#avr Logs

Dec 27 2017

#avr Calendar

01:29 AM Ameisen: [22:08:16] <tpw_rules> also i don't think you mean latency, you mean badwidth
01:32 AM Ameisen: I absolutely mean latency.
01:32 AM Ameisen: If I need the data _now_, I don't want it in 100 microseconds
01:35 AM Ameisen: I can always preload things and kick off a read early
01:35 AM Ameisen: but the higher the latency, the harder it's going to be to do that
01:35 AM Ameisen: the amount of data itself would be relatively negligible
01:35 AM Ameisen: like 30MiB read over a period of a few hours
01:39 AM rue_shop3: why would you care how long it takes to read a byte from memory from the time you ask for it? this isn't related to rate at which you can ask for bytes
01:39 AM rue_shop3: this is common, you can get 10MiB/sec, but with 1 second delay in the return data
01:40 AM rue_shop3: aka, you ask for bytes at 10MiB/sec, after the first second, it starts comming back
01:40 AM rue_shop3: your playing audio?
01:52 AM Casper: Ameisen: you may need to actually do tests, as it may vary from card model to another model, also, there might be some power saving modes, and those are probably undocumented
02:32 AM Ameisen: rue_shop3 - precalculated motion data
02:32 AM Ameisen: usually, when I request the data, it means that I need the data for processing very soon
02:32 AM Ameisen: usually it's probably the next motion command
02:33 AM rue_shop3: oooh
02:33 AM Ameisen: I'd prefer something like SPI RAM or something, but flash seems to be the only common thing
02:33 AM rue_shop3: well, your reading at a constant rate tho, right?
02:33 AM Ameisen: Not constant
02:33 AM Ameisen: motions may very in length
02:33 AM rue_shop3: oh
02:33 AM Ameisen: some might be 100 milliseconds. Some 200 microseconds. Some 1 second
02:33 AM rue_shop3: oh, my file format is like that to
02:34 AM rue_shop3: it says how long to take to get to the next position
02:34 AM rue_shop3: hmm
02:34 AM Ameisen: No files here, at least
02:34 AM Ameisen: raw data stored on SD
02:34 AM Ameisen: it's meant as a large-size cache for the MCU
02:34 AM Ameisen: MCU loads the motion program in gcode or whatnot from a different SD card, or from the network, or something
02:35 AM Ameisen: instead of processing it real time, it instead populates its sd card cache as raw data, and can then preprocess it to minimize runtime costs
02:37 AM rue_shop3: ... so your using the SD card for its cache ram?
02:55 AM nohitzwork: http://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/en/23LC1024
03:25 AM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
03:44 AM antto: there's also FRAM.. which doesn't have pages and bullsh*t
03:48 AM nuxil: meh. fram.
03:48 AM nuxil: nohitzwork, that chip looks nice.
03:49 AM antto: except it looks fishy on first sight.. "pages"
03:49 AM antto: knowing microchip..
03:54 AM nuxil: how will a fram be affected by magnitisme ? i.e, you put a small magnet beside the ship.
03:54 AM nuxil: *chip
03:55 AM antto: no idea.. i've not put any magnets.. and the FRAM i use hasn't gotten corrupted or anything
03:57 AM nuxil: that microchip memory.
03:57 AM nuxil: Endurance
03:57 AM nuxil: Unlimited
03:57 AM nuxil: bullshit..
03:57 AM Ameisen: I'd need a lot of those modules.
03:57 AM Ameisen: gcode can be big
04:00 AM antto: nuxil why would a magnet cause a problem?
04:01 AM antto: Ameisen how about full-blown SDRAM?
04:02 AM nuxil: antto, ferrous materials.?
04:02 AM antto: xmegas can be wired to work with those
04:02 AM Ameisen: I'd prefer it alreayd being on a board.
04:02 AM Ameisen: I don't have a ton of time to spend making new boards.
04:03 AM antto: are you storing the gcode as text? ;P~
04:17 AM nabil: when I use cli() then sei() in a portion of my code
04:17 AM nabil: the interrupts that should have triggered at that time
04:17 AM nabil: will trigger after sei()
04:17 AM nabil: or they are lost ?
04:17 AM antto: they should trigger
04:19 AM antto: afaiu, if you disable interrupts, and then (for example) a character is received - it will flip the RXC flag.. but the program will not jump to your RXC interrupt handler
04:19 AM antto: ..untill you enable interrupts
04:19 AM nabil: so I'm having a 10 sec timer interrupt, and time critical function, the interrupt handler will still be executed after sei() right?
04:20 AM antto: if the interrupt flag bit is "set" - it should, afaiu
04:20 AM nabil: ok, Thanks :)
04:21 AM nabil: another question: is it better to use disable then enable nterrupts, or use atomic blocks instead?
04:22 AM nabil: .
04:23 AM antto: nabil it doesn't matter, as long as your program works as intended
04:24 AM antto: i use atomic blocks (restorestate) myself
04:24 AM nuxil: be carefull.
04:25 AM nuxil: you might get radioactive :p
04:25 AM nabil: haha
04:25 AM * antto shocks nuxil with three thousand and three hundred miliVolts
04:25 AM antto: >:(
04:27 AM nuxil: so im surfing ebay.. think im gonna order som iot / esp8266. these things are so cheap.
04:28 AM * antto vomits
04:28 AM nuxil: haha.
04:28 AM antto: pls, don't mention that thing
04:28 AM nuxil: whats wrong with it ?
04:29 AM antto: everything
04:29 AM nuxil: as in?
04:29 AM antto: i was forced to work with it at the job
04:29 AM antto: to find out that the low price has.. a price
04:30 AM nuxil: you need to tell more.
04:31 AM antto: i'm trying to forget that whole story
04:31 AM nuxil: lol
04:33 AM nuxil: antto, eevblog david jones, seems to think they are ok as a cheap solution to get wifi on your project, besides you can use arduino ide to program them,
04:34 AM nuxil: not that i touch anything thats arduino. :p
04:34 AM antto: fine! get a pile of them and bathe in them
04:34 AM antto: i'll get my umbrella
04:34 AM nuxil: but please tell me why you think they are so bad ?
04:35 AM antto: they are too "chinese" .. in the bad way
04:35 AM antto: they promise this and that, but the documentation is a joke (google-translated mess)
04:36 AM antto: the firmware and/or bootloader are not exactly open source, and there's something fishy going on there
04:36 AM nuxil: oh
04:36 AM antto: and they've violated some linux (gnu or bsd or i don't know what) licenses
04:37 AM antto: this whole situation might have changed since i last had my hands dirty with that sh*t
04:38 AM antto: so you still might want to make your own research about them and draw your own conclusions
04:38 AM antto: check their documentations for a start
04:38 AM nuxil: so far im just thinking about getting some ;)
04:40 AM antto: also, they come in many "shapes" and many of them claim to be certified, but most aren't
04:40 AM antto: that's if you care about that
04:44 AM _ami_: antto, espressif support is much better now.
04:44 AM antto: is it?
04:45 AM _ami_: seems like they are pretty active in opensource with new chip esp32.
04:45 AM _ami_: its a new love among hobbyists
04:48 AM antto: i'm talking about the esp2866 sh*t
04:48 AM antto: and i bet nuxil is too
04:49 AM nuxil: i was yes.
04:51 AM _ami_: oh, okay.
04:52 AM _ami_: esp8266 used as hobbyist level is not bad at all. :)
04:53 AM _ami_: i have few bare esp12e ICs which i have used in some of my personal projects.
04:55 AM _ami_: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DNNhMvVUQAAJaqW.jpg <- esp8266 board on perfboard
04:55 AM antto: how do i know that their closed-source bootloader, which iirc had the ability to reflash itself over the WIFI, will not suddenly turn into a zombie bot
04:56 AM _ami_: oh, i did not know that.
04:57 AM antto: espressif were pushed to release their source codes, and they released some
04:57 AM antto: but folks figured out that compiling those source codes doesn't really produce the stuff they give in the binary blobs
04:58 AM antto: also, no source for the bootloader at all
04:58 AM dev1990: antto: by those chinnese guys you mean Allwinner Technology ? or other company ?
04:58 AM antto: "espressif"
04:58 AM antto: allwinner have nothing to do with that, afaik
04:59 AM dev1990: ok
04:59 AM antto: the esp wifi module is running on an extensa cpu
04:59 AM antto: extensa 106 or some such thing
04:59 AM _ami_: allwinner sucks.. i have a orange pi and i can use full hw only if i run 3.X kernel and binary drivers :/
05:00 AM antto: we use allwinner-based stuff at the job
05:00 AM dev1990: yeah esspecialy graphics stack
05:00 AM antto: but from olimex
05:02 AM dev1990: but i got cubietruck as git server at home (headless) with native support for sata and it's fine... but in long run allwinner sucks they copy many opensource project then modify then make their binary blobs without source
05:03 AM _ami_: yeah,
05:03 AM antto: we use a pile of olinuxino boards (A10 and A20 based) with what not
05:03 AM antto: they have lcd/hdmi, sata, ethernet, usb..
05:05 AM _ami_: i would try arch linux on opi2pc during coming weekend. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Orange_Pi#Kernel
05:08 AM dev1990: I always check mainline devicetrees that are available - it's good measure to get some early knowleage of mainline board support: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git/tree/arch/arm/boot/dts?h=v4.14.9
05:11 AM _ami_: dev1990, thats a pretty good advice
05:11 AM dev1990: but many of allwiners are on mali, and there is no mali opensource driver (for my current knowledge)
05:11 AM _ami_: dev1990, so gpu drivers won;'t work on latest kernel?
05:12 AM _ami_: especially for https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git/tree/arch/arm/boot/dts/sun8i-h3-orangepi-pc-plus.dts?h=v4.14.9
05:14 AM dev1990: small chance that you'll able to run mali on mainline - mayby some patches exists that allow to run linux with old graphics binary blobs
05:15 AM dev1990: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Mali-400-New-Open-Source
05:15 AM dev1990: that's promising, but probably not easy to setup or use in production at current state
05:15 AM _ami_: hmm
05:18 AM _ami_: thanks dev1990
05:18 AM _ami_: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/05/09/allwinners_allloser_custom_kernel_has_a_nasty_root_backdoor/ -> backdoor :P
05:18 AM dev1990: I suppose you need to patch kernel nad mesa (user space driver stack) - so distribution like gentoo or yocto build system might be handy to do that kind of magic
05:18 AM _ami_: seems like they removed it now :)
05:18 AM _ami_: https://github.com/allwinner-zh/linux-3.4-sunxi/issues/16#issuecomment-218533252
05:20 AM _ami_: time to head home
05:20 AM dev1990: np, glad I could throw some light on topic :)
05:33 AM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
07:08 AM LeoNerd: 8bit I²C GPIO expanders. Anyone have any favourites? The PCF8574 is nice and cheap, but a bit *too* simple for me as it'll interrupt on any pin change, whereas I just want falling edge. The MCP23008 looks reasonable, but quite fully-featured and a bit expensive for my usecase
07:17 AM nuxil: PCA9502 ?
07:18 AM nuxil: FXL6408?
07:20 AM LeoNerd: "The device comes
07:20 AM LeoNerd: in a very small HVQFN24 package"
07:20 AM LeoNerd: says PCA9502. That seems a bit much for me
07:21 AM nuxil: what package do you require
07:21 AM LeoNerd: Oooh it's a dual SPI *or* I²C chip though. That's different
07:21 AM LeoNerd: Well I might manage that tiny thing, usually I don't like to go smaller than TSSOP though
07:22 AM LeoNerd: Ahh.. this chip doesn't seem fancy enough. You can individually control which pins do/don't do PCINT, but you can't set one edge only
07:22 AM nuxil: :\
07:23 AM LeoNerd: Oooh the FXL chip looks interesting. Separate VDDIO and VDD pins
07:24 AM LeoNerd: Oh.. Max voltage 4.6. Well that's useless isn't it.. :/
07:24 AM LeoNerd: Who on earth makes GPIO expanders with separate logic and IO supply rails and doesn't let the IO supply rail go up to a full 5V?
07:25 AM nuxil: heh. yea good question.
07:25 AM LeoNerd: 6mA drive strength.. probably good enough for an indicator LED
07:26 AM nuxil: but in the end. cant you use use a atmega xxx to do this? like m324 and others have buildtin registers for twi.
07:26 AM LeoNerd: Ooooh, has both pullup and pulldown ability. That's rare
07:27 AM LeoNerd: Hah.. this chip *only* does rising or falling interrupts, it can't do both edges
07:28 AM LeoNerd: Meh.. maybe I just use the MCP one. It's a bit expensive but it does have all the features I want
07:28 AM antto: short two pins together
07:28 AM LeoNerd: Hrm, that could work
07:28 AM LeoNerd: Though then I'd lose a channel
07:32 AM antto: you'd win not having to read microchip datasheets ;P~
07:32 AM LeoNerd: Actually the MCP23x09 seems kinda ideal for me.. configurable per-pin interrupt on change or either edge, and has INTCAP register
07:32 AM LeoNerd: The reason I want that is that some pins are buttons (so I want to know press and release) but two pins are a rotary encoder
07:33 AM LeoNerd: A rotary encoder creates four events per detent of rotation. I only need to see one of those. So one pin becomes, say, interrupt on falling edge, and by using the INTCAP register you read the value of the other pin at that moment to see direction, without needing to interrupt on that pin at all
07:33 AM LeoNerd: Otherwise you end up taking 2 (or 4) interrupts per click of the wheel
07:34 AM antto: iirc the xmega had something about encoders
07:34 AM LeoNerd: This is all going on a board with an I²C OLED module, so I want to just talk over I²C bus instead of dedicated control lines on an MCU
07:34 AM LeoNerd: It's a "front panel" board
07:43 AM nuxil: are your rotary encoders i2c ? im not sure how you suppose to use i2c and rotary encoders on same bus.
07:45 AM nuxil: isnt spi a better choice ? "simple spi" using only miso/mosi and CS (chip select) to switch between the devices ?
07:49 AM nuxil: nm
07:51 AM LeoNerd: Hrm? Rotary encoder just looks like 3 buttons. It's ground and 3 switched pins. One pin is the push part, the other two are the rotary itself
07:52 AM LeoNerd: Then I have some more regular buttons. So I'm putting this I²C GPIO expander on the board, to read the buttons and encoder
07:53 AM nuxil: i have rotarty encoders. i know how it works. :p
07:53 AM LeoNerd: Then I'm confused why you ask the question
07:55 AM nuxil: i said, "nm" as in never mind, im just a bit confused how these expanders work. thats why i asked if your encoders are i2c, since normaly they are not i2c protocole.
07:55 AM LeoNerd: Ohright. Expander is usually basically an 8 (or 16) way GPIO port, accessible over I²C
07:56 AM LeoNerd: So the simple ones are usually read bits, write bits, set IO mode (or be opendrain or whatever)... fancier chips start to have things like interrupt-on-change ability
07:56 AM LeoNerd: Think like having something like the PORTB or PORTC ability of an AVR, as an external device
07:57 AM nuxil: yea i get it now. i was thinking of them like hubs. there you could address upto 127 more devices on each gpio pin. :p
07:57 AM nuxil: crazy :p
07:57 AM LeoNerd: I've seen I²C mux chips
07:58 AM nohitzwork: LeoNerd do you do design work for companies/individuals or just your own devices?
07:58 AM LeoNerd: nohitzwork: Either really. Usually I make stuff that I'm using or selling or both, but if someone wants to contract me to do design work for them I'm open to the idea
07:59 AM LeoNerd: Oh huh.. I might change my opinion on the MCP23009 actually. It's only silly-expensive if you look on eBay. Actually finding it on Farnell or Mouser it's not much more than the PCF
07:59 AM nuxil: so what is this project your working on now that has rotaryencoder and a display :)
07:59 AM LeoNerd: Maybe I'll use this
08:00 AM LeoNerd: nuxil: It's a development board, it's literally just a display/buttons/LEDs on an I²C bus. A proper PCB version of -- https://twitter.com/cpan_pevans/status/940052732378939393
08:01 AM LeoNerd: Various bits of equipment I'm making will want some combination of that on the front, so this is more a generic board to experiment with that kind of idea
08:01 AM nuxil: ok :)
08:02 AM LeoNerd: I want to try to get the two "soft function" buttons in a lot closer to the display though
08:02 AM LeoNerd: That will require using a bare OLED module, not one on one of those breakouts
08:02 AM nohitzwork: how much is the module?
08:03 AM nohitzwork: oled
08:03 AM LeoNerd: Not a huge amount.. I got a 5-piece pack from *cough*Aliex
09:36 AM nuxil: man i dislike makeing schematics in kicad. im so used to ltspice :p and this crap in kicad where you have to end the tool is annoying :p
09:37 AM LeoNerd: kicad takes getting used to, sure
09:37 AM LeoNerd: It's missing a lot of things certainly
09:39 AM nuxil: im not getting used to it :p im just sitting here cursing each time i have to change the tool, i like ltspice's way much better.
09:41 AM nuxil: draging/moving in ltspice it much better. it understands that.. if you put a line though a resister. it should connecet to each node of it etc. may small things ltspice has that kicad doesnt.
09:41 AM LeoNerd: KiCad's definitely a bit smoother to operate once you're used to the keyboard presses for tools
09:49 AM LeoNerd: Thanks
09:50 AM antto: end the tool?
09:50 AM * antto puts nuxil's filthy finger on the Esc key
09:50 AM antto: ;P~
09:52 AM nuxil: no pls- im a creature of habbits. i resent new stuff :p
09:53 AM antto: ending the tool is similar to librecad
09:53 AM antto: there you hit Esc to get back too
09:54 AM antto: last time i used ltspice.. it was not funny
09:54 AM antto: and that was before i was using to KiCad
09:54 AM antto: making a schematic in falstad was "better" than in ltspice
10:55 AM nuxil: so i want something to adjust the signal offset comming from my atmega going though a inverting OpAmp. i dont want to use Pot's for this. i want a digital way.
10:55 AM nuxil: a hackish way came to my mind was to use a pwm output from the atmega.
10:56 AM nuxil: but i also found this https://www.elfadistrelec.no/Web/Downloads/_t/ds/MCP4131-103Exx_eng_tds.pdf
10:56 AM nuxil: but i have no experiance with digital pots
10:56 AM nuxil: anyone of you used them bedore ?
10:58 AM nuxil: its microshit so idk :p
11:00 AM LeoNerd: Or you could use a digital pot or external DAC
11:00 AM LeoNerd: There's some nice little ones
11:01 AM nuxil: i need to be able to controll it. since i want the offset to be shown on my display, "when it arrives." but i guess i could just use a analoge pin on the atmega for that
11:02 AM nuxil: to see how much its off :p
11:06 AM nuxil: i must say.. i find these spi pots intresting. and they are rather cheap about 1€ at, Elfa Distrelect, and they are know to be expencive :p
11:06 AM nuxil: i wounder if i should order some
11:07 AM LeoNerd: Yah they're handy to have around
11:07 AM LeoNerd: If you just need an analog signal you can put the pot between some reference and ground, but it's literally actually a pot so you can do more interesting things with it too
11:09 AM nuxil: 1/2 tax this month.. so i have extra money to spare :p downside shooping at Elfa is that i need to shop for about 100bucks to get free shipping. so i need to see what else i need to fill up on :p
11:10 AM nuxil: ofc i can order at 1/4 the price on ebay. but wait 1 til 2 montns until they arrive :p
11:10 AM LeoNerd: I recently find chips are actually more expensive on eBay
11:10 AM LeoNerd: I want some MCP23009s, little I²C GPIO expander
11:12 AM nuxil: they are cheap too
11:12 AM nuxil: on elfa
11:12 AM nuxil: 9.24kr o.O
11:12 AM nuxil: i find it cheap :p idk if it is
11:13 AM nuxil: that was MCP2003 tho :p
11:14 AM nuxil: hmm https://www.elfadistrelec.no/no/communication-ic-pdip-18-microchip-mcp23008/p/30046589?q=MCP23009&page=4&origPos=4&origPageSize=50&simi=87.13
11:15 AM nuxil: jup.. going on my shopping list too. :p
12:31 PM Ameisen: Why aren't there any boards that are both faster _and_ have more memory (or the same memory) as an atmega2560
12:31 PM Ameisen: seems odd that there's no 20MHz board that's objectively better than the 2560
12:35 PM nuxil: ATmega1284P?
12:35 PM nuxil: 16,384
12:38 PM Casper: Ameisen: define better?
12:39 PM nuxil: Ameisen, 1284p has less flash but more ram and can aslo run at 20mips
12:40 PM nuxil: 2560 only does 16mips according to datasheet.
12:42 PM nuxil: also.. i agree with Casper. define better.. better may be less in manycases :p
01:03 PM Casper: I have a feeling that he don't even know
01:31 PM rue_mohr: they use the same instruction set
01:31 PM rue_mohr: the datasheet does not reflect the clock rate of the part the number after the - does
01:31 PM rue_mohr: -16 = 16Mhz
01:31 PM rue_mohr: -20 = 20Mhz
01:32 PM rue_mohr: -40 = 40Mhz
01:32 PM rue_mohr: how much did he overclock those tiny85 to do the video?
01:32 PM polprog: an avr that runs at 40M by default?
01:35 PM Casper: not by default, stock
01:35 PM polprog: i meant "can run"
01:36 PM Casper: and atmega is 20MHz max, but you have the atmega32...
01:36 PM Casper: or is it atxmega... whatever
01:36 PM polprog: yeah, haven't played with those
01:37 PM Casper: digikey say the atxmega32 is 32MHz
01:37 PM Casper: so probably no -40
01:52 PM rue_mohr: the stm32 runs up to 72Mhz
01:52 PM rue_mohr: few more cycles/insruction tho
02:22 PM antto: xmegas can run at 32MHz
02:22 PM antto: ..have moar ram
02:22 PM antto: they are bett0r
02:23 PM rue_mohr: and are completely pointless inteh light of arm processors
02:24 PM rue_mohr: I really thinkt hat if you need more than a dedicated io controller, use an arm
02:28 PM Jartza: nuxil: no displays today either?
02:34 PM antto: rue_mohr >:/
02:34 PM rue_mohr: sorry, I think xmega is the betamax of midrange processors
02:34 PM * antto stuffs an stm32 into rue_mohr's sandwich
02:35 PM polprog: betamax, that's a name i havent heard in a long time
02:35 PM rue_mohr: turnt eh lights on, that my breakfast cerial
02:35 PM antto: i'm not even sorry
02:36 PM rue_mohr: I dont think that there is any point in ANYTHING (motorola, whatever) other than arm for midrange processors
02:36 PM rue_mohr: its all over the place
02:36 PM rue_mohr: its the thing, the race is over
02:38 PM rue_mohr: like when arduino came out, that made avr the thing, pics kept withering
02:39 PM polprog: but you have people with experience in one CPU family... and valid SDK licences ;)
02:40 PM rue_mohr: ?
02:40 PM rue_mohr: I started at 6502, went to z80, x86, 68xx 8051 avr and arm
02:41 PM polprog: yeah i know, but some people just refuse to change their habits,
02:41 PM polprog: yet they got engineering jobs
02:44 PM rue_mohr: thats cause they dont have time to play, they cant chnage direction for their life
02:45 PM antto: playing around requires time
02:45 PM antto: and there are no guarantees
02:45 PM antto: explain that to my boss
02:46 PM antto: so if you're stuck with 8bit.. xmega is bett0r
02:46 PM polprog: dont worry, i had to explain python to a guy who has been doing every possible thing with VB macros ever since it came out
02:46 PM polprog: it was amazing what he did in it
02:46 PM antto: you might be amazed if i showed you my stuff written in mIRC scripts
02:47 PM antto: ;P~
02:48 PM polprog: unfortunately i got into linux before i got into IRC so i had no chance to try mIRC. but i've heard a lot of great stuff about it ;)
02:49 PM nuxil: Jartza, nop. i think they will arrive next year :p
02:49 PM antto: i have a desire to do audio synthesis on some 32bit chip with floating point support.. but it looks hard
02:49 PM polprog: sounds like a cool project
02:50 PM rue_mohr: wavetables were done in the 80's
02:50 PM antto: that's not the hard stuff
02:50 PM rue_mohr: voices?
02:50 PM nuxil: antto, there are many examples you can use. look at tinytune. DDS v1 or v2 and just scale it up :p
02:51 PM antto: i started off playing with digital audio synthesis on the computer
02:51 PM nuxil: tinytune supports voices
02:51 PM antto: so i know my sh*t
02:51 PM rue_mohr: ... how high freq can any midi controller go?
02:51 PM antto: the hard stuff is glueing a baremetal cpu with the required stuff to get realtime audio going
02:51 PM nuxil: only about 8khz iirc
02:51 PM nuxil: for tinytune.
02:52 PM rue_mohr: I wonder how hard it would be to interface with a isa mpu401
02:52 PM rue_mohr: aren't they via a serial connection anyhow?
02:52 PM rue_mohr: usr/src/linux-headers-4.9.0-3-686-pae/include/config/snd/mpu401
02:52 PM rue_mohr: hmmm
02:54 PM rue_mohr: complete overkill for a dds tho
02:55 PM antto: rue_mohr a midicontroller doesn't go high or low or anywhere in frequency
03:04 PM Jartza: nuxil: that's sad :(
03:53 PM nuxil: Jartza, jup. i knew it would take some time, but didnt expect that stuff from china would take less time than my neighbor country :p
03:54 PM nuxil: i was mesuring lots of axial resitors lasy night. wish i had a meter like this.
03:54 PM nuxil: http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=kSmiDzbVt_U&p=n#/1478;1499
04:05 PM polprog: automated ofc
04:12 PM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
04:30 PM nuxil: creating that box in his hand inst hard. but if you dont got a meter that does datalogging no point in doing that unless you got a 2nd person writing down the values :p
04:35 PM polprog: lower the unemployment rates!
05:07 PM nuxil: haha
05:31 PM rue_mohr: ? just read them?
11:01 PM _ami_: any recomendations on learning FPGA programming? I prefer verilog. did program a bit using icraus-verilog. bought this board recently: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/FPGA-development-board-ALTERA-Cyclone-IV-EP4CE-four-generations-SOPC-NIOSII-send-send-remote-control-to/32691369830.html. waiting for it to arrive.
11:01 PM _ami_: is it really hard to setup toolchain for this fpga board on arch linux?
11:02 PM _ami_: i shall do it when i got the board. should not think about it now.
11:02 PM _ami_: get*
11:06 PM rue_mohr: ^^^ ditto me
11:07 PM rue_mohr: oh I checked up on one of them, cant remember the brand, but it needed 64 bit linux
11:07 PM rue_mohr: I only run 32
11:09 PM _ami_: rue_mohr, luckily i do have 64 bit linux on 64 bit system. :)
11:09 PM _ami_: you still use 32 bit machine? :O
11:10 PM rue_mohr: no, I use 32 bit os
11:11 PM _ami_: why?
11:11 PM rue_mohr: cause the 64 bit stuff is generally less memory efficient and just not as happy
11:12 PM rue_mohr: I wonder what percentage of memory space on a computer at any given time is just memory pointers?
11:12 PM rue_mohr: I'd bet its crazy
11:12 PM rue_mohr: huh
11:12 PM _ami_: rue_mohr, ah, i see your point.
11:13 PM _ami_: but its bit crazy to not use 64 bit os just because ptr size on this is double of 32 bit os :)
11:13 PM rue_mohr: I'm not saying 64 bits existance isn't justified, but its not required for anything I do
11:13 PM rue_mohr: will 64bit linux run 32 bit programs?
11:14 PM rue_mohr: put them in a pen or soemthing?
11:14 PM _ami_: rue_mohr, you have the same board which i ordered?
11:15 PM rue_mohr: I can see how a web browser needs 64 bits, they need more than 32bit addressing for all the memory they use
11:15 PM rue_mohr: _ami_, I was looking at...
11:16 PM rue_mohr: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Altera-MAX-II-EPM240-CPLD-Development-Board-Experiment-Board-Learning-Breadboard/32790663190.html
11:16 PM rue_mohr: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/altera-Mini-Usb-Blaster-Cable-For-CPLD-FPGA-NIOS-JTAG-Altera-Programmer/2038559613.html
11:16 PM rue_mohr: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3-3V-50MHz-CPLD-Development-Board-Core-Board-Module-JTAG-USB-LED-LDO-MAX3000-EPM3064/32720191932.html
11:16 PM rue_mohr: those
11:17 PM _ami_: i had to choose between spartan 6 vs this board.. i decided to purchase this since spartan-6 is not supported by latest xinlix softwares.
11:17 PM rue_mohr: kinda standing on the edge, need someone to give me a push
11:17 PM _ami_: and altera is now Intel FPGA
11:18 PM _ami_: so i guess they would have better support for linux in future
11:19 PM _ami_: rue_mohr, https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Altera-MAX-II-EPM240-CPLD-Development-Board-Experiment-Board-Learning-Breadboard/32790663190.html => this is CPLD
11:20 PM _ami_: which is not exactly FPGA AFAIK
11:20 PM rue_mohr: nope but its still awesome coolness
11:21 PM _ami_: because it has non-voltatile storage ?
11:21 PM rue_mohr: cause its a pile of fast logic gates that you can make go zing.
11:22 PM _ami_: rue_mohr, how do you program these? HDL? verilog?
11:24 PM rue_mohr: I wish I had a tutor
11:24 PM rue_mohr: there is an fpga workgroup in vancouver
11:24 PM rue_mohr: I been hoping they work out so I can learn
11:25 PM _ami_: i wish if i have lived close to sabor :)
11:26 PM rue_mohr: I want to program 16V22's, i wish I had stuff
11:26 PM rue_mohr: maybe I should craigslist
11:31 PM _ami_: rue_mohr, cool. does that workshop free? or paid one?
11:32 PM rue_mohr: no idea
11:32 PM rue_mohr: are...
11:32 PM rue_mohr: are you in vancouver?
11:32 PM _ami_: no no..
11:32 PM rue_mohr: ah
11:32 PM _ami_: i was just asking..
11:33 PM rue_mohr: its a group, I dont know what the status of it is anymore
11:33 PM _ami_: i live in a place where 1% of population only know english. :P so its really hard to know whats happening around :/
11:36 PM _ami_: i needed some cheap fpga board to start my journey.
11:37 PM _ami_: i could have bought 100$ board but then it put pressure on me to learn :)
11:37 PM _ami_: 35$ is a lot less
11:37 PM _ami_: lets see how it goes.
11:54 PM day__ is now known as day