#avr Logs

Sep 20 2017

#avr Calendar

12:00 AM cehteh: struct chunk[100] eeprom; // mockup code not real
12:03 AM cehteh: id is you dataset number 0-11 (you sayed you want 12)
12:03 AM * LiaoTao copies code and uses it in production hardware
12:03 AM cehteh: when you startup you scan the eeprom for the chunks whith correct checksum and highest generation number
12:03 AM cehteh: thats your actual data, when you write you increment the generation number and write after the last valid chunk (and start from the beginning when reaching the end)
12:04 AM cehteh: that way you have history of past valid settings, if anything becomes corrupted you automatically pick those up and you spread all writes over the whole eeprom space equally
12:05 AM cehteh: anyway ... double check where the eeprom corrupts when you switch it on, do you use a bootloader? anyhing else?
12:05 AM dgriffi2: no bootloader
12:06 AM dgriffi2: corruption is usually eeprom[1] and eeprom[3]
12:07 AM cehteh: you are absolutely sure you removed all eeprom writing code?
12:07 AM cehteh: for a test
12:07 AM dgriffi2: for the power-on settings (locations 1 and 2), shoukd those go inroundrobin?
12:08 AM dgriffi2: lemme try
12:08 AM cehteh: eeprom will not be written on powerup
12:08 AM cehteh: the only case when it corrupts is programming errors or when power fails while it is writing
12:08 AM cehteh: i suspect you have a bug somewhere
12:09 AM cehteh: in the simplest case add verfication of what you've just written by reading it again
12:09 AM cehteh: and ensure not to write when power goes down
12:10 AM cehteh: (brownout detector may help there, on the highest setting)
12:10 AM cehteh: but not completely, because writes may become interrupted by reset
12:11 AM cehteh: if that roundrobin is to complicated or you have too much data you should at least write to alternating places
12:22 AM dgriffi: okay... with all calls to eeprom_update_*(), I can't get the chip to glitch and garble eeprom
12:22 AM dgriffi: it will make burps and sputters, but it won't emit the series of beeps that I coded in to indicate corruption
12:24 AM cehteh: well thats expected, eeprom wears and might be not 100% reliable, but you wont notice any errors in such a short time (prolly never)
12:25 AM cehteh: you just need to decide how critical the data in eeprom is
12:25 AM day__ is now known as daey
12:26 AM cehteh: for this bluebox thing nothing dangerous can happen when eeprom data gets corrupted somehow, maybe you dont overly worry (but bit wear leveling might be still a good idea, dunno how frequently you want to write the data)
12:28 AM cehteh: for calibration data you write once or very few times in the lifetime of the device you may not need this
12:43 AM dgriffi: yeah, but I'm also treating this project as a testbed for later projects, so I'm doing things "right" now as practice.
12:45 AM rue_house: for my hour counter, I used the NV ram in the DS13.... something something chip
12:45 AM rue_house: its ram, no write limit, battery backed up
12:46 AM rue_house: 1307?
12:46 AM rue_house: I used a forward biased diode on an adc channel with the pullup on to watch the power supply and do a software lockout of writes when powering down
12:48 AM rue_house: amazing how everyone is offline when I'm on
12:51 AM dgriffi: yeah
12:51 AM rue_house: I wonder if its a good time to clear out some idle nicks, cehteh and dgriffi are the only ones who been talking today
12:51 AM rue_house: ever heard from ColdKeyboard ?
12:53 AM * dgriffi looks up the term "cold keyboard"
12:55 AM dgriffi: cehteh: I don't have the BOD enabled... what would be a good setting for running on 5V?
12:55 AM rue_house: 1.8
12:55 AM rue_house: "go till there is nothing left!"
12:56 AM rue_house: PICs were horrid, they would brownout/lockup at 4.5V
12:56 AM dgriffi: so... that would mean a high fuse of DE...
12:56 AM rue_house: so if you had a battery powered robot, you were ALWAYS having controller failures
12:56 AM cehteh: dgriffi: just leave it off
12:57 AM dgriffi: cehteh: huh?
12:57 AM cehteh: it draws power and wont help in all cases and in your project its not critical
12:57 AM cehteh: better program the eeprom stuff more robust
12:58 AM cehteh: when does the eeprom get written? how frequently?
12:58 AM dgriffi: whenever someone saves a sequence of dialing digits
12:58 AM rue_house: you only get like 100000 writes
12:58 AM dgriffi: or changes the startup mode
12:59 AM rue_house: oh your good then
12:59 AM rue_house: dgriffi, you have a phone interface?
12:59 AM cehteh: what is 'save' push some 'save' button?
12:59 AM rue_house: are you making a voice dialer?!
12:59 AM dgriffi: rue_house: no. speaker
12:59 AM dgriffi: rue_house: a bluebox
12:59 AM cehteh: how often do you expect that? once a day, a hour, a month?
01:00 AM dgriffi: cehteh: a "save" is done by typing some keys, then pressing and holding the key corresponding to the memory slot you want to save it in.
01:00 AM cehteh: i dont know exactly what a bluebox is and being busy with other stuff dont want to read the whole about
01:00 AM dgriffi: maybe a couple times a day
01:00 AM dgriffi: cehteh: once upon a time, it was possible to use a bluebox to tamper with telephone networks
01:00 AM dgriffi: cehteh: apple computer was financed in the very beginning with the sale of them
01:01 AM cehteh: i guess you want this roundrobin thing then i explained first
01:01 AM cehteh: just do some math
01:01 AM cehteh: then it should last for an eternity
01:01 AM dgriffi: cehteh: telephone switching offices have long since made it impossible for these things to work anymore. my interest is historical, and for playing on private netoworks for which this sort of fun is allowed.
01:02 AM dgriffi: see http://projectmf.org/ for more info if/when you're curious
01:03 AM cehteh: you have 100 posiiton to save data, lets say 10 positions are saved per day
01:03 AM cehteh: (10000 / 10) / 365 = approx. 2.739726
01:03 AM cehteh: oops that eternity is only 2.7 years :)
01:04 AM cehteh: another thing is: keeps the data in ram, only save it when shutting down or use some external storage device (eeprom or sd-card)
01:04 AM cehteh: ok with attiny85 its a bit tight :)
01:04 AM cehteh: but since this is only educational, i guess 2.7 years are ok
01:06 AM cehteh: and if your expectation is wrong an a numer is only saved every 10 days the device suddenly will last 270 years :)
01:06 AM cehteh: so doing some estimate matters a lot
01:06 AM dgriffi: saving when shutting down is not practical.
01:06 AM cehteh: why not?
01:07 AM cehteh: certaily more complicated to do
01:07 AM dgriffi: I don't have enough room on the board to do it
01:07 AM cehteh: ok
01:08 AM dgriffi: It's intended to fit into a Hammond 1591XXM
01:08 AM dgriffi: and I have just about enough room as-is
01:09 AM cehteh: you only need a free pin and a small fet
01:09 AM cehteh: but adds considerable complexity
01:14 AM dgriffi: what do you think of this? http://www.microchip.com/pressreleasepage/new-memory-offering-from-microchip-offers-unlimited-endurance-along-with-safe-data-storage-at-power-loss
01:16 AM cehteh: if i really need such i'd use it
01:17 AM cehteh: but i think your problem can be solved with AVR and software alone, its not terribly critical anyway
01:18 AM dgriffi: I understand, but in the interest of practicing my design skills, I think it might be worthwhile doing it... at least in a later iteration after I get some other bugs worked out
01:18 AM cehteh: this shadow SRAM with EEPROM backup is exactly what i would do in software
01:18 AM dgriffi: because when this AVR poops out, I'll just put a fresh one in
01:19 AM dgriffi: shutting off the device is how the mode is changed.
01:19 AM cehteh: btw was it 10k or 100k erase on the eeprom .. maybe was wrong
01:19 AM cehteh: and thats only the minimium guranteed, usually it lasts much longer
01:19 AM dgriffi: turn it on when key 2 is held, the device comes up in Mode 2
01:20 AM dgriffi: 100k according to the first page of the extended datasheet
01:20 AM cehteh: ok
01:20 AM cehteh: so do the math about expected endurance ...
01:22 AM dgriffi: 27.4 years?
01:23 AM cehteh: shoudl be good then
01:27 AM dgriffi: I just noticed that your struct doesn't have a member for the actual data
01:31 AM dgriffi: cehteh: how does this look? https://github.com/DavidGriffith/bluebox-avr/issues/3
01:32 AM cehteh: you didnt gave that to me, was only meant as example
01:32 AM dgriffi: ?syntax error
01:32 AM dgriffi: I expanded on the idea of the struct
01:32 AM cehteh: how many keys do you need to store? <16?
01:32 AM dgriffi: just 12
01:33 AM cehteh: then you can use nibbles, 4 bits per key
01:33 AM cehteh: ; not , after struct members
01:34 AM dgriffi: I'm thinking that I could use the zeroth chunk for startup
01:34 AM dgriffi: I thought of nibbles, but got lazy early on
01:35 AM cehteh: ok
01:38 AM cehteh: the struct eeprom was only meant as 'i treat the eeprom as array' .. not creating the whole space im memory of course
01:40 AM dgriffi: ya.. I got that part
01:43 AM dgriffi: this is ridiculous. Microchip says that the 47C04 is 50 cents in 5k quantities. On ebay they're being sold for $15 apiece.
01:43 AM cehteh: i expected something like that :(
01:43 AM cehteh: and when you want to order at digikey its perhaps $1.5 but $20 for shipping
01:45 AM dgriffi: it looks like mouser has them < $1 in single quantites
01:45 AM dgriffi: I just have to gather together a list of other stuff I want to justify the shipping.
01:48 AM dgriffi: in any case, I'm eager to get some to play with just to play with
01:48 AM mickjc75: I usually pick an eval board I might be interested in playing with
01:49 AM mickjc75: to make up the extra $$ for shipping or free shipping
01:49 AM dgriffi: I'm happy that they offer it in DIP
01:51 AM dgriffi: looking at the eval board... seems to imply PIC-only
01:51 AM mickjc75: have you considered FRAM ?
01:52 AM mickjc75: http://www.e-lab.de/downloads/DOCs/FM24CL16.pdf
01:52 AM dgriffi: I use frams in my car
01:53 AM dgriffi: mickjc75: hrmm.. no dips
01:54 AM dgriffi: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/aplusautomation/vendorimages/d49e8e6f-695d-47fb-89c9-b558531ce8f9.jpg._CB329159172_.jpg
03:04 AM dgriffi: brownout detection level 2 fixed the glitching and corrupted eeprom
03:09 AM cehteh: i am a bit worried about your power regulation then, prolly oscillatin or such
03:09 AM cehteh: remember what i saied about the output cap on the vreg earlier
03:15 AM dgriffi: checking now to see what I did in the prototype board
03:15 AM dgriffi: would a snubber be of any use?
03:17 AM dgriffi: cehteh: there's a .33uF and a 100uF right after the vreg
03:17 AM cehteh: which vreg, read datasheet
03:19 AM dgriffi: LM78L05ACZ
03:19 AM dgriffi: to-92 package. reading datasheet now.
03:19 AM cehteh: snubber over switch can help
03:20 AM cehteh: 7805 is not critical, but isnt really good either
03:20 AM cehteh: what battery do you use?
03:20 AM dgriffi: it recommends a .1uF cap right after the vreg
03:20 AM dgriffi: 9V
03:20 AM cehteh: 9v batteries dont have much capacity
03:20 AM dgriffi: the final project is probably going to use 3 AAA cells and omit the vreg
03:20 AM cehteh: better use a bunch of AA or AAA
03:20 AM cehteh: yes
03:21 AM dgriffi: I got that suggestion a few months ago in here
03:21 AM cehteh: be careful fresh batteries may have some considerably higher voltage
03:21 AM dgriffi: a 9V and a snap just happened to be handy when I made up the prototype board
03:21 AM dgriffi: considerably higher than 1.5V per cell?
03:21 AM cehteh: yes
03:22 AM dgriffi: how much?
03:22 AM cehteh: dunno bit without load could be 1.8 .. just google
03:24 AM cehteh: too much for an avr w/o protection
03:24 AM cehteh: how much current do you draw?
03:24 AM dgriffi: haven't checked yet
03:25 AM cehteh: when it is little (50mA or less) then linear vreg and 4 cells is still an option
03:25 AM cehteh: a more modern one than 7805
03:25 AM cehteh: ldo
03:26 AM dgriffi: 1.8V per cell means 5.4 volts for three. According to the data sheet, the attiny85 can handle from 2.7 to 5.5 volts
03:26 AM cehteh: some have a enable pin, check datasheet about their shutdown current, you may connect the switch there
03:26 AM cehteh: mhm yes should work, but add a zener for protection
03:28 AM dgriffi: I already have the 3-cell AAA holder. it seems that a four-cell holder will fit neatly in the case.
03:29 AM dgriffi: what has an enable pin? a newer vreg?
03:29 AM dgriffi: another restriction for this project it to keep everything through-hole as much as I can.
03:30 AM cehteh: mhm ok that may be a problem then
03:55 AM Emil: dgriffi: why th?
03:55 AM Emil: There is like
03:55 AM Emil: zero reasons for thT
04:01 AM DaRkV0rt3X: Morning
04:02 AM DaRkV0rt3X: guys, I need some clearyfying on interrupts stuff of an AtMega328p-pu
04:02 AM DaRkV0rt3X: I have configured External Interrupt to be triggered on falling edge
04:03 AM DaRkV0rt3X: in this case, does the INTFx flag clears itself by hardware
04:03 AM DaRkV0rt3X: or do I need to clear it manually?
04:05 AM DaRkV0rt3X: I can't understand from the datasheet if I need to clear it manully
04:05 AM DaRkV0rt3X: manually
04:06 AM DaRkV0rt3X: because the datasheet says 3 different things and I can't figure out which my case fits in
04:13 AM Emil: DaRkV0rt3X: if you have an interrupt that is executed the flag is cleared by hardware
04:27 AM DaRkV0rt3X: hum, so I can't understand what I have done wrong, because apparently the interrupt routine is being executed over and over again after I have triggered the interrupt once
04:29 AM cehteh: read datasheet more carefully .. can be that external interrupts need special care
04:29 AM cehteh: or you just have some bug
04:30 AM Emil: DaRkV0rt3X: are you triggering on low level?
04:30 AM Emil: Instead of edge
04:30 AM Emil: and if you are triggering on a button press
04:30 AM Emil: are you debouncing in any wayM
04:30 AM Emil: ?
04:56 AM DaRkV0rt3X: cehteh: i have read the datasheet some times now... I think I have read i carefuly
04:56 AM DaRkV0rt3X: Emil: I set it up to trigger on falling edge
04:56 AM DaRkV0rt3X: and, yes, it is a button that is triggering the interrupt
04:56 AM DaRkV0rt3X: and no, I still haven't dealt with bouncing
04:57 AM DaRkV0rt3X: I was trying to figure out why apparently the interrupt is being triggered over and over after pressing the button once
04:57 AM DaRkV0rt3X: I have 2 buttons
04:58 AM dgriffi: Emil: a lot of my customers prefer through-hole only stuff
04:58 AM DaRkV0rt3X: one is supposed to increase the value of a frequency I have in the circuit
04:58 AM DaRkV0rt3X: the other is supposed to decrease that same frequency
04:59 AM DaRkV0rt3X: the problem is that when I press the button, any of the two, the interrupt is triggered and then it keeps being triggered over and over again even without me pressing any of the buttons
05:00 AM Emil: dgriffi: lol
05:01 AM Emil: DaRkV0rt3X: how do you know it's triggered all the time?
05:01 AM Emil: Yoi have also called sei();?
05:01 AM dgriffi: Emil: what's so funny about it?
05:02 AM Emil: dgriffi: what do you produce if your customers dictate your part package selwctiob?
05:03 AM DaRkV0rt3X: Emil: my INTx routine is only setting two flags I created
05:03 AM DaRkV0rt3X: and then I check those flags in my code
05:03 AM Emil: DaRkV0rt3X: and yes?
05:03 AM DaRkV0rt3X: one of that flag is set when the interrupt is triggered
05:03 AM Emil: Arw you cleaeing the flags anywhere?
05:03 AM DaRkV0rt3X: and check that flag of mine in main
05:03 AM DaRkV0rt3X: and then I clear it also in main
05:04 AM Emil: share your code
05:04 AM DaRkV0rt3X: ok, can I share github link here?
05:04 AM Emil: Of course
05:04 AM DaRkV0rt3X: I have several files on my project
05:04 AM Emil: why not?
05:04 AM DaRkV0rt3X: ok
05:04 AM Emil: Share a minimum example
05:04 AM dgriffi: Emil: I produce what people want and ask for
05:04 AM Emil: dgriffi: all my lulz
05:05 AM DaRkV0rt3X: https://github.com/PsySc0rpi0n/Project_Antenna_Analyser
05:05 AM DaRkV0rt3X: interrupt routine is in freq_sweep.c
05:05 AM Emil: DaRkV0rt3X: share a minimum example that doesnt work
05:05 AM dgriffi: I do plan to create a surface-mount version of this bluebox after I get the bugs worked out of the prototype
05:05 AM DaRkV0rt3X: checking flags and main() is in project.c file
05:06 AM DaRkV0rt3X: I can paste the possible problematic code in some pastebin and past here the link
05:06 AM Emil: DaRkV0rt3X: do a minimal example
05:07 AM Emil: I bet your issue is your own logic instead of setting the bits wrong
05:07 AM DaRkV0rt3X: probably
05:08 AM Emil: I know from experience that most issues are there
05:09 AM DaRkV0rt3X: ok, let me try to do that simple example
05:09 AM DaRkV0rt3X: using pieces of the code in my project
05:22 AM DaRkV0rt3X: Emil:
05:22 AM DaRkV0rt3X: I was putting the code together
05:22 AM DaRkV0rt3X: and I think I might have spotted the problem
05:22 AM DaRkV0rt3X: let me try to fix it first
05:22 AM DaRkV0rt3X: then when I get home after work, I'll test the code
05:23 AM Lambda_Aurigae: cehteh, dgriffi, eeprom on avr is rated at 100K erase/write cycles...flash is 10K...
06:45 AM Emil: polprog: do you know any Polish gun/military/such shops?
06:46 AM DaRkV0rt3X: Emil: I can ask a friend of mine from Poland if he knows any
06:48 AM Emil: DaRkV0rt3X: that'd be great! I'm looking for a collapsible stock, a modern front handguard, possibly a pistol grip and a picatinny/weaver rail with quick attachment for my Saiga M3 EXP-1 (AK-103)
06:48 AM Emil: Anywhere from Europe is fine, really
06:48 AM Lambda_Aurigae: whenever having problems with large programs(or even not so large) I find that the best debugging solution is to break the program into sections and test each section independently then start putting them back together one piece at a time until something breaks or it all works.
06:48 AM Emil: Also a red dot
06:48 AM Emil: Lambda_Aurigae: I agree
06:49 AM Lambda_Aurigae: something many people who come in here don't understand or don't do or never thought of to start with.
06:50 AM DaRkV0rt3X: Emil: he's no online now but I'll ask him as soon as I see him
06:50 AM Emil: Thanks!
06:54 AM Lambda_Aurigae: I should work on a words of wisdom document or something with bits in it like the above.
06:56 AM Lambda_Aurigae: it would have to start out with, "Learn to crawl before trying to run."
06:56 AM Lambda_Aurigae: in 10 or 12 different languages!
07:01 AM Emil: Hyvä motivaatio opetella suomea!
08:32 AM polprog: AK-103 looks like a good way to negotite
08:32 AM polprog: negotiate*
08:33 AM polprog: Emil: only militaria.pl, but they dont have anything that big
08:34 AM polprog: mainly ASG and clothing/survival stuff
08:34 AM polprog: why would you need that in yurop?
10:25 AM Cracki_: structured approaches to problem solving...
10:26 AM Cracki_: programming is the art of unstructured problem making
10:59 AM enh: https://www.engineeringwhitepapers.com/companies/microchip/game-changing-ultra-low-power-32-bit-mcu-ecosystem/?spMailingID=11958297&spUserID=MTU0MTAzNjMxMDM5S0&spJobID=1241635205&spReportId=MTI0MTYzNTIwNQS2
11:15 AM enh: cehteh: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwig3cW3jbTWAhXIEpAKHe1wA6UQFggoMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Faeroquad.com%2Fattachment.php%3Fattachmentid%3D10414%26d%3D1421496243&usg=AFQjCNEh7sHzgMEot0IkU35FuR4pjQ5dmQ
11:17 AM enh: This seems useful for all channel members: http://www.atmel.com/images/doc8453.pdf
11:20 AM habeangur: Cracki_: problem making?
11:22 AM habeangur: can I program an AVR manually?3 MOSI, MISO and SCK pins are important
11:22 AM habeangur: I'll connect one to a switch
11:22 AM habeangur: which can be 0 or 1
11:23 AM Cracki_: "manually"?
11:23 AM habeangur: another one to an LED and SCK to output of 555
11:23 AM habeangur: then I'll send bits one by one and after many years I'll program a few kilobytes
11:23 AM Cracki_: why?
11:24 AM habeangur: I just wanted to know if this works, and if so give it a little try
11:24 AM Cracki_: I guess... ISP/SPI programming could be done at an arbitrary clock rate
11:24 AM habeangur: ok questions: 1. Does it even work?
11:24 AM enh: There is a youtube video showing somebody doing this
11:25 AM habeangur: enh: link pls
11:25 AM enh: google, please. Seen it a long ago
11:25 AM Cracki_: drop the 555, do the clock also manually
11:25 AM habeangur: Cracki_: ?
11:26 AM habeangur: enh: google what?"programming an AVR manually"?If you remember the title it can help
11:26 AM enh: can't. Maybe that one. Sorry.
11:26 AM habeangur: Cracki_: that was joking or you were serious?
11:27 AM Cracki_: were you joking?
11:27 AM enh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJHeDvr_doM&feature=youtu.be
11:28 AM Cracki_: if you toggle the data switch manually, that's human time scales, so the clock must be too, so you can toggle the clock line manually too
11:28 AM habeangur: Cracki_: just the "many years" part
11:28 AM habeangur: Cracki_: ah ok
11:30 AM Cracki_: see video
11:30 AM habeangur: enh: I downloaded the video
11:33 AM habeangur: s/downloaded/downloading/
11:33 AM habeangur: internet speed is a little slow
11:34 AM habeangur: 43KBps :|
11:38 AM enh: Takes time, but will reach the end.
11:41 AM habeangur: enh: programming?
11:41 AM enh: Downloading the video
11:41 AM habeangur: I did
11:41 AM habeangur: and I'll watch it later
11:43 AM habeangur: thanks enh Cracki_ for answering, I'll come after watching the video and probably a little studing or playing with a chip
11:43 AM habeangur: gtg
11:43 AM Cracki_: have fun
11:46 AM enh: yep
11:48 AM day__ is now known as daey
12:34 PM DaRkV0rt3X: Emil:
12:34 PM DaRkV0rt3X: I don't have big news about your request
12:35 PM DaRkV0rt3X: my polish friend says gun shpos there are under developed due to restrictions and hard to get guns permissions
12:35 PM DaRkV0rt3X: and he's currently working in austria
12:35 PM DaRkV0rt3X: so he hasn't much knowledge about gun shpos in Poland
12:35 PM DaRkV0rt3X: I'm sorry I couldn't be of much help
02:51 PM hetii: Hi:)
02:52 PM polprog: hi
02:52 PM hetii: I found such psu circuit http://www.tuxgraphics.org/common/images2/article379/powersupply.gif and wonder if make sense to change this BD245B by mosfet, something like here: https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/3556755400_1331419862.jpg
02:57 PM hetii: Also I wonder if there will be a problem if I use 3v3 logic mcu (stm32) that will control two such mcu and offer to connect two such psu in series in different configuration, so to increase max voltage or get two symmetrical voltage for eg. opamp.
03:00 PM renn0xtk9: stm32 is arm cortex?
03:01 PM hetii: renn0xtk9, yes
03:03 PM hetii: I order some time ago few boards like this: https://pl.aliexpress.com/item/1pcs-STM32F103C8T6-ARM-STM32-Minimum-System-Development-Board-Module-For-arduino/32719680030.html?spm=a2g17.10010108.1000016.1.627e0d8g9WnbC&isOrigTitle=true
03:03 PM hetii: 1.72$ :)
03:04 PM renn0xtk9: hetii okay i was looking on ebay I did not spot that it is not the same price http://www.ebay.de/itm/STM32-Mikrocontroller-Platine-STM32F1-USB-CAN-I2C-SPI-USART-Arduino-Alternative-/172844712787?hash=item283e590353:g:a5IAAOSwU1FXQIXI
03:04 PM renn0xtk9: ^^
03:04 PM renn0xtk9: hetii does comme pre loaded with arduino bootloader? is it possible to get the rid of bit ?
03:05 PM hetii: renn0xtk9, well as far as I know there is already bootloader on board and you can use usb2uart bridge to flash it by stm32flash tool
03:06 PM hetii: renn0xtk9, also if you want to have debug possibility you can order https://pl.aliexpress.com/item/ST-Link-V2-new-stlink-mini-STM8STM32-STLINK-simulator-download-programming-With-Cover/32719963657.html?spm=a2g17.10010108.1000016.1.576f36e657YyTc&isOrigTitle=true
03:06 PM renn0xtk9: okay , you don't need to flash fuse like on avr mega?
03:07 PM hetii: renn0xtk9, no, as far as I know.
03:07 PM hetii: renn0xtk9, if you order stlink v2 clone that I show you inside you can have also STM32F103C8T6 :)
03:08 PM hetii: so if you flash into other board stlink firmware then you don`t need to order it :)
03:09 PM hetii: but its almost the same price so its worth to have one
03:09 PM renn0xtk9: don't understand ? what is STM32F103C8T6 ? a board with an stm 32 on it? you mean it is sold with stlink in the same package ?
03:10 PM hetii: STM32F103C8T6 is a mcu that is used on board from my first link as well as in stlink v2 pendrive
03:10 PM renn0xtk9: okay
03:12 PM hetii: als if you start with arm check libopencm3 from https://github.com/libopencm3/libopencm3
03:12 PM hetii: and https://developer.arm.com/embedded/cmsis
03:12 PM renn0xtk9: what are these?
03:15 PM renn0xtk9: do you happen to know of any good adapter baord also for avr xmegas?
03:17 PM hetii: renn0xtk9, cmsis in short are a headers file that describe all registers in cortex family, they are unified and should fit to any cortex mcu that you plan to use. and the libopencm3 is a library that offer you vendor specific abstraction like driver for uart or any other device that you can have on your mcu
03:17 PM hetii: renn0xtk9, I don`t use xmegas so i`m not able to help in this area.
05:13 PM Lambda_Aurigae: habeangur, yes, with some switches, buttons, and pullup/pulldown resistors, you can program an avr manually...I've done it.
05:14 PM Lambda_Aurigae: have also run avr down to 1Hz with a 555 timer and variable resistor.
05:14 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and with a bit of extra kit, run the avr in push button clock mode.
05:50 PM LeoNerd: Push-button on the clock line is the ultimate in "single-step debugger" technology :)
05:53 PM cehteh: esp when its bouncy :)
06:06 PM Lambda_Aurigae: yeah.
06:06 PM Lambda_Aurigae: that's why I use a 555 in one shot mode.
07:31 PM robinak is now known as robink
09:27 PM Cracki_: :3 morse code decoder for sigrok