#avr Logs

Jul 20 2017

#avr Calendar

12:05 AM Snert: is that box meant to accept cards that slide in? like for prototype purposes?
12:08 AM Snert: I can't think of a better way to hide the components and make them inaccessible to scope probes and voltmeter probes.
12:09 AM Snert: web page talks about a vehicle controller but I see some sort of box. No controller electronics visible.
12:10 AM Snert: confuzzling.
12:18 AM day_ is now known as daey
01:54 AM Thrashbarg_ is now known as Thrashbarg
02:12 AM day_ is now known as daey
05:02 AM Emil: enhm?
05:02 AM Emil: enhering: so much wasted space
05:02 AM Emil: enhering, really, this is no efficient
08:03 AM abc__: can anyone help me with this problem verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000 0x00 != 0x1d
08:05 AM Haohmaru: when does that happen?
08:06 AM Haohmaru: atmega? during flashing?
08:45 AM * Haohmaru corrupts abc__
10:31 AM Casper: Haohmaru: what have you done? you caused abc__ to delay-crash after not responding!
10:31 AM Haohmaru: >:)
11:01 AM nadder: When an avr chip starts up or is reset, how is it determined where it starts executing, does it default to address 0 but you can configure it to anything?
11:03 AM Emil: nadder: fuses
11:04 AM nadder: Ok.
11:10 AM nadder: It seems it defaults to zero but you can set it to four different start addresses which depend on the chip.
11:14 AM Casper: nadder: there is 2 area
11:14 AM Casper: 0x0000 and bootloader
11:14 AM Casper: it is controlled by the bootloader fuses, which define the reset address
11:15 AM Casper: Some chip have more address than others, due to the flash size. some have no option for it
11:16 AM nadder: Ok, what about the interrupt address table is that always fixed at the start of address space or can that be changed as well?
11:17 AM NoHitWonder^: i dont think you can change that in avrs
11:18 AM NoHitWonder^: 0x0000 is the reset vector where you jump to your program
11:18 AM nadder: Right.
11:21 AM NoHitWonder^: yeah its "predefined" in AVRs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interrupt_vector_table
11:29 AM nadder: ok
11:30 AM Emil: NoHitWonder^: you can edit that table
11:32 AM nadder: You can edit the table but it must reside at the start of memory.
11:32 AM NoHitWonder^: yes
01:22 PM joajjajo: hmm would be able to play my thailand ladyboy sex videos using an avr device or sth?
01:22 PM joajjajo: and if not why do people even use these things
01:28 PM xentrac: at sufficiently low resolution and a sufficiently light codec, probably. I mean I was watching AVI porn on a 286 in the early 90s, and the AVR is roughly comparable in power
01:28 PM joajjajo: lmfao u are a cool dude xentrac
01:28 PM xentrac: file sizes were tiny and porn was hard to acquire, but those aren't because of the processor
01:29 PM xentrac: rossum.posterous.com used to have some demos of stuff not far from that; he built a touchscreen ebook reader around some microcontroller
01:29 PM xentrac: but mostly people use AVRs for things that aren't as computationally demanding as video decoding
01:30 PM joajjajo: right:o
01:30 PM xentrac: controlling a motor, for example, or monitoring a temperature sensor
01:30 PM joajjajo: hmm what was 286 setup? with like a crt monitor or sth?
01:30 PM xentrac: yeah
01:31 PM xentrac: I programmed an AVR to synthesize music in real-time while generating video visualizations of the waveforms with composite video out, but that was a pretty big strain
01:32 PM xentrac: in the early 90s nearly all monitors were CRT :)
01:32 PM joajjajo: wow
01:32 PM xentrac: LCDs were low-resolution, slow, and low contrast, and plasma displays were also low-resolution, and also monochrome
01:33 PM joajjajo: so u made sth like guitar pro software with those windows media player visualization things?:o
01:33 PM joajjajo: :o
01:33 PM xentrac: no, it synthesized the waveform internally: https://github.com/kragen/ar_bytebeat
01:33 PM xentrac: You could do a pretty decent guitar synth though, because the Digitar algorithm is even lighter-weight than the algorithms I was using there
01:34 PM xentrac: I didn't know about it then
01:35 PM joajjajo: ur cool:@
01:35 PM xentrac: Digitar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karplus-Strong
01:36 PM joajjajo: why did u do it? to make music or a project or sth?
01:36 PM xentrac: oh, I was talking with Diego and we decided it would be cool
01:36 PM xentrac: later he incorporated it into a number of pieces he entered into different art shows
01:36 PM joajjajo: lol
01:39 PM xentrac: I appreciate the compliment :)
02:38 PM xentrac is now known as gotoxy
02:38 PM gotoxy is now known as xentrac
07:42 PM JanC_ is now known as JanC
09:18 PM dan3wik is now known as dan2wik
10:33 PM enhering: hi