#avr Logs

Dec 06 2017

#avr Calendar

02:45 AM nux_ is now known as nuxil
02:59 AM _Patang is now known as Patang
04:07 AM polprog: morning
04:12 AM nohitzzz: morning
04:17 AM inflex: hello all
04:17 AM inflex: Been a while since I've done AVR stuff, did a HID keyboard for YouTube broadcasting scene switching the other night... nice to do it so easy
04:19 AM polprog: inflex: followwd any toturial or docs for that hid keyboard?
04:21 AM inflex: polprog, used the v-usb HID template
04:29 AM nuxil: mornings
04:30 AM nuxil: what chip did you use ?
04:30 AM nuxil: @inflex
04:31 AM polprog: you dint hav to use @ on irc
04:32 AM polprog: most clients hilight the message when the nick's the first word
04:32 AM polprog: i set up mine so it highlights messages when my nic is anywhere in the sentncs
04:32 AM nuxil: old habbit
04:32 AM polprog: where did it come from?
04:33 AM nuxil: idk
04:33 AM nuxil: email
05:10 AM polprog: https://i.redd.it/fxzups0f45201.jpg
05:10 AM polprog: lol
05:12 AM inflex: nuxil, Atmega48
05:12 AM inflex: Sorry, I was in the workshop working on a laptop
05:15 AM inflex: the code is modified from the original mega8 and also to suit what I was doing (radio-buttons & toggles )
05:15 AM inflex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dn2XByjcJVI https://github.com/inflex/obs-switcher
05:16 AM polprog: mmm cherries
05:33 AM nux_ is now known as nuxil
05:48 AM mcastillo: Hello, the topic of this channel says "... and stm32?...". What does this mean? can I talk related to STM32? do you know another channel more suited?
05:49 AM nuxil: talk all you want
05:49 AM LeoNerd: I think that's more a reference to the fact that folks often talk about STM32 in here /anyway/
05:49 AM LeoNerd: There doesn't seem to be a better place
05:50 AM LeoNerd: In any case, the channel's been very quiet the past couple of hours, so sure, go ahead
05:51 AM mcastillo: OK. I'm using STM32cubeMX to generate a HAL. I need to read and write in a GPIO pin. Hence I need to be switching the GPIO pin mode. can that be achieved, right?
05:52 AM mcastillo: I have been looking for a function to do that in stm32l0xx_hal_gpio.h, but I can't find one
06:20 AM inflex: polprog, sadly the cherry switches supplied weren't to my taste, so ordered some blue ones. Additionally annoying is that the Sparkfun footprint for them had the LED holes 0.05" too close to the center :(
11:02 AM * polprog is giving an express C/C++ tutorial over messenger right now
11:02 AM polprog: looks like people ask even when im not at school this day ;)
11:55 AM nux_ is now known as nuxil
11:58 AM nuxil: polprog, is it just like hello world program in these lessons your doing? you posted a screenshot yesterday of a simple C program getting some user inputs?
12:10 PM polprog: yes
12:11 PM polprog: basically this
12:11 PM polprog: https://scontent-amt2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/24740761_1438617736258199_413081269_n.jpg?oh=49b96541230d5e2328562ed7b2715a0a&oe=5A29F8CA
12:19 PM nuxil: oh well. have fun
12:19 PM nuxil: i wouldnt :p
12:21 PM nuxil: unless its babes you comes and ask for help, but i bet its mostly dudes :p
12:24 PM nuxil: polprog, stop wasting time on helping to much with this nonesenss and get on with your own projects.
12:24 PM nuxil: how old are these people?
12:24 PM nuxil: to be blunt, by the age of 16+ they should already be familiar on how to write basic "hello world" apps.
12:26 PM twnqx: i know 30+ who had their first programming contacts, and everyone is worth some initial support.
12:26 PM polprog: nuxil: 1) it's babes, 2) i did a lot today, set up apache on a netbsd VM
12:26 PM twnqx: i gave some distant friend-of-friend some pm2 sensor as a "birthday present" because i had one spare, and he was so proud of getting it to work...
12:27 PM polprog: nuxil: by the age of 16+ they should already be familiar on how to write basic "hello world" apps
12:27 PM nuxil: yea we all start with this hello world nonesens. but for most people who like to program. it comes in a eary age. i would even say at 16 your late :p
12:27 PM polprog: that's a common misconception, with the schooling system here
12:27 PM twnqx: me too, but it's never too late to start
12:27 PM polprog: and i'm 17, actually 18 in may ;)
12:28 PM twnqx: i am - kind of - envious. i feel too old too often.
12:28 PM nuxil: hehe
12:29 PM polprog: also, what else would i do rn... sit on irc?
12:29 PM polprog: that doesnt take much time :P
12:29 PM twnqx: having babes around you is not wrong.
12:29 PM polprog: mm
12:29 PM twnqx: but over chat... well.
12:29 PM nuxil: polprog, flirt with them :)
12:30 PM polprog: ikr
12:36 PM merethan_: What is the difference between bool and Bool? (Plz note the capital.)
12:36 PM LeoNerd: Isn't one a C++ism?
12:37 PM nuxil: polprog, so in may you will have some http://www.gafollowers.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Nerd-Alert-620x413.jpg ??
12:37 PM polprog: "pseudo pilsner"
12:38 PM nuxil: :)
12:38 PM polprog: wtf, is it like alcohol free beer?
12:39 PM nuxil: no idea
12:41 PM nuxil: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8724349/difference-between-bool-and-bool-types-in-c ?
12:41 PM nuxil: does that answer the question ?
12:47 PM nuxil: merethan_, where do you see this ?
12:48 PM merethan_: Atmel Studio has a typedef in compiler.h
12:49 PM merethan_: Bool translates to unsigned char
12:49 PM merethan_: But why, if thereĀ“s compiler native bool?
12:49 PM nuxil: but there isnt really bool datatype for C . best of make your own bool by using a char and change the bitfields as needed.
12:50 PM nuxil: are you doing c++?
12:50 PM merethan_: Yes
12:50 PM * nuxil hides
12:50 PM merethan_: Ya we had some trouble with heap fragmentation ;)
12:51 PM nuxil: c++ to complex for my tiny little brain
12:55 PM nuxil: who needs C++ and its classes anyway when you can abuse structs and unions :p
04:08 PM Ameisen: Is there a way in an optimized build to get a readout of what functions were not inlined - that is, what possible call paths still exist within the program that actually perform function calls?
04:18 PM antto: there's -Winline iirc
04:18 PM antto: sort off
04:36 PM Emil: Ameisen: highly likely behind some obscure flag
06:05 PM A001 is now known as Guest90920
08:19 PM rue_mohr: ~only a macro will asure inline code~
09:16 PM absynth is now known as dan2wik
11:18 PM day__ is now known as daey