM rue_: I have that and...
09:15 AM rue_: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3-3V-50MHz-CPLD-Development-Board-Core-Board-Module-JTAG-USB-LED-LDO-MAX3000-EPM3064/32720191932.html
09:15 AM rue_: that sitting in my ali basket
09:15 AM Emil: rue_: you prefer CPLD
09:15 AM Emil: ?
09:15 AM _ami_: CPLD are good enough?
09:15 AM Emil: Is there an open source CPLD toolchain
09:15 AM Emil: _ami_: absolutely
09:15 AM rue_: there are a lot of things one can do
09:16 AM _ami_: hmm, ok
09:16 AM Emil: _ami_: CPLD is like an easy to configure fpga with asic stuff inside
09:16 AM rue_: I think its the same toolchain as the fpga
09:16 AM Emil: rue_: but is it open source :D
09:16 AM _ami_: ok
09:16 AM _ami_: none of FPGAs are completely opensource
09:17 AM _ami_: you know, i did install 18GB of bloatware from intel fgpa website.
09:17 AM Emil: https://hackaday.com/2008/12/11/how-to-programmable-logic-devices-cpld/
09:17 AM _ami_: it was painful.
09:17 AM Emil: _ami_: icestrom is!
09:17 AM _ami_: i could have set up this board yesterday.
09:17 AM Emil: That's why I'm trying to cram it down your throat :D
09:17 AM Emil: project ICEStorm is an open source toolchain for the lattice ICE-series
09:17 AM _ami_: Emil: does icestorm dev environment work on linux?
09:18 AM Emil: _ami_: GOD DAMN YES
09:18 AM Emil: Shit bro
09:18 AM _ami_: cool. thats good.
09:18 AM Emil: you think I'd recommend Winshit tooling for you? :DDD
09:18 AM _ami_: :)
09:21 AM _ami_: For now, this fpga is good. my next fpga board would be Icestorm! Emil ^ :)
09:22 AM _ami_: rue_: i will write a blog on how to set Altera dev environment on 64 bit linux :D
09:22 AM Emil: Icestorm is the project, ice40 is the series so ice40 (and probably hx8k the one you want) is the board
09:23 AM _ami_: time to crash now.
09:23 AM rue_: Emil, ^^^ see 64 bit is unstable too!
09:23 AM rue_: ;)
09:24 AM jragon: what language are you using to program it? I've been trying to get to grips with SystemVerilog but there aren't many resources about using it for synthesis
09:25 AM rue_: 1 SAY(FORTRAN)
09:25 AM rue_: GO TO 1
09:25 AM Emil: rue_: hahah :D
09:25 AM Emil: jragon: isn't systemverilog the C like thing
09:25 AM Emil: jragon: your probably want to use verilog or vhdl
09:25 AM Emil: directly
09:26 AM rue_: OFF TO WORK, BYE!
09:27 AM jragon: as far as I can tell systemverilog is verilog, just renamed. It seems a bit like python 2 and python 3. The IEEE created systemverilog as the new version of verilog, but verilog is still around
09:27 AM eszett: I have a question, if avrdude tells me "target doesnt answer", does that refer to the ISP programmer, or the MCU? I don't know what the "target" is =)
09:28 AM eszett: Does it refer to my Atmega?
09:33 AM Emil: ah
09:33 AM Emil: eszett: it means there's not answer
09:33 AM Emil: from the mcu
09:34 AM eszett: Emil: ye, now i have two suspects: either the mcu could be damaged, or, JTAGen fuse is set to "disabled". If the latter is the case, how can I check it?
09:34 AM Emil: it can mean a) your isp is somehow broken (but still talk to the usb) b) your wiring is broken c) your mcu is broken d) you have something else on the lines
09:34 AM Emil: eszett: read the fuses?
09:35 AM eszett: isn't it that you can't read the fuses anymore if JTAGen fusebit is disabled?
09:35 AM eszett: Or am I mistaken?
09:35 AM Emil: no?
09:35 AM Emil: Use another programmer like usbasp
09:35 AM eszett: oh..
09:35 AM Emil: or high voltage
09:35 AM eszett: I have two programmers, USBasp and buspirat
09:37 AM Emil: usbasp doesn't do jtag
09:39 AM eszett: even if I try to read the fuses, avrdude tells me "initialization failed"
09:41 AM eszett: I checked wiring - should be ok. The ISP is not broken. The mcu may be broken, can't tell.
09:41 AM Emil: what fuses have your burned+
09:42 AM eszett: I killed one atmega by disabling JTAG. So I desoldered it and threw it away. Then I took an old atmega from my drawer. don't know anymore how i configuered it with the fuses. But it worked back in those times.
09:43 AM eszett: And I soldered it in, and this one isn'T responeding right now.
09:43 AM Emil: which atmega?
09:43 AM eszett: I could desolder it, throw it away and take a brand new one.
09:43 AM eszett: atmega32u4
09:44 AM Emil: can you confirm that your programmer works?
09:45 AM eszett: well, yes, it worked yesterday with another circuit. And I have 2 programmers, and with both of them the atmega doesn't respond. So i can say the ISP should not be the problem
09:46 AM * eszett is thinking how to narrow the source of trouble down.
09:46 AM Emil: Not muchI can do then:D
09:48 AM eszett: AFAIK, if JTAGen fusebit is off, I can do nothing else then desolder the chip and throw it away, since the ISP can't talk to the chip anymore, is that correct?
09:55 AM Emil: dunno
09:55 AM Emil: hv should still work
09:55 AM Emil: High voltage programming
09:55 AM Emil: and wait
09:55 AM Emil: no
09:55 AM Emil: disabling jtag doesn not iirc disable serial programming
09:56 AM Emil: Yeah wtf
09:56 AM Emil: you can disable jtag just fine
09:56 AM Emil: and still use serial programming
09:59 AM Emil: eszett: so not true
09:59 AM Emil: eszett: you can still reprogram the chip
09:59 AM Emil: eszett: also, fuses are inverted, so fuse 0 means it's programmed and fuse 1 means it's unprogrammed
10:49 AM eszett: Emil: yes I know about that invertion of the "1" and "0" values
11:21 AM stee is now known as stee_3
11:21 AM nuxil: you dont need jtag at all. unless you gonna do debuging/ in system programming etc.
11:34 AM Jartza: evening
11:39 AM nuxil: good evening
11:48 AM nuxil: eszett, mayebe you did a mistake a disabled spi aswell :p
11:49 AM eszett: hm, then the behaviour of avrdude riddles me even more..
11:49 AM eszett: right now im updating the firmware of my usbasp, with the Fischl-firmware
11:49 AM nuxil: because your using windows. :p
11:49 AM eszett: maybe
11:50 AM eszett: brb
01:54 PM eszett: I've got a chip on which is printed "Atmega8A", but in the configuration of avrdudeI can find only Atmega8, is this the same chip?
01:55 PM eszett: Can I use the "-m8" command line parameter, and the firmware "usbasp.atmega8.2011-05-28.hex" for the chip, even if it reads "Atmega8A"?
02:02 PM nuxil: type ,, avr-gcc -mmcu=foo
02:03 PM nuxil: and see the list
02:09 PM nuxil: isnt A just a newer version
02:09 PM nuxil: so i guess -m8 should work.
02:09 PM nuxil: unless there are huge changes.
02:11 PM eszett: ye, guessed so too
02:50 PM eszett: Is there a way to check if the mcu is alive? I mean it's empty, and I can't even flash him, since "target doesn'T respond".
02:51 PM eszett: My multimeter says the circuit has 5.12v, so that's fine. But I would like to know if the mcu is damaged
02:54 PM antto: attach programmer, run avrdude in terminal mode (-t)
02:55 PM antto: but first, check its reset pin
02:55 PM eszett: ok how do I check the reset pin?
02:55 PM antto: normally it should be set high (so 5V)
02:56 PM antto: typically with a pullup resistor, not directly tied to vcc (that's bad)
02:56 PM eszett: that means if the mcu is alice RST pin is 5.12v, but if it'S dead RST pin is 0v?
02:56 PM antto: no
02:56 PM eszett: alice=alive
02:56 PM antto: if the reset pin is 0V (or low-ish) then the mcu will "not work" even if everything's fine with it
02:57 PM antto: the mcu will also "not work" iv VCC is low and BOD is enabled and in effect
02:57 PM eszett: I will take a probe, one moment
02:57 PM antto: * if
03:00 PM eszett: between GND and RST there is 0.45v
03:01 PM antto: well, then if the chip "isn't working" that's the expected behaviour
03:02 PM antto: is there a pull-up resistor from the reset pin to VCC?
03:02 PM antto: is there something else attached? a component? a programmer?
03:03 PM eszett: nothing atteched
03:03 PM nuxil: yea. check reset pin, you dont want your reset pin be floating. use pullup.
03:04 PM antto: slap a 10k-ish resistor and try again
03:04 PM eszett: let me see if there is a pull up resistor on RST
03:04 PM antto: you can check that by turning the power OFF and then measure resistance from the reset pin to GND and to VCC
03:05 PM antto: you should have infinite (or at least very big) resistance to GND
03:05 PM eszett: yes there is a 10k resistor on RST
03:05 PM antto: then that's bad
03:05 PM antto: something else is pulling the reset pin low harder than the 10k resistor pulls up
03:05 PM antto: measure resistance to GND
03:06 PM eszett: I don't understand... whats bad?
03:06 PM antto: if you have a 10k pullup, and yet you measure 0.45V on the pin
03:07 PM nuxil: you should not have 0.4v there
03:07 PM antto: you should have 5V
03:07 PM nuxil: it should be Vcc
03:08 PM antto: at this point it's also dangerous to attach a programmer ;P~
03:08 PM nuxil: so something is latching the pullup "switch/circuit".
03:09 PM nuxil: falty programmer. or something on the pcb etc.
03:10 PM Emil: eszett: avrdude -c usbasp -p part
03:10 PM antto: he said there's nothing attached, so there's no programmer
03:10 PM Emil: eszett: tells you if it responds
03:10 PM antto: y u assume usbasp? >:(
03:10 PM nuxil: yea
03:10 PM Emil: antto: any programmer will work
03:10 PM Emil: you just have to specify it
03:10 PM antto: y u give a bad example
03:11 PM antto: i trusted you, Emil..
03:11 PM Emil: because fak ju usbasp #1, other #19
03:11 PM antto: oh noes, computer fried!
03:11 PM nuxil: priratebus is whats hes using iirc.
03:11 PM Emil: ;)
03:11 PM Emil: nuxil: he has a usbasp also
03:11 PM nuxil: ok.
03:12 PM antto: i hope he didn't measure resistance on a running circuit ;P~
03:12 PM nuxil: get a old laptop with serial/parallell port and built a simple stk-200 programmer. it cant fail :p
03:12 PM antto: stk200 with -E noreset r0x
03:13 PM Emil: antto: :D
03:13 PM Emil: I have done that
03:14 PM Emil: nothing broke fortunately
03:14 PM antto: right, measure the resistance between VCC and GND ;P~
03:14 PM antto: but hold it so you get a gooooood measure
03:14 PM nuxil: ^^
03:15 PM antto: till it starts to smell "right"
03:16 PM nuxil: hmmm talking about mesuring. i wounder if these eevblog multimeters are any good. i kind of want one.
03:19 PM Emil: antto: till you see the magic smoke?
03:19 PM antto: eyes can fool you
03:21 PM eszett: antto: here I put together what i know & measured: https://i.imgur.com/o8M2pfw.png
03:24 PM eszett: oh wait, I have to correct the data.
03:26 PM antto: wait, eszett, wait
03:26 PM antto: i hope you are not measuring resistance (or continuity) when the circuit is powered
03:29 PM eszett: that was my mistake
03:29 PM eszett: =)
03:30 PM antto: don't do that, cuz then you effectively short circuit the thing you measure ;P~
03:31 PM eszett: oops. I hope it isnt broken. I updated the results, and marked an interesting find with yellow color: https://i.imgur.com/iPOxCbk.png
03:31 PM eszett: these results are with both circuits powered off
03:34 PM eszett: I checked the physical 10k resistor, it's legends say "103", and the solder joints are well done.
03:35 PM antto: okay
03:35 PM antto: so GND to RST is infinite
03:35 PM eszett: yep
03:36 PM eszett: but why is RST to VCC not infinite?
03:36 PM antto: is the reset pin disabled or defined as an output?
03:36 PM eszett: definately not!
03:36 PM antto: RST to VCC should not be infinite
03:36 PM antto: you want to have a resistor there, and you do have
03:36 PM antto: altho it measures as 1.7k while it should be more like 10k
03:36 PM eszett: ye
03:36 PM antto: which is weird but..
03:37 PM eszett: maybe my multimeter is abit off calibrated
03:37 PM eszett: so the 1.7 k Ohm are alright
03:39 PM eszett: a shame that the mcu has no self testing routine
03:39 PM antto: when you measure a 10k resistor alone, do you get 10k?
03:39 PM eszett: good idea, one moment
03:39 PM antto: i mean, one which is not in a circuit
03:42 PM wondiws: hi there
03:43 PM antto: wondiws10 64bit
03:43 PM wondiws: antto, I'm running Debian ;)
03:43 PM eszett: antto: I measure a 150 ohm resistor as 112 ohm with my multimeter. And a 10k as 1.7 kiloohm. I guess my mutimeter is pretty off measuring ohms, especially if its kilo ohms
03:44 PM antto: so, i assume you use two different "modes" to measure those two resistors
03:44 PM antto: then the mode which you measure the 10k resistor in, is probably f*cked up
03:44 PM eszett: right
03:45 PM eszett: antto: can I get a cheapo mm, or do I have to spend 50+ bucks?
03:45 PM antto: nothing worst than your measuring/diagnostic tool silently failing you
03:45 PM antto: get anything that has the required modes and works
03:45 PM wondiws: I'm in despair: I'm writing a program for an LCD display, when I add a loop in a constructor that isn't even used anywhere, my program crashes :S
03:46 PM eszett: antto: alright, just ordering it.
03:46 PM antto: wondiws are you running out of ram?
03:46 PM wondiws: antto, thought had occurred to me
03:46 PM wondiws: antto, you mean SRAM?
03:46 PM antto: yeah-ish
03:48 PM wondiws: antto, because I'm not even using 10kb of flash
03:48 PM antto: i think you'll get a link error if your program is bigger than possible
03:48 PM wondiws: antto, yes, and I've got no error
03:48 PM antto: or maybe you won't, if you collide with a bootloader
03:49 PM antto: but anyways, do you have lots of RAM usage?
03:49 PM wondiws: antto, there's no bootloader
03:49 PM wondiws: antto, yes, for my buttons
03:49 PM antto: because weird things happen when the RAM runs out
03:49 PM wondiws: I guess I have to find a different way for this
03:50 PM antto: how much RAM does your chip have?
03:50 PM wondiws: antto, 2kb sram
03:50 PM antto: so then you better be conservative
03:51 PM antto: or get a fatter chip ;P~
03:51 PM wondiws: antto, yes, but I'd like not too many pins
03:51 PM wondiws: Ideally I'd like to make my own pcb
03:54 PM wondiws: antto, yes, it's an SRAM problem; with the atmega2560 it does work; but this one doesn't have USB
03:55 PM antto: i'm sure there is one with USB and more than 2K ram
03:56 PM antto: at worst (or not) xmega32a4U has usb and 4K ram
03:56 PM antto: but that's an xmega
03:57 PM antto: xmega128a4U probably has 8K ram
03:57 PM antto: 44pins tho
03:57 PM antto: and 3.3V max
03:58 PM wondiws: antto, this is also an 8bit AVR?
03:58 PM wondiws: I'm using the 32u4 right now on an Arduino Leonardo
03:59 PM antto: yes, xmega are 8bit
03:59 PM antto: they are different to atmegas (better)
03:59 PM wondiws: antto, but the programming will be familiar to me?
04:00 PM wondiws: right now I'm using 32u4, 328p, m8, 2560
04:00 PM wondiws: this is all similar
04:03 PM antto: well, same tools (avrgcc, avrdude), different programming interface (PDI), 3.3V max
04:03 PM antto: MUCH better datasheets (at least those from atmel)
04:03 PM antto: very organized internal structure
04:03 PM antto: very easy to code and reuse code
04:05 PM antto: and i think you can't practically brick them with the programmer
04:06 PM antto: some of them even have external ram interface, where IIRC you can attach some megabytes or SDRAM ;P~
04:07 PM antto: (eat sh*t, microchip)
04:08 PM antto: they are different than atmegas, so you'll have to learn.. but once you get familiar with them you'd probably wish you had them much earlier
04:09 PM antto: and if you're stuck in 8bit PIC lang, these will be like utopia
04:09 PM antto: * land
04:13 PM antto: but if microchip decides to "stylize" the datasheets in their PIC style - then that would be the end of xmega
04:27 PM Jartza: I got few attiny817s
04:27 PM Jartza: I think they are practically xmegas, but tiny :)
04:49 PM skz81: Maybe without the external RAM interface, though...
04:50 PM skz81: Jartza, antto
04:54 PM polprog: do you know any tui/gui program for linux that can read and dump a whole eeprom for me via some adapter? i found flashrom which works with BusPirate but its only for spi flash chips
07:01 PM eszett: re
07:23 PM rue_: polprog, startw ith an arduino...
07:23 PM rue_: take pin "2", and connect to D0....
07:30 PM * eszett is still debugging his atmega32u4 circuit
07:30 PM rue_: what is the circuit?
07:31 PM rue_: oooh wait the interrupt led?
07:31 PM eszett: well it is a PCB for a keyboard
07:31 PM rue_: was it the interrupt and the led?
07:31 PM rue_: that didn't work on the trinket?
07:31 PM rue_: atmega32* has a snag
07:32 PM rue_: you need to turn off the jtag or it messes up all the pins it uses
07:32 PM eszett: thats nonsense
07:32 PM rue_: no its not
07:33 PM rue_: you have to turn jtag off for the ports to work properly
07:33 PM rue_: I had that problem a LOT with the mega32
07:34 PM eszett: ahh you mean the GPIOs, you mean, JTAG, if enabled, takes away some GPIOS.
07:34 PM eszett: however, i have not problems with the GPIOs, but that the atmega doesn't respont when trying to talk to him with the ISP programmer
07:34 PM rue_: speed up the processor clock or slow down the isp
07:35 PM rue_: if you use an usbasp you prolly wont have an issue
07:35 PM eszett: I did slow SCK down with "-B 4" parameter
07:35 PM eszett: https://i.imgur.com/DBB6cci.png
07:36 PM eszett: however it still doesn't respond the source of trouble must be lying elsewhere
07:38 PM eszett: I ruled out, that the source of trouble is the ISP programmer device itself. The device works flawlessly on other circuits. Moreover, the soldering has correct orientation, the solder joints are well done, and the wiring is ok too. So I'm pretty sure the probleme is the atmega itself, but how to I check if it's damaged or not?
08:31 PM rue_: :) its not a dip is it?
08:47 PM eszett: it's not a DIP
08:48 PM eszett: I have a presoldered DIP of the atmega32u4, too, just for comparision
10:00 PM Emil: lulz
10:00 PM Emil: hot damn it was easy
10:00 PM Emil: Wrote my own sha256 function in C
10:01 PM Emil: Now on to optimising it for embedded/AVR :D
10:02 PM learath: make sure it gets tested by someone competent, if it is going to be used for anything important.
10:06 PM Emil: learath: naaaw, imma just push it to prod immediately >:D
10:07 PM _ami_: btw, rue_ https://www.enlightenment.org/ss/display.php?image=e-5a55871291baf5.91649402.png
10:08 PM _ami_: this is the trick to install intel fpga sdk on linux.
10:08 PM _ami_: you need to deselect help files and simulation software option
10:08 PM _ami_: or else installation will stuck for forever.
10:09 PM _ami_: Also, to start 64 bit sdk ide, you got to give quartus --64bit
10:18 PM _ami_: the seller provides the qsf file per project and its not complete.
10:18 PM _ami_: i have to write my own qsf file which covers all peripherals
10:25 PM learath: Emil: you jest, but the number of times a crypto problem is "jackass didn't check code, fucked up $X"
10:26 PM Emil: I know
10:26 PM learath: (or just simply didn't know what they were doing)
10:26 PM Emil: I'll optimise this a bit and put it up
10:27 PM nuxil: i need to flood.
10:28 PM nuxil: so im trying to bitbang the spi to my mcp4131 (7bit) potmeter and need some help,.
10:28 PM nuxil: this ship im tying to get working on my atiny http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/22060a.pdf
10:28 PM nuxil: it does simple 8bit commnds or 16bit read/write commands.
10:28 PM nuxil: the 8 bits command are just increment and decrement.
10:28 PM nuxil: according to the datasheet "Page 48", your suppose to send 0000100 to increment. 00001000 to decrement.
10:28 PM nuxil: now i programmed a atiny13a to test with. im able to see the increment code working.
10:28 PM nuxil: on the mcp4131 i hook the p0b pin to vcc, p0w to my voltmeter, and p0a to gnd.
10:28 PM nuxil: but when it should decrement. it does nothing. im sure its just me forgetting something.
10:28 PM nuxil: altho. i hooked up my logic analyzer, and it look ok. but its its not.
10:28 PM nuxil: this is the increment https://gyazo.com/9ee3901be14caa1c02f44895b49bc79f
10:28 PM nuxil: this is the decriment https://gyazo.com/9ee3901be14caa1c02f44895b49bc79f
10:28 PM nuxil: as you an see the decrement is shifted 1 bit left. its 0001000 (0x08) as it should be accourding to datasheet.
10:28 PM nuxil: this is the "code" part that im working on. https://pastebin.com/HFDyS6k2
10:32 PM nuxil: any ideas, suggestion ?
10:34 PM nuxil: oh sry decrement 7485293d5a9e5095e7f923c0ee7f3de9 :p
10:37 PM rue_: 7485293d5a9e5095e7f923c0ee7f3de8
10:38 PM nuxil: https://gyazo.com/7485293d5a9e5095e7f923c0ee7f3de9
10:38 PM nuxil: :p
10:38 PM rue_: I just decremented the number for you
10:39 PM nuxil: lol
10:39 PM nuxil: sorry. im tierd and slow
10:40 PM rue_: I'm tired and stopped
10:40 PM rue_: I think my ass welded itself to the chair
10:44 PM Emil: https://emil.fi/d/libsha256.c
10:44 PM Emil: learath:
10:44 PM Emil: also "lib" :D
10:45 PM Emil: It's horrible, I know
10:57 PM rue_: cool, I just ran C code that I just translated from fortran code written in 1967
10:57 PM rue_: it just feels neat
10:58 PM rue_: haha, from a fuzzy document, thats not a * thats a +
11:00 PM nux_ is now known as nuxil
11:18 PM day__ is now known as day
11:24 PM inflex: did you superficially format it to still look like FORTRAN?
11:27 PM _ami_: Emil, what are the files required in a verilog project? just *.v and *.qsf?
11:27 PM * _ami_ writing a .gitignore for my fpga repo.
11:28 PM _ami_: and qpf ofcourse
11:39 PM _ami_: never mind. just need those three files
11:39 PM _ami_: rest are shit out of ide & compilation
11:50 PM Emil: _ami_: dunno