#avr Logs

Oct 01 2017

#avr Calendar

12:03 AM Cracki_: bare metal, arduino?
12:06 AM Casper: aarcane: be sure that the alternate function isn't enabled somehow. If not then it is possible that you have a damaged avr
12:06 AM Cracki_: full text search for pc0 everywherre
12:06 AM Cracki_: there seem to be more functions on that pin or port
12:06 AM Cracki_: table 14-11 lists some
12:06 AM Cracki_: TWEN, PUD, ...
12:06 AM aarcane: Casper, actually, I eventually found a shorted pin... I took some solder wick to it and it's working now.
12:06 AM aarcane: Cracki_, the PUD stuff is Internal Pullup Disable
12:06 AM Cracki_: TWEN is i2c...
12:06 AM Cracki_: ic
12:06 AM aarcane: and TWI has to be enabled, and doesn't disable IO on the pin
12:06 AM Cracki_: is the pin perhaps fried?
12:06 AM Cracki_: oh right isn't, you verified that
12:06 AM Cracki_: then that's odd
12:06 AM aarcane: Cracki_, it was shorted. Solder wick.
12:06 AM aarcane: Cracki_, now it's working well enough
12:06 AM aarcane: Cracki_, but my relays aren't switching.
12:06 AM Cracki_: good :P
12:06 AM Cracki_: relay from pin, or relay from transistor from pin?
12:07 AM Cracki_: those pins can't source/sink so much current that a relay might switch
12:07 AM Cracki_: enough voltage too?
12:07 AM aarcane: relays are wired into a separate relay driver. relay driver is driven by a shift register.
12:07 AM Cracki_: I have relays here that were specd for 24V and they barely switch at 15V
12:07 AM Cracki_: ok
12:08 AM Cracki_: I'd probe the wires
12:26 AM aarcane: I'm doin' that now... well, technically, I'm probing the pins on the shift registers... but yeah. I have the oscilloscope plugged in and I'm probing the hell out of it.
12:28 AM Cracki_: get a cheap fx2lp-based logic analyzer. very convenient tool
12:28 AM Tom_L: is that saleae compatible?
12:28 AM Cracki_: "saleae logic" clone.
12:28 AM Cracki_: indeed it is
12:28 AM Cracki_: it's pulseview compatible too :P
12:28 AM Tom_L: is it also analog?
12:28 AM Cracki_: nope
12:28 AM Cracki_: there are clones of the analog capable saleae devices
12:28 AM Tom_L: i've got an old saleae and like it
12:28 AM Cracki_: there are also usbee thingies/clones that have 1-2 analog channels
12:29 AM Tom_L: some of the new ones are 10v analog
12:29 AM aarcane: I got a saleae logic analyzer here... but I don't have any good probe points, so it doesn't matter 'tf I use to probe it.
12:29 AM Cracki_: hehe
12:30 AM Cracki_: boss always solders bodge wire whiskers to strategic vias when we need something to grab on to
12:31 AM aarcane: My soldering iron is nice, but I can't seem to get a good damn connection to any of the pins or vias... I need a smaller tip, and I got a deadline of like... thursday.
12:31 AM Tom_L: flux pen
12:31 AM day__ is now known as daey
12:31 AM aarcane: Tom_L, tried it
12:31 AM aarcane: Tom_L, my skills just ain't up to snuff
12:31 AM Tom_L: practice
12:32 AM aarcane: Tom_L, that's plan B :P
12:33 AM Tom_L: solder a few hundred tqfp and you'll get good
12:33 AM aarcane: Tom_L, I was good enough to clear the solder bridge... but I'm not practiced enough to get a good attachment on these itty bitty pins and solder points yet. I can do a little drag soldering, but i can't touch individual pins yet :(
12:34 AM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/scope/scope1.jpg
12:34 AM Tom_L: get you one of those
12:34 AM aarcane: that's on the todo list, but not before the deadline
12:34 AM aarcane: I'll probably just work on some of the other functions of the chip
01:18 AM aarcane: le sigh, time to write the state machine ^,.,^
01:27 AM abcminiuser: Ok, who's eaten all of my USB programmers
01:28 AM aarcane: abcminiuser, so many bytes... I was hungry.
01:31 AM aarcane: abcminiuser, I have no words for how sorry I am.
01:31 AM aarcane: abcminiuser, I think I've a nibble or two left if you want some?
01:31 AM abcminiuser: ^%$#
01:31 AM abcminiuser: I hate having patches to test, and can't find the darn hardware to test them on...
01:31 AM abcminiuser: Tom_L, you got one of your programmers and an XMEGA board handy?
06:22 AM Emil: Hmm
06:23 AM Emil: Anyone know of a small signal transformer to transform mains to a signal?
06:23 AM Emil: so that I can differentiate between 230 and 120 mains
06:23 AM Emil: I mean, I could do it with frequency alone but that has issues
06:23 AM Emil: https://emil.fi/jako/kuvat/2017-10-01_13-51-12_HVITMIRF.png
06:23 AM Emil: Here's the current design
07:17 AM cehteh: Emil: how about capacitative ps / opto?
07:26 AM Emil: cehteh: ps?
07:26 AM Emil: But capacitive voltage divider that's a good point
07:26 AM cehteh: power supply
07:26 AM Emil: what's that?
07:28 AM Lambda_Aurigae: https://lujji.github.io/blog/bare-metal-programming-stm8-part2/schematic.jpg
07:28 AM cehteh: http://lushprojects.com/circuitjs/circuitjs.html?cct=$+0+0.000005+42.05934401203833+50+5+50%0Av+176+384+176+224+0+1+50+230+0+0+0.5%0Ac+128+144+384+144+0+6.8e-8+-84.72575531404287%0Ar+176+384+384+384+0+1000%0Ar+384+144+384+384+0+10000%0Av+80+384+80+224+0+1+60+110+0+0+0.5%0AS+128+144+128+224+0+1+false+0+2%0Aw+144+224+176+224+0%0Aw+112+224+80+224+0%0Aw+176+384+80+384+0%0Ao+0+64+0+4099+320+0.00009765625+0+2+0+3%0Ao+2+64+0+4099+5+0.00625+0+2+2+3%0A
07:29 AM antto: an954 from microshit talks about transformerless power supplies
07:29 AM cehteh: hah server down?
07:29 AM Lambda_Aurigae: that should give you a nice 50 or 60 hertz output depending on your mains input.
07:29 AM cehteh: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capacitive_power_supply
07:30 AM cehteh: note that it shifts phase
07:30 AM Lambda_Aurigae: https://lujji.github.io/blog/bare-metal-programming-stm8-part2/ off of this page...some additional information on there.
07:30 AM Lambda_Aurigae: cehteh, I see a lot of small gear with that kind of power supply these days.
07:31 AM cehteh: yes
07:31 AM cehteh: they have very little loss
07:31 AM Lambda_Aurigae: it's kind of current limited isn't it?
07:31 AM cehteh: low
07:31 AM cehteh: less than 100mA or you need a huge cap
07:31 AM Lambda_Aurigae: yeah.
07:31 AM cehteh: prolly less than 20mA
07:32 AM Lambda_Aurigae: imagine the cap size needed to build a PC power supply that way?
07:32 AM cehteh: and you need a x-rated cap and fuse, and 1M over the cap to discharge
07:32 AM Lambda_Aurigae: add an extra full tower case for the power supply.
07:32 AM cehteh: that wont work, the currents become waay to big :D
07:37 AM cehteh: these capacitative power supplies are also current sources, not voltage sources .. which makes it ideal to drive a optocoupler
07:37 AM cehteh: better than a fatass 1-5W Resistor
07:45 AM Lambda_Aurigae: just took apart an old electric scooter...it had 3 speeds...and 3 big honking resistors.
07:45 AM Lambda_Aurigae: dang things would boil water.
07:47 AM mudkip908_ is now known as mudkip908
10:40 AM vegii_ is now known as vegii
11:00 AM remkooo1 is now known as remkooo
12:11 PM day__ is now known as daey
01:06 PM polprog: function parity checking is fun fun fun. maths homework done, finally can rest
02:45 PM polprog: what do you think is better, ground fill on both sides or ground on one side and vcc on the other?
02:46 PM Emil: hm?
02:46 PM Emil: It depends what the aim is
02:48 PM polprog: no aim, bottom side has mostly signalling
02:48 PM polprog: ill make it gnd, just to avoid any shorts
02:48 PM Emil: I usually fill both sides with ground
03:14 PM polprog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlWRzOe-uZM
03:15 PM polprog: good for laying out pcb tracks ;D
03:15 PM polprog: finished my first prof PCB
03:15 PM polprog: cant share though :/
03:17 PM polprog: night
03:29 PM day___ is now known as daey
03:45 PM day__ is now known as daey
04:07 PM Emil: polprog: dat's good music
04:27 PM day__ is now known as daey
04:48 PM Lambda_Aurigae: just looked like random flashing on some picture to me.
04:52 PM day__ is now known as daey
06:34 PM day__ is now known as daey
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07:01 PM day__ is now known as daey
07:25 PM day__ is now known as daey
10:27 PM enh: hi
10:42 PM enh: cehteh, good night! Are you familiar with this paper: https://www.sparkfun.com/tutorial/news/DCMDraft2.pdf ?
10:51 PM enh: OR anybody else is?
11:27 PM day__ is now known as daey
11:57 PM enh: https://pastebin.com/bDGa7uhq