#avr Logs

Sep 25 2017

#avr Calendar

12:00 AM Cracki_: arms can be really cheap. if you want a dev board, most vendors make some and they can be 15-30 bucks in cost.
12:03 AM Cracki_: complete with usb port, debugger and everything
12:11 AM polprog: it's kinda funny i have to use ddd which is old as hell..
12:11 AM polprog: anyone knows any good gdb gui?
12:11 AM polprog: ddd uses motif library.
12:21 AM polprog: nice, somebody made a GameBoy Advance library for programming in C++
12:21 AM polprog: i should buy one, they are $20 now
12:21 AM day__ is now known as daey
03:03 AM Emil: polprog: are you giving it a delay after cs?
05:38 AM polprog: Emil: i think i tried putting delays and it didnt help
05:38 AM polprog: ill try again today though
06:09 AM NoHitWonder: polprog i bought GBA year ago
06:09 AM NoHitWonder: planning to do programming on it
06:10 AM NoHitWonder: it has the link multiplayer/serial port that could be used for midi for example
06:11 AM NoHitWonder: i think this is the most popular SDK https://devkitpro.org/
06:13 AM NoHitWonder: and it has 2 CPU design, the Z80 is for GB/GBC backwards compability and it can be used as a chip tune synth
07:12 AM polprog: NoHitWonder^: now that you reminded me a gba has a z80, i want it even more. i have a book on z80 programming.
08:33 AM LeoNerd: Ugh. That moment when I wake up in the morning and remember that last night in a fit of pique, I may have ordered myself a box of bare SSD1306 LED modules from aliex
08:35 AM LeoNerd: I suppose I should draw up a PCB footprint for the thing
08:35 AM LeoNerd: I got annoyed at all the standard full board-modules you can get for it, being about twice as tall as the actual useable display area on the screen, thus too tall to fit in the standard project case I use
08:35 AM LeoNerd: Yet the screen -itself- would fit just fine
09:01 AM Emil: :D
09:22 AM Lambda_Aurigae: hacksaw works wonders
09:22 AM LeoNerd: Hah
09:22 AM LeoNerd: Well, a hacksaw on these full-board modules would also remove the IO pins
09:38 AM Lambda_Aurigae: details details.
09:58 AM HighInBC: making pcb footprints is fun
09:59 AM LeoNerd: I seem to do it often enough
10:04 AM Haohmaru: stop having fun with the PCB and write the firmware!
10:04 AM Haohmaru: ;P~
10:20 AM enh: hi people
10:26 AM HighInBC: hi
11:25 AM enh: Lambda_Aurigae: Things are warming up between NK and US.
11:26 AM cehteh: as in nulear explosions are pretty hot?
11:36 AM enh: yep
11:37 AM enh: millions of people will die because of two very ignorant human beings
11:38 AM enh: Why isn't intelligence solving this in a cleaner way?
11:57 AM antto: trump probably placed a sockpuppet to steer the intelligence..
12:00 PM enh: hope not
12:06 PM antto: hope.. yeah..
12:06 PM antto: write a letter to santa
12:20 PM enh: i wrote. :)
12:20 PM enh: asked for aliens to takeover.
12:21 PM * antto watches the roof coming off and enh getting abducted up into the bright lights..
12:21 PM antto: O_O
12:21 PM enh: noo... They don't want me messing around
12:22 PM enh: I'd like to see a spaceship parked with the door open. I'd probably disassemble it in a few hours
12:24 PM antto: what if it's made from alien materials that make melt humans upon touch?
12:24 PM enh: I'd melt
12:24 PM antto: so you'd better have a big bucket then
12:24 PM antto: we'll collect your melted body and put it in the fridge
12:25 PM enh: inside the ship?
12:25 PM enh: :)
12:25 PM antto: uhm.. i ain't going there
12:26 PM antto: i'll tie a rope onto the bucket.. shout when you're ready
12:26 PM enh: Airman Hall, author of "millennial hospitality", says they use a kind of fiber optics to make their engines work
12:27 PM enh: he also says he could not get near enough to see the details
12:28 PM enh: I bet Reich and Rife have got very near of understanding the propulsion details.
12:28 PM enh: But now I do not care any more. We are just pets anyway.
12:28 PM enh: badly behaving pets.
12:29 PM enh: with nuclear bombs
12:30 PM APic: *shrug*
12:30 PM enh: Or just prisoners, like explained in "a day with an extraterrestrial" by Lou Baldin.
12:31 PM enh: who cares?
01:12 PM enh: I 'm in sleep deprivation. Probably typing a lot of nonsense.
01:13 PM polprog: most likely
04:52 PM polprog: goodnight
04:55 PM Emil: good night
06:13 PM kl1n3 is now known as kline
07:48 PM Tachyon` is now known as Tachyon``
07:58 PM JanC is now known as Guest73457
07:58 PM JanC_ is now known as JanC
08:19 PM Tachyon`` is now known as Tachyon`
09:17 PM enh: HOMEKIT
09:17 PM enh: Developers can now experiment with HomeKit without needing to apply for Made for iPhone (MFi) approval from Apple. That means developers can start creating and testing products before bringing them to market and Apple is even permitting experimentation popular custom-fit boards like the Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
09:17 PM enh: HomeKit products also no longer need a hardware authentication chip, which means new and existing product manufacturers will be able to add HomeKit support to devices through a firmware update.
09:17 PM enh: From IOS 11 What's new: ""
09:19 PM Cracki_: so nobody wanted their DRMed shit
09:22 PM tpw_rules: that's been possible for a while?
09:23 PM tpw_rules: i need to add my garage door openers to homekit
09:23 PM _enhering_: And I 'd like to flush my toilet using iPhone.
09:23 PM _enhering_ is now known as enh
09:23 PM tpw_rules: it's already possible
09:24 PM enh: without touching the toilet?
09:24 PM tpw_rules: although homekit only works on lan i imagine
09:24 PM enh: I dunno
09:26 PM tpw_rules: my homebrew stuff is better anyway :P
09:48 PM enh: sure it is
09:48 PM enh: i wonder how to where to find homekit and arduino in the same webpage
11:39 PM rue_house: I wonder how many people went to IBM when apple came out with the mac classic and said "no, you cant program it"
11:39 PM rue_house: (unless you bleed money all over us)
11:40 PM rue_house: and the application base went *poof*