#avr Logs

Oct 28 2017

#avr Calendar

12:26 AM day__ is now known as daey
01:12 AM day__ is now known as daey
07:45 AM cehteh: Ameisen: i know, but you can prune a lot permutations early, add some heuristics etc. and computers are insanely fast nowadays. think about using prolog as engine for that
07:49 AM * Lambda_Aurigae read that as "think about using polprog as engine for that"
07:55 AM cehteh: may work too :D .. bit slower but less headache for us
08:31 AM polprog: lol
12:02 PM rue_bed: #define IsHigh(BIT, PORT) (PORT & (1<<BIT)) != 0
12:02 PM rue_bed: #define IsLow(BIT, PORT) (PORT & (1<<BIT)) == 0
12:03 PM rue_bed: #define self_destruct_button_pushed() IsLow(4, PINE)
12:04 PM rue_bed: if (self_destruct_button_pushed()) selfDestructStart(now());
01:02 PM polprog: if(0 == 1) { uart_printf("Universe malfuctiondetected, destroying...\r\n"); selfDestructStart(now()); }
01:22 PM tpw_rules: polprog: https://markshroyer.com/2012/06/c-both-true-and-false/
01:36 PM Ameisen: cehteh - they may be faster, but you can't beat exponential time
01:37 PM cehteh: of course
01:37 PM Ameisen: a quantum machine could compile quickly
01:37 PM cehteh: haha
01:37 PM polprog: tpw_rules: interesting read
01:37 PM Ameisen: need enough cubits to represent the entire program though
01:37 PM cehteh: but exponential is not *that* bad, when N is not too big and you have time
01:38 PM cehteh: and pruning solutions early makes it already less than exponential
01:41 PM cehteh: somewhere i have a simple sodoku solver in prolog, made for someone as example, not optimized, still it can solve even complex sodokus reasonable fast
01:42 PM cehteh: thats what i would aim for, there are lot things which are hard to do by hand, but few seconds (or even up to hours) brute forcing will just do the job
02:11 PM polprog: cehteh: heard that you can solve any sudoku as long as there is at least 17 starting numbers "clues"
02:26 PM cehteh: ?
02:27 PM cehteh: you can solve any sodoku that is solveable :D
02:27 PM polprog: yeah, but in general if there are 17 clues the sudoku is always solvable
02:29 PM cehteh: http://public.pipapo.org/sudoku.yap
02:29 PM cehteh: that was it
02:29 PM cehteh: comented out on the bottom are some examples
02:31 PM polprog: yeah
04:11 PM day__ is now known as daey
09:37 PM JanC is now known as Guest74037
09:37 PM JanC_ is now known as JanC