#avr Logs

Aug 06 2017

#avr Calendar

01:44 AM JanC is now known as Guest8589
01:47 AM JanC_ is now known as JanC
05:01 AM renn0xtk9: is tit possible to use a library made for arduino in a pure avr code (without ardtuino bootlader and stuff ?)
05:09 AM antto: did you try asking in #arduino ?
05:10 AM xentrac: usually
05:11 AM antto: unless there's something nasty going on.. the firmware should work without a bootloader too
05:15 AM renn0xtk9: antto xentrac , What I am trying to do is make a usb component with AVR and V-usb library. My intention was to use the IRremot of Arduino https://github.com/z3t0/Arduino-IRremote to take advantage of the methods in there to send Infrared messages
05:16 AM renn0xtk9: But I keep running into compilation troubles
05:16 AM antto: isn't vusb bitbanged?
05:17 AM hetii: it is
05:17 AM antto: i'd avoid it then
05:18 AM antto: like dog sh*t on the sidewalk ;P~
05:18 AM hetii: renn0xtk9, better use irmp library from https://www.mikrocontroller.net/articles/IRMP_-_english and use usb->uart chip
05:19 AM renn0xtk9: hetii okay i will take a look at it, but all avr with usb controller ares sold as smd. very hard to use as a hobbyist. that is why I try to stick to ATMEGA 328 as long as I can ^^
05:20 AM hetii: I try v-usb with irmp and receiving/decoding works fine and got data on virtual com port exposed by v-USB but after a while usb transmition was corrupted
05:21 AM renn0xtk9: Isee
05:21 AM antto: renn0xtk9 you could get smd to DIP adapters in breadboard-friendly shapes for a number of SMD footprints
05:21 AM antto: so just solder the chip onto that, then solder header pins and it's like DIP
05:21 AM hetii: renn0xtk9, yep I know that current SMD packages like SO etc. can be difficult to solder but all is doable using regular stuff
05:22 AM antto: i managed to solder two SO8s onto an adapter myself
05:22 AM renn0xtk9: okay I will give IRMP a try and if I fail I will look at it
05:22 AM antto: with my jittery hands
05:22 AM renn0xtk9: hetii: the usb corruption was because of V-USB kind of loosing the synchronisation with the USB bus ?
05:23 AM hetii: renn0xtk9, regarding usb, yes. btw if you do your own PCB then look at this method https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBIxvwZ_0og
05:24 AM hetii: by using it I was able to make traces for DAC that have size 3x3mm
05:26 AM renn0xtk9: hetii ah okay. For PCB I use classic UV technique, I print the typons with eagle and then irradiate the board
05:28 AM hetii: renn0xtk9, I never use UV technique, to much steps to do, but people who compare both way, said that the results are similar or sometimes better when using aceton transfer
05:29 AM hetii: all depend what kind of toner and paper you use
05:29 AM antto: hetii so.. you just soften the toner with the mix of accetone+alcohol, and press the paper onto the copper?
05:29 AM antto: that's nifty
05:30 AM hetii: yep, you got your pcb in 20m :)
05:30 AM antto: nice
05:32 AM hetii: I keep it press for something like 10m and its enough, then 3~5m in clean watter and paper removed almost itself
05:33 AM hetii: As a source of paper I use magazine adverts, you need to test with one are best, depending what you got in your area ;)
05:35 AM antto: you mean glossy paper?
05:36 AM hetii: yep, here are my first results that I describe in this thread: http://www.elektroda.pl/rtvforum/topic3302162.html
05:36 AM antto: that's kinda polish ;P~
05:37 AM hetii: then just focus on pictures:P
05:38 AM antto: yeah, it looks good
05:38 AM antto: but i guess you need to setup the printer to deposit decent amount of toner
05:38 AM antto: that would apply no matter which way of transfer you'd use, i guess
05:39 AM antto: we tried UV transfer at work, but the amount of toner the printer spit out was sooo weak
05:40 AM hetii: antto, not really to be honest, sometimes I even reduce amount of toner if need very thin traces
05:41 AM antto: well, we printed onto transparent plastic/nylon
05:41 AM antto: you had to put 3 such sheets and you can see thru the "black"
05:41 AM hetii: I use old HP1020 printer and its perfect for this job.
05:42 AM hetii: I see, so here as I know when you use aceton it make toner to be more dark at the end
05:43 AM antto: that would be cuz you wet it ;P~
05:44 AM antto: i saw the print in the video.. our printer is either lousy or was configured for uber economy
05:44 AM hetii: maybe :)
05:45 AM antto: but i still wish for an affordable machine for making proper PCBs (two layer at least) at home
05:45 AM antto: with the least amount of manual work
05:46 AM antto: i mean.. some day in the future
05:49 AM hetii: well its doable :) I think about this same in the past and my first idea was to build duble side CNC like machine were I plan use UV laser do make traces
05:50 AM hetii: but as I said before, UV technisc is dirty and have to much steps so aceton transfer imho is much better
05:54 AM xentrac: do you drill your PCB too?
06:00 AM hetii: yes
06:01 AM hetii: but usally I made pcb for SMD component so drills are usually for conectors:)
06:01 AM hetii: Here is small exception https://bitbucket.org//hetii/tvsender
06:01 AM hetii: where I use all THT components.
09:13 AM Emil: hetii: uv is far superior
12:57 PM renn0xtk9: has anybody experience with irmp (library to send IR code) I have written a program with it, but it seems to stuck inside irsnd_send_data function
01:11 PM antto: examine it
01:12 PM antto: see if it relies on interrupts
01:19 PM renn0xtk9: antto what if it does?
01:36 PM Casper: you may have forgot to enable it
01:42 PM renn0xtk9: Casper, I did, but now I have sei() in the main (so it should be enabled? ) and still stuck to irsnd_send_data() see line 70 of https://pastebin.com/cBMEqjXq
01:46 PM Casper: can'T look, going out
01:46 PM Casper: and got my share of code analysing with this small project of mine that I hit a few issues
01:47 PM rue_shop3: renn0xtk9, you need to know how their code works
01:47 PM rue_shop3: so you can be sure your not using something that conflicts
01:47 PM rue_shop3: and to know if you need to do things like enable interrupts
01:47 PM rue_shop3: did they have working example code?
01:48 PM rue_shop3: if not, it might be worth throwing it all out and finding either something else or making something of your own
01:50 PM rue_shop3: specifically, it might requre that timer you adjusted after you initialized the ir
02:01 PM MrFahrenheit: anyone know why the i2c usi sample code writes to the sda pin, but when I try it it does nothing because in two wire mode the sda pin state is tied to the data register?
02:02 PM MrFahrenheit: example https://github.com/wertarbyte/hdclock/blob/master/USI_TWI_Master.c#L148-L151
02:04 PM Lambda_Aurigae: MrFahrenheit, what's the problem exactly?
02:05 PM Lambda_Aurigae: i2c not working with that code?
02:06 PM MrFahrenheit: I'm trying to do it manually, but I don't understand how writing to the sda pin does anything, when it's controlled by usidr
02:06 PM MrFahrenheit: scope confirms it
02:07 PM Lambda_Aurigae: well, if it's controlled by something else then you won't be able to manually control it I don't believe.
02:07 PM Lambda_Aurigae: you would need to disable the i2c unit before manually changing the pin.
02:07 PM MrFahrenheit: yeah, but the official atmel code does that, that's their sample code I linked there
02:08 PM Lambda_Aurigae: http://homepage.hispeed.ch/peterfleury/avr-software.html
02:08 PM MrFahrenheit: I'll look at the usi flags, maybe they have to be set a certain way to allow manual control
02:08 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I use the i2c library from there myself...find it much easier to understand than the official atmel one.
02:09 PM Lambda_Aurigae: note also, the i2c lines must have pullup resistors on them.
02:09 PM Lambda_Aurigae: otherwise the comms just don't work.
02:09 PM MrFahrenheit: thanks, I'll have a look at that one, I found most people just c/p the atmel code
02:09 PM MrFahrenheit: I do have resistors on the lines
02:09 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I've been using fleury's libs for over 15 years.
02:09 PM Lambda_Aurigae: they are old but they work.
02:10 PM MrFahrenheit: although the ones I used at first were too large
02:10 PM Lambda_Aurigae: ok..make that over 10 years...guess he wasn't around 15 years ago.
02:10 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it's been a long time.
02:10 PM Lambda_Aurigae: dang, I thought that site was older.
02:10 PM Lambda_Aurigae: maybe he updated the dates.
02:11 PM Lambda_Aurigae: oh, wait, yours is for USI
02:11 PM Lambda_Aurigae: not for real TWI hardware.
02:12 PM Lambda_Aurigae: totally different aminal.
02:12 PM MrFahrenheit: yeah, this attiny doesn't have twi, just usi
02:13 PM Lambda_Aurigae: sorry.beyond the scope of my knowledge other than reading the datasheet.
02:13 PM Lambda_Aurigae: which, I'm sure it's in there.
02:27 PM renn0xtk9: rue_shop3: they provide a minmal working example but I can;t get it working properly
02:38 PM chutulu_ is now known as chutulu
03:23 PM MrFahrenheit: I was wrong earlier, writing to the sda pin does work fine
03:33 PM rue_shop3: renn... then its worth throwing out the library and finding a library that does work, or writing your own code
03:35 PM antto: he gone
03:35 PM antto: rue_shop3 wut'cha shoppin'?
04:00 PM rue_shop3: I know, I decided to finish the statement anyhow
04:00 PM rue_shop3: shoppin?
04:01 PM antto: i don't always finish my sentences. but when i do
04:03 PM rue_shop3: heh
08:54 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
09:39 PM enh: Hi.
09:39 PM enh: Anybody awake?
09:40 PM enh: Just passing by.
10:10 PM enh: cehteh? Emil? Have you ever used these? https://www.mill-max.com/new_products/detail/2
10:24 PM Xark_ is now known as Xark
10:33 PM Casper: has anyone here done any ADC stability test on avr?
10:34 PM Casper: it seems like this one have some, it vary by a few count up and down, not randomly... like I get 508 509 510 511 510 509 508 509 510 511 510 509.....
11:24 PM lemm|ngs is now known as lemmings
11:59 PM rue_shop3: Casper, I'v never bolted the supply down enough on an avr to get anything I'd expect stable values from