#avr Logs

Dec 15 2017

#avr Calendar

12:09 AM nabil: got the following https://pastebin.com/icbaeYG5
12:12 AM nabil: when loading code into an atmega32u4 with spi
12:12 AM nabil: I entered y to revert back
12:12 AM nabil: but now its been 13min since I've done that
12:12 AM nabil: and nothing changed
12:31 AM nuxil: nabil, no.. recheck your connections and retry
12:32 AM Casper: also
12:33 AM Casper: double check that those fuses ain't the reserved ones that reset back
12:33 AM Casper: but it does look like a loose connection
12:33 AM Casper: or a clock issue
04:13 AM nohit_: morning
06:54 AM Jartza: nuxil: did the displays arrive yet?
06:55 AM nuxil: not yet.
06:55 AM nuxil: mail gets delivered at around 1500 ish at my address. i will check then. but i think it will get here next week.
06:56 AM nuxil: + no mail delivery on saturday and sunday
06:57 AM Jartza: yea, no delivery on weekends here either
06:57 AM Jartza: also, not on tuesdays, haha :D
07:00 AM nuxil: the mail system in norway if fucked up.. in the old days. there was dedicated buildings for post/mail, now its just spread around all the place. in supermarkets, in small stores etc. its just retarded.
07:01 AM Jartza: just same as in finland
07:01 AM Jartza: nobody sends letters these days, just packages ordered online
08:22 AM polprog: in poland there is a second, private mail operator
08:23 AM polprog: some time ago they won a contract for delivering court mail to people
08:24 AM polprog: they had this kind of decentralized (pick up your mail at a pick up point instead of sending mailmen) system
08:24 AM polprog: people were furious cos court/govt mail is a big deal, if it gets lost, or anything
08:25 AM polprog: some pickup ponts were in sex shops :P
08:25 AM polprog: i think the national post service now operates this
08:26 AM polprog: "xD" has been selected as the youth word of the year in Poland
08:36 AM kl0wn: awful
08:40 AM polprog: idont even use this, it's cancer
08:40 AM polprog: actually they made a poll
08:42 AM polprog: you can hear people on the street, literally saying "ecksdee"
08:50 AM rue_mohr: hah
01:52 PM Jartza: polprog: unfortunately in Finland there are people saying "äksdee" to jokes, without even smiling
03:17 PM polprog: Jartza: that's the same way here
03:17 PM polprog: no smiling at all
03:36 PM Emil: polprog: how behind in online trends are your government people and people? :D
03:37 PM Emil: XD is like,
03:37 PM Emil: 15-20 years old :D
03:37 PM Emil: and if people say äksdee, it's always ironic
03:38 PM Emil: In Finland at least
03:46 PM polprog: sounds about right
03:46 PM polprog: Emil: https://repostuj.pl/upload/2017/09/04/ff7a0c5b-75f3-4d13-a871-72b4a80c6151.jpg
03:47 PM Emil: :DD
04:02 PM Emil: apua
04:02 PM Emil: feature creep is real
04:02 PM Emil: I'm writing a simple dump command
04:03 PM Emil: because hexdump is shite
04:03 PM Emil: It's already 160 lines of code and I have not a single line of the actual printing yet
04:03 PM polprog: argh
04:03 PM polprog: yeah i tried hexdump
04:03 PM Emil: and now I'm beginning to build data structures
04:03 PM Emil: that are way overkill for this :D
04:04 PM polprog: for some reason with the right (ascii) col disabled, it printed the bytes in *reverse order*
04:04 PM polprog: and i was like wtf the magic number is reversed
04:04 PM polprog: lol
04:04 PM polprog: simple emacs hexdump shown them in the right order, meaning first byte first :P
04:05 PM polprog: also never got the pattern coloring to work
04:05 PM polprog: bleh
04:48 PM polprog: goodnight!
04:48 PM polprog: ill have a play with this tomorrow: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc771672(v=ws.11).aspx#BKMK_Vista
06:08 PM Emil: polprog: emil.fi/bashwin
06:08 PM Emil: it's a tad out of date since nowadays you install it from the store
06:09 PM Emil: But the functionality that's possible to build with that is greate
06:09 PM Emil: great*
07:29 PM Evidlo[m]: Can I use a usbasp for debugwire on a tiny?
07:52 PM Emil: yes and no
07:52 PM Emil: no in that not without modding the firmware
08:45 PM Evidlo[m]: so what do you need to use debugwire? Is it not just a UART?
08:45 PM Evidlo[m]: I know the tiny's don't have a proper UART, but maybe some special hardware is on the die for debugging?
08:50 PM Evidlo[m]: I'm surprised that I can't find anything about using gdb with debugwire
09:29 PM Emil: Evidlo[m]: because dW is Atmel's attempt at shite poropietari debug protocol
09:30 PM Emil: I don't know if any free software actually supports it
09:30 PM Emil: The avr dragon does
09:30 PM Emil: At least
09:35 PM Smuckerz is now known as YouCantCmyMsgs
09:35 PM YouCantCmyMsgs is now known as ITSslashNICK
09:36 PM ITSslashNICK is now known as ToChangeURnick
09:36 PM ToChangeURnick is now known as Smuckerz
09:46 PM Smuckerz is now known as RandomJamofJar
09:47 PM RandomJamofJar is now known as Smuckerz
09:47 PM Smuckerz is now known as RandomJamofJar
11:09 PM day__ is now known as daey