#avr Logs

Dec 10 2017

#avr Calendar

03:25 AM rue_bed: we just narrowly avoided that one people, I expect a better team effort next time!
04:31 AM wondiws: anyone in here?
04:33 AM cehteh: when you have a question, just ask
04:33 AM cehteh: i mean the real question, not if anyone is here, or someone knows about something or somesuch
04:34 AM wondiws: I don't quite get these LUFA examples, right now I'm busy with the Keyboard example
05:33 AM nuxil: and "i dont quite get these lufa exmples" isnt any more helpfull. be more spesific what you dont get. not that i can help you tho :p
05:36 AM nuxil: besides. a lufa belongs to the shower/bathroom. not in a avr :p
05:36 AM nuxil: just kidding :)
05:44 AM wondiws: nuxil, it is probably the most popular USB library for AVR
05:45 AM nuxil: im sure it is.. vusb seems popular too. but i have no idea. i dont mess around with usb stuff
10:12 AM dan3wik is now known as dan2wik
01:46 PM nohitzzz is now known as nohitz
02:32 PM rue_mohr: lufa lost its head and went insane, its been there ever since
02:33 PM rue_mohr: where is whats his name anyhow?
02:33 PM nuxil: hu?
02:34 PM rue_mohr: dean
02:34 PM nohitz is now known as nohitzzzzzz
02:35 PM rue_mohr: he used to hang out here, then got pickup up by atmel and dissapeared, then they let him go and he was working for someone else
02:35 PM rue_mohr: and lufa was left spinning in the dust
02:35 PM polprog: dean camera?
02:35 PM rue_mohr: yea
02:35 PM rue_mohr: I cant remmeber his nick
02:36 PM rue_mohr: tahts it
02:36 PM rue_mohr: abcminiuser
02:36 PM polprog: i think i used to read his tutorials
02:37 PM polprog: do you happen to know why lambda is not here anymore?
02:37 PM rue_mohr: no
02:37 PM rue_mohr: whos he?
02:37 PM polprog: he used to hang out here
02:37 PM nuxil: maybe atmel policy is . dont hang around the "loosers|us" :p maybe thats why he not around anymore.
02:37 PM rue_mohr: I nkow
02:38 PM nuxil: just kidding
02:38 PM rue_mohr: atmel would have been regressing into microchip
02:38 PM rue_mohr: so lots of non-fat trimming
02:38 PM nuxil: so.. no future for atmel?
02:39 PM rue_mohr: and now its microchip, so, there is no hobbist support (no, I dont think they ever learned anything)
02:39 PM polprog: there's arduino, i think you could say it's a major player
02:39 PM polprog: but with it's hal you can implement next arduino on an stm or msp430
02:39 PM rue_mohr: microchip has repeatedly screwed over the hobbist market, so I'm moving to stm32
02:39 PM polprog: since the hal is veery apbstract
02:40 PM rue_mohr: but I still love avrs
02:40 PM nuxil: how did they screw over the hobbist market ?
02:40 PM nuxil: i mean. have anything major changed since atmel was boughup ?
02:40 PM rue_mohr: it'll happen
02:40 PM nuxil: i dont think so..
02:41 PM polprog: tbh for me switching over to learn stm32 is a case of buying some dev board and stlink
02:41 PM rue_mohr: things take like 5 yeras
02:41 PM nuxil: well time will tell.
02:41 PM polprog: so i can switch if i wanted to - though avrs seem very comfortable for me
02:41 PM rue_mohr: polprog, I got a setup alrady, but its quite 2002-avr vintage
02:41 PM polprog: rue_mohr: what do you mean?
02:41 PM rue_mohr: everything isn't quite togethor properly for stm32
02:42 PM rue_mohr: the toolchains aren't organized properly or unified yet
02:42 PM rue_mohr: everyone and their cousin is making stm32 libraries
02:42 PM nuxil: lol
02:42 PM rue_mohr: at this point its impossable to tel exactly which one will prevail
02:42 PM nuxil: that will be a mess
02:43 PM rue_mohr: it seems to be down to about 2 or 3
02:43 PM rue_mohr: prycon avrlib was nice, but you dont hear about it now (I think it was most of the grounds for arduino)
02:44 PM nuxil: prycon ?
02:44 PM nuxil: what was for ?
02:45 PM rue_mohr: it was basically all the stuff that arduino can do without an ide to do it in
02:45 PM rue_mohr: all the libraries for running everything
02:45 PM nuxil: ok.
02:45 PM polprog: all in all, it's all just a CPU executing a serie of opcodes. doesnt matter if it's an avr, pic, stm or whatever
02:45 PM rue_mohr: like I say, I think they took it and made arduino from it
02:46 PM nuxil: polprog, is pic risc based ?
02:47 PM polprog: what was the basic stamp based on?
02:47 PM polprog: nuxil: probably yes
02:47 PM nuxil: i heard that pic is slower than avr's when it comes to nr of instructions it can do per clock cycle. but idk. never messed with pic.
02:48 PM Emil: polprog: but some mcus do it better and easier!
02:48 PM Emil: nuxil: the word rue_mohr was looking for is HAL
02:48 PM Emil: Hardware Abtraction Layer
02:48 PM nuxil: :)
02:48 PM polprog: Emil: yeah, in theory you could make an abrduino like thingy (hw wise) with 8086 as well
02:49 PM rue_mohr: PICs take 4 cycles/instruction
02:49 PM rue_mohr: avrs take 1
02:49 PM nuxil: well some take 2.
02:49 PM rue_mohr: so it takes a 4Mhz pic to try to match a 1Mhz avr
02:49 PM polprog: but apart from avr i dont know any other micro that you just hook up to vcc, gnd and reset and just go
02:49 PM rue_mohr: AND pics use paged memory, so if you program is bigger than 1 page, well, have fun with that
02:50 PM rue_mohr: AND (at the time) you would have to buy a PIC C compiler, so have all the fun you want, but have it in assembler.
02:50 PM polprog: i think z80 was as simple as that, except it needing an external, square clock
02:50 PM Emil: rue_mohr: and some take 3
02:51 PM Emil: also pics have pipelining
02:51 PM Emil: or some of them do
02:51 PM rue_mohr: oooh, and there was no open source programmer for a PIC for a long time, so you would have to pay microchip for one, $250 thanks
02:51 PM nuxil: o.O
02:51 PM nuxil: i dont like what im hearing
02:51 PM polprog: which would be beter than 8086 which iirc needed some special two clock line voodo
02:51 PM Emil: nuxil: point is, developing for PICs is made hard
02:51 PM rue_mohr: oooh, right then they introduced the A series, the 16F877 was COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE with the 16F877A, which you needed a COMPELTELY NEW TYPE of programmer (only available form microchip) for $500 thanks.
02:52 PM polprog: haha
02:52 PM rue_mohr: that was the breaking point for me
02:52 PM polprog: rue_mohr: so, what do you recommend after avrs?
02:53 PM polprog: not pics i guess ;P
02:53 PM rue_mohr: with avr I had more speed, no paging hastle if I wanted to code in assembly, but I could program it in C just the same, then port my code between...EVERYTHING
02:53 PM nuxil: i wait for the time the toolchain for avr also get proprietary and needs to be bougth :\
02:53 PM rue_mohr: stm32 looks like the forward for me
02:53 PM polprog: nuxil: it will not. unless the linux/foss one
02:54 PM polprog: you cant just forbid writing a toolchain for a cpu
02:54 PM rue_mohr: at this point, the stm32 is too crazy powerfull for me to justify using on just about any project
02:54 PM polprog: see ReactOS, they made a clone of the NT kernel
02:54 PM polprog: rue_mohr: for me too. i specifically replaced some stm with an avr in my work project
02:55 PM rue_mohr: but I ahve an idea for having a few controlling an array of PID loops
02:55 PM rue_mohr: I dont think 8 PID loops would phase an stm32 at all
02:55 PM nuxil: polprog, you never know what they will be up to in the future. the hole thing may be locked down and use encryped uploading to the chip :p be hard to debug that
02:56 PM polprog: no, that's overkill
02:56 PM polprog: lol
02:56 PM polprog: unless you are making a slot machine mobo
02:56 PM rue_mohr: odd, my email to dean bounced back
02:56 PM nuxil: microchip will be like apple.. you can only buy stuff from them :p
02:57 PM rue_mohr: they have always tried to be that
02:58 PM rue_mohr: how do I know if I'm too sick to go to work?
02:58 PM rue_mohr: I suppose I try and if I'm useless I come home
03:00 PM nuxil: depends on your sickness. if its like a flew, some sort of virus. stay home so you dont infect your co-workers.
03:00 PM rue_mohr: seems to be an evil head cold
03:01 PM polprog: meh, ive caught something too
03:01 PM polprog: just before chrstmas, damnit
03:01 PM * rue_mohr tries to identify it thru the net
03:01 PM polprog: yahoo answers :D
03:01 PM nuxil: lol.
03:01 PM polprog: diagnosis: you're pregnant
03:02 PM rue_mohr: that could be a multitude of concerns depending on what sex you are
03:02 PM nuxil: https://assets-auto.rbl.ms/aba972036d8ef239fa6e6deb705dc806728a3883df769df8f6c50451088a0465
03:02 PM nuxil: :D
03:03 PM polprog: :P
03:03 PM rue_mohr: hah
03:03 PM polprog: i love this place ;) and irc
03:03 PM rue_mohr: Its prolly 15% right
03:07 PM nuxil: polprog, youre probably to young. but this is how we used to google in the old days :p https://thedailyblog.co.nz/2013/03/25/prehistoric-googling/
03:08 PM nuxil: :)
03:08 PM polprog: actually my primary school kept a catalogue like that ;)
03:08 PM Snert: you could meet a chick in the stacks.
03:08 PM nuxil: hehe, indeed
03:09 PM Snert: can't do that with google.
03:09 PM polprog: what i remember from that library is when we were hiding between the bookshelves playing duel masters cards ;)
03:09 PM nuxil: well. 90% of net is chicks. porn though :p
03:10 PM polprog: dont you know the rules? there are no chicks on the internet :^)
03:10 PM rue_mohr: no, before google there was metacrawler, and ftpsearch, they would go thru lots of other systems and give you REAL RESULTSnot stuff that dosn't have what you were looking for
03:10 PM polprog: this still works: http://archie.icm.edu.pl/archie-adv_eng.html
03:10 PM rue_mohr: ftpsearch was AWESOME
03:10 PM rue_mohr: ANY FILE, ANYWHERE
03:10 PM polprog: i was in their datacenter (20 min walk from my house)
03:10 PM nuxil: mmm. ftp
03:11 PM polprog: the admin is a cool guy ;)
03:11 PM nuxil: a lost protocole. not much in use today.
03:11 PM polprog: wore beach shorts and birkenstocks to work. also huge beard :D
03:12 PM polprog: i wonder what bbc microbit is based on
03:13 PM polprog: it seems to be very niche
03:23 PM nuxil: time to debug some crap. still trying to get tinytune to work properly with stopsong and playsongrepeated.
03:24 PM nuxil: i been in email with the author of the lib. gave him my 1/2 working code, he commited it to github in proper format and ""correctly working""..
03:24 PM nuxil: but he commits it to the other library DuinoTune, not Tinytune.
03:24 PM nuxil: he then tells me to donwload the Durino stuff and use it instead since tinytune is to be depricated.
03:24 PM nuxil: But the new lib inst working :(
03:24 PM nuxil: so im sitting here looking at the diff of the two files and scratching my head
03:25 PM nuxil: https://www.diffchecker.com/on6R4b1Z
03:25 PM nuxil: left working one. right not working one,
03:25 PM nuxil: his commit . https://github.com/blakelivingston/DuinoTune/commit/801a703cbd23f8e168f253dd4d8afdf1c97485de :)
03:26 PM nuxil: man.. why do people make stuff in this durino crap :( makes me sad.
03:31 PM Jartza: durino? "he runs forward"? :)
03:33 PM nuxil: lol.ment Duino
03:33 PM polprog: dweeny
03:35 PM nuxil: i see the ISR is changed. and some other stuff. i guess thats why.
03:51 PM polprog: night
04:01 PM rue_mohr: in general nothing arduino works
04:02 PM rue_mohr: but some stuff apears to work enought hat people are happy with it
04:10 PM nuxil: why does the compile give me a warning when i put a function delaration in my header like void foo();
04:10 PM nuxil: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype [-Wstrict-prototypes] | void foo()
04:10 PM nuxil: but is ok with
04:11 PM nuxil: void foo(void);
04:17 PM nuxil: oh..
04:17 PM nuxil: manual :p
04:17 PM nuxil: need to spesify arument types :p
04:17 PM nuxil: with -Wstrict-prototypes
09:53 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
11:13 PM day__ is now known as daey
11:20 PM Cheaterman: Ohai buddiez I hope y'all doing goodie ^__^
11:20 PM Cheaterman: I'm using ATmega168: http://www.atmel.com/Images/Atmel-9365-Automotive-Microcontrollers-ATmega88-ATmega168_Datasheet.pdf
11:20 PM Cheaterman: See table 6-3 page 25, regarding CKSEL fuse bits
11:20 PM Cheaterman: I set mine to 100 accidentally
11:21 PM Cheaterman: Am I FUBAR?
11:21 PM Cheaterman: (well "was I FUBAR?" - I already re-soldered a UC onto that board)
11:21 PM Cheaterman: (This is on a PCB, and UC is wired to 10MHz crystal)
11:23 PM Cheaterman: Extra question for fun: if I had accidentally set it to 101 instead, was I still FUBAR?
11:23 PM Cheaterman: (I don't know how maximal these maximum frequencies are)
11:24 PM Tom_L: http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/
11:25 PM Cheaterman: Thanks Tom_L :-) I'm using that, I just accidentally mixed extended and low fuses
11:34 PM Cheaterman: But alright I imagine that means I couldn't do anything