#avr Logs

Sep 12 2017

#avr Calendar

12:11 AM day__ is now known as daey
03:36 AM day__ is now known as daey
06:55 AM gregor2: hi guys
06:56 AM gregor2: i have a wired problem
07:00 AM Lambda_Aurigae: better than an unwired problem.
07:00 AM Lambda_Aurigae: ultimately, the answer is probably,,,cut the blue wire.
07:01 AM gregor2: this is my program
07:01 AM gregor2: https://pastebin.com/ZJjU3GJX
07:01 AM gregor2: it is behaving wird.
07:01 AM Thrashbarg: is a being incremented faster than 250ms?
07:02 AM gregor2: yes
07:02 AM Lambda_Aurigae: the variable "a" is not declared as volatile...if not done so then updates inside the interrupt routine will not propagate out properly.
07:02 AM gregor2: but thats not the problem
07:03 AM _ami_: gregor2: plz listen to Lambda_Aurigae. he is right
07:03 AM _ami_: you got to make it volatile.
07:03 AM gregor2: volatile
07:03 AM Thrashbarg: yay
07:03 AM gregor2: ok
07:03 AM gregor2: i did it
07:03 AM gregor2: same result
07:04 AM _ami_: btw, u did not tell whats weird?
07:05 AM gregor2: i am expecting that the output pins should only change if there is a change on the pin PB0 (PCINT0).
07:05 AM gregor2: but instead some are changing every 250ms.
07:05 AM _ami_: i wonder if someone can actually debug your code. PCMSK0 = 0x01;
07:06 AM gregor2: i see
07:06 AM Lambda_Aurigae: I was just throwing out the most obvious problem I saw.
07:07 AM Lambda_Aurigae: too early to actually debug as I haven't even had my grapefruit juice yet!
07:07 AM gregor2: thats PCINT0
07:07 AM gregor2: oh
07:08 AM gregor2: you dont had your grapefruit juice yet.
07:09 AM _ami_: gregor2: is your mcu m328p?
07:10 AM gregor2: well all i do, is just set the PB0 pin as an input and all D-pins as output.
07:10 AM gregor2: yes thats right
07:11 AM gregor2: PCMSK0 and PCICR are set up, so that PCINT0 is active.
07:11 AM gregor2: or maybe
07:11 AM gregor2: that was what i wanted to do.
07:11 AM gregor2: and now some pins are just blinking
07:12 AM gregor2: something happens if i pull the PB0 to low but they are also blinking if i leave the pin alone.
07:12 AM _ami_: gregor2: did u enable internal pullup at PB0?
07:12 AM Lambda_Aurigae: do you have a pullup resistor on PB0?
07:12 AM gregor2: uhm
07:13 AM _ami_: seems like that code is missing
07:13 AM gregor2: i dont know
07:13 AM Lambda_Aurigae: floating inputs = BAAAAD!
07:13 AM _ami_: PORTB | = (1 << PB0);
07:13 AM gregor2: but i have en externel pull up
07:13 AM Lambda_Aurigae: basic digital electronics 101
07:13 AM _ami_: Yup, floating points
07:15 AM gregor2: makes no difference
07:15 AM gregor2: i already have an external pull-up.
07:15 AM gregor2: i dont understand whats happening here
07:16 AM gregor2: i guess the output pins themselves are producing an interrupt if they change.
07:16 AM gregor2: it kind of seems like that
07:17 AM _ami_: i would suggest to add if (bit_is_clear(PINB, PB0)) { a++;} in your ISR code.
07:17 AM gregor2: uhm
07:17 AM gregor2: ok
07:17 AM gregor2: but testing interrupts is the only poupous of the code.
07:18 AM day__ is now known as daey
07:18 AM gregor2: thats what i want to try out.
07:18 AM gregor2: doing interrupts
07:19 AM gregor2: i also want to understand how interrupts are working in assembly.
07:20 AM _ami_: i have a sample which i wrote for PCINT0 long time back.
07:20 AM _ami_: gregor2: u can refer to it. : https://pastebin.com/RkRkPAUb
07:21 AM _ami_: this uses internal pullup of PB2
07:22 AM gregor2: ok
07:22 AM gregor2: i dont quite understand those lines
07:22 AM gregor2: PCICR |= _BV(PCIE0);
07:22 AM _ami_: _BV is a inbuilt macro
07:22 AM gregor2: but i am assuming, that you are masking out all the pins except for PCINT0.
07:22 AM _ami_: _BV(x) 1 << x
07:23 AM gregor2: ah i see
07:23 AM Lambda_Aurigae: your CKOUT fuse isn't programmed is it?
07:23 AM gregor2: mine?
07:24 AM _ami_: PORTB = 0xfe; --> i don't like this kind of code. not readable to me at all.
07:24 AM Lambda_Aurigae: yup.
07:25 AM gregor2: avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK (E:FF, H:D9, L:F7)
07:25 AM gregor2: here are my fuses
07:25 AM gregor2: CKOUT is bit 6 of Low byte and 1 if unprogrammed
07:26 AM gregor2: so i am assuming CKOUT is unprogrammed.
07:26 AM gregor2: by the way
07:26 AM gregor2: different programms are working fine
07:26 AM gregor2: like just counting up or down on those outbut pins.
07:26 AM Lambda_Aurigae: well, have fun with it...must working to be going.
07:27 AM gregor2: PORTB = 0xfe;
07:28 AM gregor2: DDRB = 0xfe; should set all the pins from the DDRB as output accept for pin0
07:28 AM gregor2: so PB0 is input
07:28 AM gregor2: the rest is output
07:29 AM gregor2: maybe i shouldnt do it that way
07:29 AM _ami_: i know what i does.
07:29 AM gregor2: maybe i have to or the right pin
07:29 AM _ami_: it*
07:29 AM gregor2: ok but i dont need all the other pins from DDRB
07:30 AM gregor2: so maybe i should use this "or " to chose the right one.
07:31 AM gregor2: but it seems like it doesnt work ether.
07:31 AM gregor2: either.
07:31 AM gregor2: I wrote DDRB |= (1 << PB0);
07:31 AM gregor2: should have the same effect
07:32 AM gregor2: except that it just ignores every pin escept PB0.
07:34 AM gregor2: i still dont get it
07:34 AM gregor2: your programm doesnt look that different than mine.
07:56 AM Emil: wat
09:16 AM JanC_ is now known as JanC
10:10 AM devinmcelheran: What happens when an AVR micro reaches the end of main()? I know that typically you'd use an infinite loop to avoid that, but hypothetically, what would happen if it actually reached the end or a return statement?
10:11 AM LeoNerd: The processor itself will just go on happily executing instructions in flash
10:11 AM LeoNerd: whatever was there
10:11 AM polprog: it goes through .fini and then the last fini jumps into loop
10:11 AM polprog: http://www.atmel.com/webdoc/avrlibcreferencemanual/mem_sections_1sec_dot_fini.html
10:11 AM polprog: .fini0 is called the last.
10:20 AM devinmcelheran: I'm not sure I understand. Will it just continue to read the flash? Until it reaches a particular instruction that indicates the completion of execution?
10:21 AM LeoNerd: No, it'll keep going indefinitely
10:21 AM LeoNerd: Maybe the entire rest of flash is empty and contains NOPs. It'll slide down until perhaps the bootloader, if there is one
10:22 AM LeoNerd: So then that'll execute
10:22 AM LeoNerd: More likely there'll be some sort of non-instruction data sitting somewhere and it'll try to execute that and probably crash somehow
10:22 AM LeoNerd: invoking one of the reset vectors and starting from the bootloader proper
10:22 AM devinmcelheran: Ah, that's interesting.
10:24 AM Casper: devinmcelheran: I think modern gcc add the loop...
10:24 AM Casper: LeoNerd: and no, it do not continue to execute the flash
10:25 AM Casper: it loop or jump to 0x0000
10:25 AM * Casper checks
10:25 AM LeoNerd: Sure. gcc will insert code to make it do that
10:25 AM LeoNerd: I believe the question was about the *native* inherent behaviour of the underlying processor, absent any additional behaviours added by compilers
10:27 AM devinmcelheran: Actually, my question was just for raw information, hah. I'm very green with this, so native and gcc defined behaviour are both welcome.
10:29 AM Casper: devinmcelheran: gcc will add code to avoid badness, but in assemler there is no such thing as main()
10:29 AM Casper: it is just a list of instructions one after the other
10:29 AM Casper: so it depend on what the programmer did
10:29 AM Casper: if he forget to do anything then it continue to execute the code
10:29 AM devinmcelheran: That makes sense, actually. I hadn't thought of it from the perspective of assembly.
10:30 AM Casper: and my program never end so there is nothing at the end, as the code is a while(true) loop...
10:30 AM Casper: devinmcelheran: do start to think in assembly even if you program in C
10:30 AM LeoNerd: I suspect avr-libc still has the _exit() function though
10:30 AM Casper: it help to understand what happend
10:30 AM LeoNerd: So invoking that would jump you to the _fini infinite loop
10:31 AM devinmcelheran: Casper, it's on the list. I do have a very limited understanding of assembly in concept, but I've never made an effort to learn it, and as a result it's not a tool I can wield yet.
10:33 AM Casper: devinmcelheran: I strongly suggest that you write a single hello world in assembly, even if it do not assemble and is broken
10:33 AM Casper: it will help you to understand stuff
10:34 AM Casper: also, there is a way to generate pseudo assembly with gcc
10:34 AM Casper: it help to debug stuff
10:34 AM devinmcelheran: What do you mean by pseudo assembly?
10:34 AM Casper: but only if you understand a bit assembly...
10:34 AM Casper: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/kQuvp1Mhw8G4sQCUNHl2/
10:35 AM polprog: it will not go thriugh the entire flash, !
10:35 AM polprog: through!
10:35 AM polprog: when main() exits it goes back to where it called main, and jumps to the .fini sections.
10:35 AM polprog: and then it loops
10:36 AM devinmcelheran: Casper, definitely way over my head.
10:38 AM polprog: i suspect it could roll over flash and start executing garbage if you didnt use libc at all.a
10:38 AM LeoNerd: ^-- is what I meant
10:39 AM polprog: :)
10:39 AM polprog: sorry, i wasnt following the entire convo, had to eat dinner
10:39 AM Casper: devinmcelheran: except that you don't need to understand all of that in detail, but knowing what ld* *jmp cmp and some other one mean is very usefull
10:40 AM polprog: yeah you can always compile with debug symbols and it will show you line by line what assembly a certain C line was compiled to
10:40 AM Casper: (load (a value to ram), jump (to another program instruction), compare)...
10:42 AM devinmcelheran: It's definitely on my list. I'm enjoying the low lever stuff more than I expected I would. I enjoy learning how things work, and assembly is more or less the engine of any computer (apart from the CPU, obviously).
10:45 AM polprog: i wanted to implement a SWEET16 virtual machine/;interpreter on avr...
10:45 AM polprog: i need to make it when i have a bit of free time.
10:45 AM LeoNerd: I've seen virtual machines on AVR. I can't say I'm convinced
10:45 AM LeoNerd: E.g. there's a FORTH interpreter. Due to lack of RAM on the AVR, it stores the user program also in flash
10:46 AM tpw_rules: i was toying around with one for 32 bit operations
10:47 AM tpw_rules: didn't get much into code though
10:53 AM devinmcelheran: I'm trying to view the expanded output of a blink program so I can see what it looks like, but it isn't replacing the macros. Is that normal? avr-gcc -E -mmcu=attiny85 t85_blink.c
10:54 AM devinmcelheran: https://pastebin.com/BJx85K76
11:17 AM Casper: tpw_rules: 32 bits is ok on avr, but don't think about 64 bits... totally unsupported unfortunatelly
11:17 AM Casper: they define a 64 bits variable as 32 bits... grrr
01:49 PM * Casper wonders what is that binary blob in his code...
01:50 PM HighInBC: blobby goodness
01:50 PM HighInBC: nothing like a program that uses magic data to work
01:52 PM Casper: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/kQuvp1Mhw8G4sQCUNHl2/ <=== look at line 88
02:11 PM polprog: wow
02:11 PM polprog: int* main[] = {...}
02:11 PM polprog: :P
02:11 PM polprog: https://jroweboy.github.io/c/asm/2015/01/26/when-is-main-not-a-function.html
02:15 PM Casper: ?
03:00 PM Emil: polprog: yeah I saw that too
03:01 PM Emil: polprog: const int main[]={...};
03:13 PM hetii: Hi
03:13 PM NoHitWonder: hi
03:14 PM polprog: hi
03:22 PM hetii: Do you know some linux software where I can design front panel of my case?
03:22 PM polprog: inkscape?
03:23 PM polprog: if you need something more CAD-like, KiCad could...
03:23 PM polprog: inkscape is vector graphics so i think you can design something...
03:24 PM polprog: and for overall case i'd say SketchUp
03:24 PM hetii: okt thx will check it.
03:24 PM polprog: cos inkscape would be more for the writings and symbols to be imprinted on the case
03:40 PM Emil: hetii: freecard, openscad, ...
03:40 PM polprog: freecad is terribly cumbersome or im doing something wrong...
03:42 PM Emil: hetii: gimp
03:42 PM Emil: But yeah inkscape is nice
03:43 PM polprog: if only kicad didnt have that silly image-to-silkscreen program and just could use TrueType Fonts in pcbnew i'd totally use it to design the front panel
03:43 PM polprog: and get it milled along with the PCB
03:44 PM hetii: I also find FrontDesigner3.0 its for windows and not free but works under wine
03:44 PM polprog: looks like a cool soft
03:45 PM hetii: Kicad imho is one of the option but its annoying that I cannot simply draw some shape with desired sizes but line by line
03:45 PM NoHitWonder: inkscape is good
03:45 PM NoHitWonder: but its so limited compared to illustrator
03:46 PM NoHitWonder: it doesnt have that handy layer thing
03:46 PM polprog: you're not designing a mixing console front panel :P
03:48 PM NoHitWonder: one can get all the adobe software for 20e per month as a student price
03:48 PM hetii: Well I like to have some soft where I can define library with my symbols/shapes and then reused them in any time where I need it
03:48 PM NoHitWonder: that's pretty good deal if you need that kind of software
03:48 PM polprog: design symbols in inkscape and use pcbnew
03:49 PM polprog: there's some online scaler for silkscreen symbols iirc
05:05 PM polprog: night
06:30 PM nabil: hey, I'm trying to modify LUFA virtual serial example to get to send a random text message instead of joystick state
06:30 PM nabil: would love to find someone that can give me some hints to get this quickly
06:30 PM nabil: by the way
06:30 PM nabil: it is getting detected as serial (so no problem from this side I guess)
06:30 PM nabil: and I'm using atmega32u4 on windows
06:31 PM nabil: I'm thinking I have to call this function : CDC_Device_SendString
06:32 PM nabil: right?
06:43 PM nabil: yello?
06:54 PM _enhering_: I do not want to be loved
06:55 PM _enhering_ is now known as enh
07:01 PM NoHitWonder: sup
07:12 PM NoHitWonder: nabil can you post the source code of the original example
07:13 PM Lambda_Aurigae: nabil, can you send any text?
07:13 PM Lambda_Aurigae: look at how the example does it.
07:26 PM enh: Lambda_Aurigae: how do you advertise your teaching to kids?
07:27 PM Lambda_Aurigae: word of mouth.
07:27 PM Casper: Anyone have an idea what that binary blob is? https://paste.pound-python.org/show/kQuvp1Mhw8G4sQCUNHl2/ <=== look at line 88
07:27 PM Lambda_Aurigae: my wife's family pretty much knows everybody within a 20 mile radius of here...and the nieces and nephew went to the local school as did my wife and her siblings.
07:28 PM Lambda_Aurigae: Casper, decompile it and see.
07:30 PM enh: Teaching these things to kids is a very nice service
07:30 PM nabil: hi, I just tried loading arduino bootloader into an atmega32u4
07:30 PM nabil: and after changing the fuses using this command: avrdude -P arduino -b 19200 -c usbasp -p atmega32u4 -v -e -U lfuse:w:0x45:m -U hfuse:w:0x96:m -U efuse:w:0xf3:m
07:30 PM nabil: now the board isn't responding
07:30 PM HighInBC: wild guess but it looks like it follows the static header followed by payload pattern
07:31 PM HighInBC: where the block of zeros ends at the end of line cc looks liek the end of the static header
07:31 PM Lambda_Aurigae: nabil, is the atmega32u4 programmed with the correct fuses for that particular bootloader?
07:31 PM nabil: I got the fuses using this website
07:31 PM nabil: http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/
07:31 PM Lambda_Aurigae: that's not what I asked.
07:32 PM nabil: Is there fuses relative to the bootloader being used?
07:32 PM Lambda_Aurigae: are those fuses set per the requirements of that bootloader?
07:32 PM Lambda_Aurigae: what speed is that bootloader expecting the chip to be running at?
07:32 PM nabil: I don't know, but I can't even upload it now, I can't get it detected
07:32 PM nabil: I can't load the bootloader code
07:33 PM nabil: as it is showing target not responding
07:33 PM nabil: after changing the fuses values
07:33 PM enh: chip is bricked
07:33 PM enh: have you got another?
07:33 PM nabil: I know I can change that with another type of programmers (that I don't currently have)
07:34 PM nabil: The chip was working before
07:34 PM nabil: so I don't think it is from the chip
07:34 PM enh: if you change the fuse settings to a bad number the chip may stop responding
07:34 PM NoHitWonder: its bricked
07:35 PM nabil: but I don't see how the values I chose are bad
07:35 PM Lambda_Aurigae: what crystal do you have attached to it?
07:35 PM nabil: 8Mhz
07:35 PM nabil: I chose ext low crystal with 32k+0ms
07:35 PM nabil: startup time
07:35 PM enh: the fuse selects clock source, frequency divider and lots of important stuff. If the number you choose does not match your board or conditions, it will stop working until you reprogram it with a special programmer
07:36 PM nabil: but I don't see how I've done that
07:36 PM nabil: as I think I chose the right values
07:36 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and you have clockdiv/8 turned on.
07:37 PM nabil: yes (from fuse
07:37 PM Lambda_Aurigae: so it's running at 1MHz
07:37 PM nabil: yes
07:37 PM Lambda_Aurigae: so you will need to slow your programmer waaay down to get it to work most likely.
07:37 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and the bootloader will not run at that speed most likely.
07:37 PM nabil: I'll try that
07:37 PM nabil: the way I calculated those values
07:37 PM Lambda_Aurigae: again, what speed is the bootloader expecting the chip to run at?
07:37 PM nabil: I read this article
07:37 PM nabil: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/installing-an-arduino-bootloader
07:38 PM nabil: then got the fuse state with http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/
07:38 PM nabil: then applied the same for atmega32u4
07:38 PM nabil: (as they're using atmega328p on the tutorial)
07:38 PM tpw-rules: plug: mightyohm's rescue shields are good
07:38 PM Lambda_Aurigae: did you compile the bootloader yourself?
07:39 PM nabil: No, got it from github (all arduino bootloaders are on github) which is compiled for atmega32u4 as leonardo runs a atmega32u4
07:39 PM nabil: but that isn't the problem yet
07:39 PM nabil: as the board is not even detected
07:39 PM Lambda_Aurigae: not detected how?
07:39 PM Lambda_Aurigae: with what programmer?
07:40 PM nabil: after changing the fuse state
07:40 PM NoHitWonder: with usb i assume
07:40 PM nabil: now all E'm getting is target not responding
07:40 PM Lambda_Aurigae: with....what....programmer?
07:40 PM nabil: usbasp
07:40 PM nabil: isp
07:41 PM nabil: not usb
07:41 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and is it original usbasp firmware? or updated?
07:41 PM nabil: don't know about that, but could program the board with it before succesfully
07:41 PM nabil: just tried using 9600 baud rate without success
07:41 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and what were the fuses before programming?
07:41 PM nabil: default I guess
07:41 PM nabil: 1min
07:41 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it's not a baud rate problem.
07:42 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it's a programming speed issue.
07:42 PM Lambda_Aurigae: you need to slow down the programming speed..
07:42 PM Lambda_Aurigae: usually done with a jumper as I recall.
07:42 PM Lambda_Aurigae: often times the jumper has no pins on it.
07:42 PM enh: it can be done with avrdude, with the -B option, can't it?
07:43 PM nabil: jumper? I'm not programming an arduino, I'm using a custom board with atmega32u4
07:43 PM enh: -b 1000, maybe
07:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: enh, only with updated firmware on the usbasp
07:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: with the original firmware, the -b option does nothing.
07:43 PM enh: dunno usbasp
07:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: nabil, I know you aren't programming an arduino...you are using something just about as bad if not worse...usbasp.
07:44 PM nabil: yes, but I had to find something cheap, cause I'm doing this remotely
07:44 PM Lambda_Aurigae: there should be a slowdown jumper on it somewhere.
07:45 PM nabil: avrdude -b19200 -c usbasp -p atmega32u4 -v -e -U flash:w:.hex -U lock:w:0x0F:m
07:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: http://www.primrosebank.net/computers/pet/projects/tools/usbasp_v2_anot.png
07:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: jp3
07:46 PM nabil: Caterin-Lenardo.hex
07:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: as there are about 3000 different usbasp versions out there, it's possible you have one that doesn't have jp3
07:46 PM nabil: ah, the speed jumper is on the usbasp?
07:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: with the chip in 1MHz mode (8MHz/8) then default will not work!
07:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: yes
07:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: that's what I've said at least twice now!
07:47 PM nabil: ok, will try that and I'll let you know
07:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: you have to slow down the programming speed.
07:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: that is done on the programmer
07:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: on the usbasp
07:47 PM enh: Lambda_Aurigae: there is also a -B option
07:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: enh, not if it has the default firmware.
07:48 PM Lambda_Aurigae: most cheap crap chinese usbasp units have old firmware that doesn't recognize that option.
07:48 PM enh: ok. I thought you were talking about the -b , not -B
07:48 PM Lambda_Aurigae: in which case, you can't change programming speed in software with any option.
07:49 PM Lambda_Aurigae: this has been gone round and round in here at least a dozen times in the last year or so.
07:49 PM nabil: Lambda_Aurigae there are 3 jumpers on this usbasp
07:49 PM Lambda_Aurigae: nabil, sounds about right.
07:49 PM Lambda_Aurigae: jp1-supply target
07:50 PM nabil: yes
07:50 PM Lambda_Aurigae: jp2-self program
07:50 PM Lambda_Aurigae: jp3-slow SCK
07:50 PM Lambda_Aurigae: SCK = serial clock...that is the clock speed of the ISP interface.
07:50 PM nabil: I don't think there is something marked on the other jumpers, hold on I think he just sent me a picture
07:53 PM nabil: I'm uploading it in a moment
07:55 PM nabil: https://imgur.com/4xgED6o
07:55 PM nabil: Lambda_Aurigae here is the programmer in use
07:55 PM Lambda_Aurigae: that looks almost exactly like the one I posted.
07:56 PM Lambda_Aurigae: J
07:56 PM Lambda_Aurigae: P
07:56 PM Lambda_Aurigae: 3
07:56 PM nabil: great, I'll try that
07:56 PM Lambda_Aurigae: http://www.primrosebank.net/computers/pet/projects/tools/usbasp_v2_anot.png
07:57 PM Lambda_Aurigae: good glub.
07:59 PM nabil: keep getting error: target not responding
08:00 PM nabil: Lambda_Aurigae
08:01 PM Lambda_Aurigae: then you might need a clock source to feed the chip.
08:01 PM nabil: by the way using -B 1000, gave set SCK frequency to 1000Hz on the screen, sothat probably supported
08:01 PM nabil: I'm using a 8Mhz crystal
08:01 PM Lambda_Aurigae: avrdude supports it
08:02 PM Lambda_Aurigae: the programmer may or may not support it and if it doesn't it will just ignore it.
08:02 PM nabil: ah, okey ...
08:02 PM Lambda_Aurigae: yes...you are using an 8MHz crystal with clockdiv-8 fuse set.
08:02 PM Lambda_Aurigae: at least, according to the fuses I saw up there.
08:02 PM Lambda_Aurigae: which makes the chip run at 1MHz
08:03 PM nabil: isn't that the default state
08:03 PM nabil: according to the datasheet
08:03 PM enh: At 1Mhz an ISP programmer in normal clock should detect the chip
08:03 PM Lambda_Aurigae: enh, most should, except usbasp with old firmware.
08:03 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it happens all the time.
08:03 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but, there could be other issues.
08:03 PM enh: that thing looks like pure crap then
08:04 PM Lambda_Aurigae: without knowing what firmware is on it there's no way to tell.
08:04 PM nabil: I'll try to get a new firmware for it
08:04 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I just use my stk200 programmer or the tinyusb I got from Tom_itx
08:05 PM Lambda_Aurigae: mostly the stk200 though
08:05 PM nabil: But having been able to program it before iwth clk8 div being set(since it's the default)
08:05 PM Lambda_Aurigae: the chip was running on the internal RC oscillator by default too.
08:05 PM nabil: so, why would it cause trouble now
08:05 PM Lambda_Aurigae: so, you could have problem with the crystal.
08:05 PM Lambda_Aurigae: without having it in hand to check things out, no way to tell.
08:06 PM nabil: I think it runs on ext crystal by default (in the atmega32u4 case)
08:06 PM Lambda_Aurigae: possible..I haven't read that datasheet.
08:06 PM nabil: and I tried changing the clk8 in software before and it worked
08:07 PM nabil: according to you, i didn't mess it with fuse values ?
08:08 PM Lambda_Aurigae: did you,,,read the datasheet on the low frequency crystal oscillator setting?
08:08 PM tpw-rules is now known as tpw_rules
08:09 PM nabil: no, just used the fuse calculator to find the fuse values
08:09 PM nabil: can it be because the clock is too high to be considered low freq?
08:10 PM Lambda_Aurigae: low frequency crystal oscillator is 32Khz
08:10 PM Lambda_Aurigae: you want low power crystal oscillator
08:11 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I would use 7F for low fuse..
08:12 PM Lambda_Aurigae: your current setting has the oscillator setup for a 32KHz crystal...won't work with an 8MHz crystal.
08:12 PM nabil: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/installing-an-arduino-bootloader
08:12 PM nabil: the one I followed in a way
08:13 PM nabil: they were using an atmega328p with 8mhz crystal
08:13 PM nabil: and it is set to low freq crystal with startup time to 32k + 0ms
08:13 PM Lambda_Aurigae: FF would work too.
08:13 PM nabil: being sparkfun I think they've tested it
08:14 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but you set lfuse to 0x45
08:14 PM enh: do you have a function generator?
08:14 PM nabil: yes I just copied the setting but not the actual values
08:14 PM nabil: as I'm not using the same mcu
08:14 PM Lambda_Aurigae: looks like a typo
08:14 PM Lambda_Aurigae: because their values are not low frequency crystal
08:14 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and sparkfun is not infallable!
08:15 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and they turn off the div-8 fuse as well.
08:15 PM Lambda_Aurigae: by setting low fuse to 0x45 you have bricked the chip unless you have an external clock source in the area of 4 to 8 MHz or a high voltage parallel programmer
08:15 PM Lambda_Aurigae: actually, 1 to 8 MHz really.
08:16 PM nabil: checking on fusecalc website gave that the clkdiv8 is checked
08:16 PM nabil: how did you find that they are disabling it?
08:16 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and nowhere on that site does it say low frequency crystal oscillator
08:17 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I used their fuse settings on the fuse calculator.
08:17 PM nabil: clkdiv8 is checked no?
08:18 PM Lambda_Aurigae: no
08:18 PM Lambda_Aurigae: http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/
08:18 PM Lambda_Aurigae: using that site?
08:19 PM Lambda_Aurigae: Low=FF High=D6 efuse=05
08:19 PM Lambda_Aurigae: right from the website you posted.
08:20 PM Lambda_Aurigae: setting them on the atmega328p which is what they use...or on your 32u4...either way it's the same for lfuse
08:20 PM nabil: low is 05 on adafruit
08:21 PM nabil: ah fuck
08:21 PM nabil: I confused lfuse for efuse
08:21 PM Lambda_Aurigae: avrdude -P comport -b 19200 -c avrisp -p m328p -v -e -U efuse:w:0x05:m -U hfuse:w:0xD6:m -U lfuse:w:0xFF:m
08:21 PM Lambda_Aurigae: right from the sparkfun site you posted.
08:21 PM nabil: yeah I see my mistake
08:21 PM enh: have you got another chip?
08:22 PM nabil: yeah, but i was hoping to recover this one
08:22 PM Lambda_Aurigae: you bricked it by not reading three times and comparing the three.
08:22 PM Lambda_Aurigae: to recover
08:22 PM Lambda_Aurigae: you need
08:22 PM Lambda_Aurigae: a HVSP device
08:22 PM nabil: are there any cheap ones?
08:22 PM Lambda_Aurigae: or an external clock source between 1MHz and 8MHz
08:22 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I use a fusedoctor myself.
08:22 PM nabil: or maybe using cmos with another mcu will do?
08:22 PM Lambda_Aurigae: what does cmos have to do with anything?
08:23 PM nabil: I'm thinking about desiging a simple board to reset the fuses
08:23 PM nabil: so to handle big voltages (14v)
08:23 PM Lambda_Aurigae: http://mdiy.pl/atmega-fusebit-doctor-hvpp/?lang=en
08:23 PM enh: http://www.instructables.com/id/Simple-and-cheap-Fuse-Doctor-for-Attiny/
08:23 PM Lambda_Aurigae: enh, mine works for tiny and mega.
08:23 PM Lambda_Aurigae: hehe
08:24 PM enh: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ATMEL-AVR-ATMEGA-ATTINY-Fuse-Repair-Programmer-Fuse-Doctor-Express-USA-Shipping-/222526417270
08:25 PM Lambda_Aurigae: enh, looks just like the one I posted, only for sale.
08:25 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I made mine.
08:25 PM Lambda_Aurigae: from that mdiy.pl site.
08:27 PM enh: is there something like a zif socket for smd atmegas?
08:27 PM Lambda_Aurigae: there are.
08:27 PM Lambda_Aurigae: they are very pricy.
08:27 PM Lambda_Aurigae: https://www.adafruit.com/product/1239
08:28 PM nabil: you got that design working right? Lambda_Aurigae?
08:28 PM Lambda_Aurigae: nabil, never with an atmega32u4,,,but that's because I never used that chip.
08:28 PM Lambda_Aurigae: would probably need to mod the software for the fusebit doctor to include that chip.
08:29 PM nabil: one similar like u2 or 16u2?
08:29 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I don't use usb avr chips.
08:29 PM enh: pricey indeed
08:29 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I do usb with pic32
08:29 PM nabil: out of curiosity, why?
08:29 PM Lambda_Aurigae: or for super simple I use pic16f144/5/9 chips.
08:29 PM Lambda_Aurigae: well,
08:29 PM Lambda_Aurigae: avr usb chips are all surface mount.
08:29 PM Lambda_Aurigae: no dip package.
08:30 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and I don't solder smt well with shaky hands due to peripheral neuropathy.
08:30 PM Lambda_Aurigae: pic usb chips come in dip package that I can throw on a solderless breadboard even.
08:30 PM nabil: ah, okey, I understand
08:30 PM enh: Lambda_Aurigae: http://www.ebay.com/itm/QFP32-TQFP32-FQFP32-PQFP32-TO-DIP32-DIP28-IC-test-socket-programmer-/401373439600
08:30 PM nabil: thought there was something wrong with them
08:30 PM Lambda_Aurigae: heck, the pic16f1454/5/9 series I can even run without any extra components, not even a crystal.
08:30 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I also don't care much for the existing usb stacks for avr.
08:31 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but that's all personal preference.
08:31 PM nabil: does pics have the bootloader built in like some of the avr?
08:31 PM Lambda_Aurigae: enh, yeah..32 is cheaper.
08:31 PM Lambda_Aurigae: not usb bootloaders, no.
08:31 PM enh: 12
08:31 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I just make my own.
08:31 PM Lambda_Aurigae: or steal others out there.
08:32 PM Lambda_Aurigae: depending on the project.
08:32 PM Lambda_Aurigae: mostly I use pic16f1454 as usb-serial adapter chips.
08:32 PM Lambda_Aurigae: then do everything serial on the back end.
08:32 PM NoHitWonder: stm32 chips have built in bootloader. they also have nice peripherals
08:33 PM Lambda_Aurigae: NoHitWonder, and they are all SMT
08:33 PM NoHitWonder: true
08:33 PM Lambda_Aurigae: microchip likes to send me free samples of dip package usb devices.
08:33 PM Lambda_Aurigae: [:
08:33 PM enh: Lambda_Aurigae: a small CNC for placing the chip and hot air can overcome shaking hands
08:34 PM Lambda_Aurigae: enh, both of which cost money..or I have to make.
08:34 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and,,,what I have works just fine for me.
08:34 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I like pic32 chips...nice pic peripherals on a 32bit mips4k core.
08:35 PM enh: xy micrometers can do the job too, plus a z one.
08:35 PM Lambda_Aurigae: running at 50MHz/83dmips...in a 28pin dip...with 256K flash and 64K sram...and can run code from flash or sram.
08:35 PM Lambda_Aurigae: if it had an avr core it would be perfect...but,,
08:36 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I kinda like the mips4k processor so life's good.
08:36 PM enh: Thats a lot of options in a single chip
08:36 PM Lambda_Aurigae: pic32mx270f256b
08:36 PM enh: the avr equivalent is xmega?
08:36 PM Lambda_Aurigae: no
08:36 PM Lambda_Aurigae: xmega is 8/16ish bit
08:37 PM Lambda_Aurigae: pic32 is full 32bit...like an arm.
08:37 PM enh: interesting. I''m new to all this. never done PIC stuff
08:37 PM Lambda_Aurigae: some of the pic32 chips even have external memory interfaces like real processors...but those are all SMT
08:37 PM Lambda_Aurigae: 8bit pic is a pain in the arse.
08:38 PM enh: I will have to select a better MCU for the next generation modules of my project.
08:38 PM Lambda_Aurigae: 32bit pic is a lot nicer...one single ram bank really....it's not harvard like pic16/18 and avr
08:38 PM Lambda_Aurigae: one single memory bank rather.
08:38 PM Lambda_Aurigae: with ram and flash and i/o all mapped into one continuous memory segment more like an x86 memory structure...von newman architecture.
08:39 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but, to each their own and for each project, the right tools to fit.
08:39 PM Lambda_Aurigae: heck, I still use(and teach) 8051/8052 chips.
08:40 PM Lambda_Aurigae: have a stack of ds89c450 chips from maxim/dallas here.
08:40 PM Lambda_Aurigae: probably 20 or more.
08:40 PM Lambda_Aurigae: also have some higher end 8052 sipp modules that have lots of external ram and flash on them.
08:41 PM Lambda_Aurigae: butter up your factory reps and get all kinds of fun toys.
08:41 PM enh: Why did microchip bought atmel? To stop it? They had a pretty complete line of microcontrollers
08:42 PM Lambda_Aurigae: to mix the two I think.
08:42 PM Lambda_Aurigae: also, to remove competition.
08:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: we will be seeing more pic/avr hybrid chips in the near future I think.
08:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: there is already a pseudo hybrid attiny
08:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: pic has some nice peripherals, like the full CTMU, that avr doesn
08:43 PM NoHitWonder: i hope atmel ice will be supported
08:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: 't have
08:44 PM enh: I have a most stupid question to ask. What is the difference between a MPU and a MCU?
08:44 PM Lambda_Aurigae: CTMU=charge time measurement unit.
08:44 PM Lambda_Aurigae: Micro Processor Unit
08:44 PM Lambda_Aurigae: Micro Controller Unit
08:44 PM enh: yep...
08:44 PM enh: but...
08:44 PM Lambda_Aurigae: MPU goes waaay back...it's a computer
08:44 PM Lambda_Aurigae: MCU is a computer on a chip.
08:45 PM enh: MPUs need peripherals?
08:45 PM Lambda_Aurigae: as opposed to an FPU which is something totally different..
08:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: often MPU is used to denote the processor in a computer...so, yes, it needs all the i/o systems added to it.
08:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: MPU is often used just like CPU
08:46 PM enh: Thanks. Made things clear for me
08:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: however, back in the olden days, MPU did denote the entire computer, not just the CPU
08:46 PM NoHitWonder: and it doesnt have integrated peripherals like MCU's have
08:47 PM NoHitWonder: not even gpio
08:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: NoHitWonder, guess that makes the 6510 a MCU
08:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it had an 8 bit gpio unit built into the 40 pin package.
08:47 PM NoHitWonder: nice
08:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: used some of that for doing bank switching to get more than 64K of memory in things like the C64 and C128
08:48 PM Lambda_Aurigae: 6510 was a 6502 with an 8 bit gpio unit built in.
08:48 PM Lambda_Aurigae: from the 80s!
08:48 PM enh: And the difference between AVR and ARM? Just architecture?
08:48 PM Lambda_Aurigae: yes, I lived through all that olden computer stuff.
08:49 PM Lambda_Aurigae: enh, pretty much...the differences between microcontrollers and CPUs have blurred these days.
08:50 PM Lambda_Aurigae: most ARM chips have peripherals built in,,,right down to and including video cards.
08:50 PM Lambda_Aurigae: hence the rPI and similar small form factor ARM computers.
08:50 PM enh: stm32f4 has a camera input too
08:50 PM Lambda_Aurigae: some of them do, yes.
08:51 PM enh: I see so many options that I doubt there are so many categories of projects to use all them
08:52 PM Lambda_Aurigae: chose wisely young grasshopper.
08:52 PM Lambda_Aurigae: or, just grab the chip that has everything you want and ignore the rest.
08:52 PM Lambda_Aurigae: hence my use of attiny85 and atmega1284p in the AVR line.
08:52 PM Lambda_Aurigae: attiny85 is kind of the no frills small project chip
08:52 PM Lambda_Aurigae: atmega1284p gives me lots of flash and ram to play with...overkill for most things I do with them.
08:53 PM Lambda_Aurigae: both still limited by not having things like hardware usb though.
08:53 PM enh: http://www.microchip.com/ParamChartSearch/chart.aspx?branchID=211
08:53 PM Lambda_Aurigae: so I go with a pic16f1454 as a usb-serial or usb-gpio interface.
08:53 PM Lambda_Aurigae: or the pic32mx270f256b if I want a single chip solution.
08:54 PM enh: interesting
08:54 PM Lambda_Aurigae: for more odd things I sometimes use the ds89c450 which is an older architecture called 8052
08:54 PM Lambda_Aurigae: 8052 is the big brother to 8051 which is probably the most widely used microcontroller in the world.
08:55 PM NoHitWonder: there's actually von neumann's and harvards in the stm32 product line
08:56 PM Lambda_Aurigae: 8051 is used in everything from tv remotes to keyboards to motion sensing light fixtures to you name it...low power microcontrollers that don't do a lot but do what they do well and rock solid.
08:56 PM NoHitWonder: but yeah stm32's have pretty much everything you might need, hardware-wise and software
08:57 PM Lambda_Aurigae: the ds89c450 comes in a 40pin dip that has a multiplexed address/data external memory interface...you can map up to 64K of program and/or 64K of data space to the chip.
08:57 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I have one here that boots from internal flash then bank switches external ram in and can load mini programs from sd card into ram to execute them.
08:58 PM Lambda_Aurigae: connected to a 128K nvsram chip, I can bank switch that in 32K blocks of program and 32K blocks of data space so can load multiple program modules that can call each other across banks through the "os" in flash.
08:59 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it's a complex convoluted all to hell setup that requires some interesting modifications to SDCC to compile programs for it.
08:59 PM enh: amazing
08:59 PM Lambda_Aurigae: build that thingie about 12 years ago.
09:00 PM Lambda_Aurigae: with about 10 times the processing power of a commodore c-64.
09:00 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but no graphics interface, yet...
09:00 PM Lambda_Aurigae: need to tie Jartza's octapentaveega to it one of these days.
09:00 PM Lambda_Aurigae: then write a web browser for it!
09:01 PM Lambda_Aurigae: or an irc client
09:01 PM Lambda_Aurigae: irc client would be much easier.
09:02 PM Lambda_Aurigae: hmmm...I should make a webserver from a pic32 and enc28j60.
09:02 PM Lambda_Aurigae: with a usb thumb drive to store the web page data.
09:03 PM Lambda_Aurigae: add a cisco POE compliant power interface and put it all in a large flash drive package.
09:03 PM Lambda_Aurigae: or,,something like that...with a network plug on the end...
09:04 PM Lambda_Aurigae: plug it into a POE enabled switch or network jack and have a little web server..maybe add ftp so one can store and retrieve files over the network.
09:05 PM Lambda_Aurigae: man,,,one could do some serious damage with such a device....put a dhcp server on it that sets itself as the default route so it can inject ads into all web pages that go through it!
09:05 PM Lambda_Aurigae: muahahaha
09:05 PM Lambda_Aurigae: ok..now I'm just getting silly...but it's still doable...anyhow, bedtime for bonzoids before we try to take over the world with microcontrollers,,,,again...
09:06 PM NoHitWonder: enh why did you choose avr in the first place?
09:07 PM NoHitWonder: you heard about it because the arduino scene?
09:08 PM enh: me? ignorance. Arduino influence.
09:08 PM enh: next modules will be better chosen.
09:08 PM enh: Lambda_Aurigae: Thats a lot of technology in a small package
09:09 PM enh: I'd like to participate in one of your children's courses one day
09:11 PM NoHitWonder: does your system have any kind of display or will it ever have one?
09:12 PM enh: NoHitWonder: I wanted a low cost mcu. I thought if I programmed wisely and distributed the work through many mcus, I could do more than people do with higher end mcus and still benefit of modularity
09:12 PM NoHitWonder: yeah
09:12 PM NoHitWonder: but you can get arms even lower prices than microchip/atmel can offer
09:12 PM enh: i do not plan to plug any dsiplay in it, but I guess a serial 4 line display cannot make any bad if connected just to debug
09:13 PM enh: I'm sure I can, NoHitWonder. But I 'm sure I'm still ignorant to choose between them.
09:15 PM enh: i need at least two SPIs, one UART and one TWI for the current module design. Plus a few GPIOs and one or two ADs
09:16 PM enh: That makes a pretty generic MCU module that can support specific sub modules for specific functions like sensors, gps etc.
09:17 PM enh: The more processing power can be packed in the mcu module, the better. But low power consumption and low cost are desirable
09:17 PM _ami_: enh, 2 spis in full duplex mode?
09:17 PM enh: ATMega328p has them
09:17 PM _ami_: does it have 2 spis?
09:17 PM _ami_: i doubt
09:18 PM enh: it has
09:18 PM _ami_: 2 hw spis i meant
09:18 PM enh: look in the datasheet for MSPIM
09:18 PM enh: the UART works as a master SPI
09:18 PM NoHitWonder: stm32 L-series might be good for you, its the low power series
09:18 PM enh: how many pins?
09:19 PM enh: If it physically fits, it would be nice too
09:19 PM _ami_: enh, why not you try stm32f103 ICs
09:19 PM NoHitWonder: there's many different packages
09:19 PM _ami_: its too powerful and has all the features u want and can run upto 72mhz
09:20 PM enh: https://bitbucket.org/enhering/yauvc/src/7fbafe94c299574a34ef1b31ef898eae6408d3cb/PCBs/current-version/MCU-atmega328p-3v3-v4/?at=default
09:20 PM NoHitWonder: yes but you can choose stm32l1 , its the low power version
09:20 PM NoHitWonder: http://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers/stm32l1-series.html?querycriteria=productId=SS1295
09:21 PM enh: minimum is 36 pin qfn
09:21 PM _ami_: oh yea, m328p has 2 spis.
09:21 PM * _ami_ checked DS
09:21 PM enh: I use both, _ami_
09:21 PM enh: one for the main bus, the other for talking to module peripherals
09:22 PM enh: classes for them available in the project repo too
09:23 PM enh: These stm32s have even unique ids... Nice
09:24 PM NoHitWonder: this costs 4,70e http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/389/stm32l100c6-956220.pdf
09:25 PM enh: Up to know I'm using less than 1.5k SRAM on the modules. What would be nice is a floating point unit.
09:26 PM NoHitWonder: and one of the great things is that io's are 5v tolerant
09:26 PM NoHitWonder: so you can use them with 5v and 3.3v logic
09:27 PM enh: Amazing power for a single chip
09:29 PM enh: Interested in having the system running with that mcu, NoHitWonder? Can you sketch something on kicad using the project standards? I cannot focus on that now, but I'm definitely interested in upgrading the MCU module.
09:29 PM NoHitWonder: sorry i dont have time to spare
09:30 PM enh: I'll take note of that suggestion.
09:30 PM enh: And work on that as soon as I have the oportunity
09:31 PM enh: How should I program an stm32? Can I use ATMEL ice too?
09:32 PM enh: Is it programmed vis SPI too?
09:32 PM NoHitWonder: no, buy and nucleo its 10 bucks
09:32 PM NoHitWonder: every stm32 board has built in programmer&debugger that you can use with external chips also
09:32 PM NoHitWonder: the nucleo boards are 10 bucks
09:33 PM NoHitWonder: and they also have that programmer as standalone, its about 10 bucks too
09:33 PM NoHitWonder: its the st-link/v2 programmer
09:34 PM NoHitWonder: /debugger
09:35 PM enh: i see there are many nucleo boards
09:35 PM enh: 32, 64, 144
09:35 PM NoHitWonder: and those stm32 dev boards have schematics that you can use as reference design
09:36 PM NoHitWonder: i would say go for 64
09:36 PM NoHitWonder: size wise its best
09:37 PM enh: http://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/evaluation-tools/product-evaluation-tools/mcu-eval-tools/stm32-mcu-eval-tools/stm32-mcu-nucleo/nucleo-f410rb.html
09:40 PM enh: But what interface is used for IC programming?
09:40 PM NoHitWonder: swd
09:41 PM enh: How many pins?
09:41 PM NoHitWonder: 2
09:41 PM enh: I'd have to place then on the module too
09:42 PM NoHitWonder: 2 + vcc + gnd
09:42 PM NoHitWonder: +reset
09:42 PM enh: these come from the main bus
09:43 PM enh: 3.3V, gnd, reset, spi, 5V
09:43 PM NoHitWonder: ok
09:44 PM enh: Having a more powerful module to do heavy stuff is very desireable
09:46 PM NoHitWonder: actually this nucleo is closest to that L100 chip http://www.mouser.fi/ProductDetail/STMicroelectronics/NUCLEO-L152RE/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMsiJ7OlpASoDgI5w7%252bzT6UC%2fja72GCOsJo%3d
09:46 PM NoHitWonder: its bascily the same, just more memory
09:46 PM NoHitWonder: and few peripherals more
09:47 PM enh: The system is very stable now. I'm getting telemetry readings for hours without problems. No more bugs.
09:47 PM NoHitWonder: good
09:48 PM NoHitWonder: well make a prototype module with the new mcu first and see how it goes
09:50 PM enh: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-NUCLEO-L152RE-STM32-Nucleo-development-board-with-STM32L152RET6-MCU/32808586170.html?spm=2114.search0104.3.8.zHWXTw&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_1_10152_10065_10151_10068_10173_10326_10084_10083_10080_10307_10082_10081_10110_10137_10111_10060_10112_10113_10155_10114_10154_143_10056_10055_10054_10312_10313_10059_10314_100031_10099_10078_10338_10079_10339_10103_10073_1010
09:50 PM enh: 2_440_10052_10053_10142_10107_10050_10051,searchweb201603_21,ppcSwitch_5&btsid=b01aec75-a07e-4878-b462-01ee52f837da&algo_expid=824b9b95-9e31-4c69-87f0-306086f2105c-1&algo_pvid=824b9b95-9e31-4c69-87f0-306086f2105c
09:50 PM enh: ops
09:51 PM HighInBC: you dont need the stuff after the '?'
09:51 PM enh: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-NUCLEO-L152RE-STM32-Nucleo-development-board-with-STM32L152RET6-MCU/32808586170.html
09:51 PM enh: better
09:51 PM enh: arrives here cheaper than by mouser.
09:52 PM enh: mouser charges $25 to ship to brazil. Or $35. Dont remember
09:53 PM Tom_itx: so find a friend in the US
09:53 PM Tom_itx: and have them ship you a care package
09:53 PM enh: care package?
09:54 PM enh: Found this on DX while searching for nucleo: http://www.dx.com/p/1-54inch-three-color-e-ink-display-module-for-raspberry-pi-nucleo-476563#.WbiWVq3MzOQ
09:54 PM enh: did not know there already existed three colour e-inks
09:55 PM Tom_itx: huh
09:55 PM NoHitWonder: me neither
09:56 PM enh: three colour is black, white and red?
09:56 PM NoHitWonder: apparently
09:56 PM enh: how is that thing driven?
09:57 PM NoHitWonder: idk
09:57 PM enh: by taking all my cpu, probably
09:57 PM enh: oh, spi
09:58 PM enh: quite interesting
10:01 PM enh: The ali express option is good enough. I can read that as $13.00 plus $5 shipping.
10:04 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
10:04 PM NoHitWonder: yes its good as its shipped
10:04 PM NoHitWonder: freely
10:04 PM enh: The discovery kit also works as a pogrammer?
10:04 PM NoHitWonder: yes
10:04 PM enh: that is even better. I have one here which I have never had time to play with.
10:04 PM NoHitWonder: nice
10:05 PM NoHitWonder: good luck
10:05 PM NoHitWonder: nite ->
10:06 PM enh: sleep well
10:17 PM enh: https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html#public
11:21 PM enh: cehteh: Awake?
11:30 PM enh: http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/389/stm32f303c6-956234.pdf
11:31 PM enh: This one have a FPU
11:43 PM enh: http://br.mouser.com/ProductDetail/STMicroelectronics/STM32F334K8T6/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMuI9neUTtPr79RSKsMYP3rmp9Ps1rTIsufq%252bVdXt7xTCA%3d%3d
11:54 PM enh: I'd pick this one: http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/389/stm32f303c6-956234.pdf
11:55 PM enh: CortexM4, LQFP32, FPU, 1 SPI, 1 CAN. I'd have to convert my main bus to CAN, if so.