#avr Logs

Nov 25 2017

#avr Calendar

01:09 AM cehteh: mmh
01:16 AM rue_mohr: pls spam to not@likley.com
01:17 AM rue_mohr: its not me, but I'm sure they would appreciate more
01:26 AM cehteh: tell enh to get a bouncer :D
04:30 AM polprog: please send all spam to me to 1-888-hpfaxme
04:56 AM rue_mohr: well I hope I start getting packages from aliepxress, casue when I dont, I keep buying stuff
05:48 AM nuxil: rue_mohr, needs new toys to play with :p
05:52 AM nuxil: i want to buy more stuff too.
05:53 AM nuxil: reccomended rgb led stip where i can controll individual led
05:53 AM nuxil: anyone?
05:54 AM nuxil: ws2812 ?
06:02 AM cehteh: pretty much yes
06:33 AM rue_shop3: I got one, havn't played with it yet
07:12 AM rue_mohr: heh, runt eh ttl serial direct into the data pin of a 74xx595
07:12 AM rue_mohr: have a T10 watch the data line also, and generate the clock/strobe pulses for the 595
07:13 AM rue_mohr: might try thtat with a t13
07:14 AM rue_bed: teeechnically, by the length of the its, you could pretty easily make it autobaud too
07:14 AM rue_bed: sweeet
07:34 AM enh: good afternoon!
07:35 AM polprog: afternoon!
07:36 AM polprog: i sent you a memo with my email since you were gone
07:37 AM cehteh: lol :D
07:37 AM cehteh: enh: just get a bouncer and stay on IRC
07:38 AM cehteh: enh: seen your video, that may work somewhat, but not as in real flying, for basic tests it should be ok
07:38 AM cehteh: and did you limit the height by stapping it down so that it cant crash into the ceiling?
07:39 AM cehteh: dont underestimate the power a copter may have, in the beginning i tried something similar and it ripped the rig apart :D
07:43 AM polprog: wow
07:44 AM cehteh: bbl
07:46 AM enh: cehteh: There is a 20kg water container holding it down
07:47 AM enh: This setup is just for testing the stabilization rules
07:47 AM enh: Hi polprog!
07:48 AM enh: I fixed the copter in that position. It can only change pitch and roll
07:48 AM enh: Thanks for watching it
07:49 AM enh: I should get a bouncer, or a virtual server to run an IRC client. I'll try to fix this
07:49 AM polprog: i got a virtual server so i can run other stuff on it
07:50 AM polprog: it used to serve mysql databse before i got a spare pc at home
07:51 AM enh: I'll probably get one on vultr. It is $5 USD/mo
07:51 AM enh: or less
07:51 AM nuxil: a bouncer ? whats that
07:52 AM polprog: it's a program that is between your client and the irc server
07:52 AM polprog: it looks like a client for the server and like a server foy your client
07:52 AM nuxil: oki. i see
07:55 AM polprog: there are some free bouncers out there
07:55 AM polprog: also you can host one if you have a server and dont want to go screen+irssi
07:55 AM polprog: ;)
07:56 AM enh: I tried IRSSI, but the learning curve seems long
07:57 AM * DusXMT disagrees
07:57 AM DusXMT: At least for me, all I use is a handful of commands
07:58 AM * DusXMT finds modern clients more daunting
07:58 AM enh: I currently use limechat. Quite simple
07:59 AM enh: But I prefer scriptable stuff
07:59 AM enh: Oh... Vultr has a server for 2.5 per month
08:01 AM enh: I really have to make this tricopter fly as soon as possible. My neighbour's sound system needs urgent bombing.
08:01 AM nuxil: hmm.
08:01 AM cehteh: go on :D
08:02 AM cehteh: grr .. starting raining again, just when i wanted to leave
08:02 AM enh: If the laser I bought was not 450nm I would point it there at night.
08:02 AM nuxil: but. there is really no need for a bouncer if the logs of this channel where public,
08:02 AM nuxil: but i guess the logs for this channel isnt public
08:02 AM cehteh: i dont like public logging
08:02 AM enh: This channel has no logs
08:04 AM nuxil: why not? @both of you
08:05 AM cehteh: because everything saied becomes googleable for all eternity
08:05 AM nuxil: yea and so ? its not like we are discussing child porn in here
08:06 AM cehteh: sometimes people joking around, making errors, or are just silly. you dont want to have that public
08:06 AM cehteh: imagine you have a interview for a job and the iterviewer googled your background before
08:06 AM enh: I'm a wanted person. Do not want interpol to know what I say here.
08:06 AM nuxil: cehteh, i see your point
08:07 AM nuxil: enh, i will keep quiet :p
08:07 AM enh: Thanks, nuxil
08:07 AM cehteh: see, imagine that now would be logged publically :D
08:08 AM enh: deep trouble
08:08 AM cehteh: <enh> brb, somone rang at my door ....
08:08 AM enh: please don't tell them I'm here.
08:09 AM enh: Good afternoon, Tom_L.
08:12 AM polprog: i tried many clients
08:12 AM polprog: including weechat, bitchx and xchat
08:12 AM polprog: meh
08:12 AM nuxil: xchat is depricated
08:13 AM nuxil: use hexchat now
08:13 AM polprog: i know
08:13 AM polprog: it wasnt back then
08:13 AM polprog: hexchat looks usable for me, but i already use irssi
08:13 AM enh: you use irssi too?
08:13 AM nuxil: i use hexchat. it was natrual for me to move on to it since i used xchat before
08:14 AM polprog: yeah
08:14 AM polprog: right now ;)
08:15 AM enh: It is a good exercise to setup all the services in a virtual server. It has been a long time since I last did it.
08:18 AM enh: I hate my neighbour's musical taste. Sh*t. How can somebody love that trash?
08:19 AM nuxil: lol what do you define as trash ?
08:20 AM enh: brazilian funk, for sure.
08:21 AM enh: Brazilian NE modern sh*t also
08:21 AM nuxil: heh. not my taste either
08:21 AM cehteh: Playing: http://16bitfm.com:8000/main_mp3_128
08:21 AM cehteh: :D
08:24 AM enh: much better, cehteh
08:55 AM nuxil: im falling asleep to dat
09:05 AM enh: Is it illegal to install a gun on a drone?
09:05 AM enh: :)
09:11 AM fooman2011: Hello. I'm trying to use this library https://github.com/adafruit/TinyWireM to use i2c with my attiny2313. But when I try to read a register of an RTC using i2c I get the error USI_TWI_MISSING_START_CON. Could you please tell me why I have this problem ?
09:42 AM cehteh: enh: depends on the country, but quite possibly
09:42 AM polprog: fooman2011: my guess would be you did not send start condition
09:42 AM cehteh: while with your copter design, no one would notice when you add a potato gun
09:43 AM polprog: the inertia of the potato combined with the mass of the copter would thow it the opposite direction though
09:43 AM polprog: more like green pea gun
09:45 AM cehteh: yes, but should be dangerous enough
09:50 AM enh: Potato gun is a good idea
09:57 AM cehteh: now you know why i dont like public logged channels :D
10:08 AM enh: :)
10:08 AM enh: Just applied to Google Zurich
10:09 AM polprog: implying nobody has logging enabled in the client
10:16 AM cehteh: i saied public logging :D
10:16 AM cehteh: otherwise .. i'll keep my private logs HAHAHAHA
10:20 AM polprog: TIL you can drag vias and traces in kicad with ctrl+click, and shift disables snapping to pad/via center
10:24 AM polprog: but it doesnt work lol
11:35 AM w0bni: Is it not possible to update the column/page address of a SSD1306 OLED? It seems to work quite well, except for not wanting to change addresses
11:42 AM w0bni: Intuitively I'd think I am able to set columns 0-40, pages 0-2, write data to those, and then set columns 80-120, pages 0-2 and write to those as well
11:43 AM w0bni: but maybe I'm only allowed to set those once/at initialization and then have to keep track of the display contents and keep re-writing it every update?
12:43 PM nuxil: datasheet says it has Row Re-mapping and Column Re-mapping
01:14 PM w0bni: nuxil: oh wow. Finally found out I had messed up the data direction for the D/C pin
01:14 PM w0bni: that's... a lot of hours down the drain!
04:45 PM polprog: yay
04:45 PM polprog: my initial version of watch firmware is working
04:45 PM polprog: i got a led blinking at 1 hz
04:45 PM Tom_L: watch?
04:46 PM polprog: desk clock actually
04:52 PM polprog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSmckqwoPc4
04:53 PM enh: nice!
04:54 PM polprog: iirc that double led was scavenged from a dead ethernet card
04:54 PM polprog: those quartz are tiny
04:54 PM polprog: way smalles that i expected, but after all i bought the smallest ones
04:59 PM polprog: goodnight
05:53 PM fooman2011: Hello. I'm trying to use interrupt on my attiny2313. Here is my code: https://pastebin.com/btVVwjQd . I have a led on pin B4. I 'm trying to manually set HIGH or LOW level on pin B3 to trigger the interrupt. But no effect, the interrupt routine is never called. Could you please tell me what is wrong ?
05:56 PM Emil: do you call sei?
05:57 PM Emil: also
05:57 PM Emil: while(1); works
05:57 PM fooman2011: Yeah I call sei
05:57 PM fooman2011: while(1) {} is the same
05:57 PM Emil: yes
05:58 PM Emil: is your led the right way on?
05:58 PM Emil: Is it in the correct position
05:58 PM Emil: Do you have a resistor in series with the led?
05:58 PM fooman2011: yep, without interrupt is working
05:58 PM fooman2011: it is
06:05 PM Emil: Hmm
06:05 PM Emil: It should work
06:05 PM Emil: Try including io.h first?
06:05 PM fooman2011: ok I try this
06:10 PM Emil: Also you do want to use = most of the time
06:10 PM Emil: when configuring registers
06:10 PM Emil: they might have trash in them
06:11 PM Emil: instead of |= and &=
06:12 PM fooman2011: ok
06:32 PM robinak is now known as robink
06:51 PM enh: Imust say testing a tricopter with propellers is a very tense job
07:18 PM Emil: I
07:18 PM Emil: I...
07:18 PM Emil: I think I found a bug in GCC?
07:18 PM Emil: AVR-GCC
07:21 PM Emil: Noactually wait what
07:21 PM Emil: Is the issue with arduino?
07:21 PM Emil: Lulz
07:22 PM Emil: Arduino IDE
10:38 PM Ameisen: [17:57:40] <fooman2011> while(1) {} is the same
10:38 PM Ameisen: I prefer for (;;) {}
10:38 PM Emil: disgusting
10:39 PM anonnumberanon: anyone uses Avrstudio with Wine on Linux?
10:39 PM anonnumberanon: considering it
10:39 PM anonnumberanon: wondering about programmer compatibility because i have a really good really cheap one
10:39 PM anonnumberanon: would love if could use it like i do with avrdude
10:44 PM Tom_L: studio doesn't recognize odd programmers
11:00 PM rue_shop3: why would you use avr studio?
11:01 PM rue_shop3: use a good C editor and a good makefile, like the one I'll give you if you ask
11:11 PM anonnumberanon: i have good stuff already I'm interested in avrstudio for its simulator
11:11 PM amigojapan is now known as amigojapan_bnc
11:12 PM anonnumberanon: the functions on the right side of the screen particularly http://www.avrfreaks.net/sites/default/files/AVR1_0.png
11:13 PM anonnumberanon: that means I may not need to use an oscilloscope to debug my AVRs every time
11:14 PM Casper: simulator, to be frank, is useless as soon as you get something more than a led flasher
11:18 PM anonnumberanon: can I debug with the assembly file step by step and watch the program counter at the same time? that's what I though this could do
11:22 PM Casper: with a debugger you can
11:22 PM Casper: jtag or debugwire
11:22 PM Casper: and that is actually more interessing and usefull. never done it however. The advantage is that you can not only test your code, but check what actually happend with your other peripherical
11:23 PM Casper: which is often the issue: you need the rest of your hardware to be able to test anything
11:27 PM anonnumberanon: no you cannot stop the chip from running and make it run instruction by instruction with breakpoints with jtag or debugwire, seems useless
11:32 PM Casper: you can put breakpoints for sure
11:34 PM anonnumberanon: ...
11:34 PM anonnumberanon: it stops the processor/
11:34 PM anonnumberanon: ?
11:35 PM Casper: I beleive so, never used one, but from what I know it does
11:36 PM day__ is now known as daey
11:39 PM anonnumberanon: yeah
11:39 PM anonnumberanon: "Once the debug session is established, the core of the target is halted and the current execution position of the target is mapped to the code in the project."
11:48 PM rue_shop3: debug with an led and a scope, you wont interrupt the processor so much as to defeat what its doing while your debugging it
11:52 PM Casper: I debug with 115200 8n1
11:53 PM Casper: bonus point is that if I get garbage out, I know the stack is corrupted